“isolate” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “isolate”:

+ Brande and Sir Humphrey Davy later used electrolysis on lithium oxide to isolate the element.

+ She watched a hunting group isolate a colobus high in a tree, block all possible exits, then a chimpanzee climbed up and captured and killed the colobus.The Jane Goodall Institute:, 2008.

+ On 14 March 2020, Ardern announced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand that the government would be requiring anyone entering the country from midnight 15 March to isolate themselves for 14 days.

+ They may also be used to isolate electrical loads from the electrical power supply line.

+ Burushaski is a language isolate spoken by some 87,000 Burusho people in the Hunza, Nagar, Yasin, and parts of the Gilgit valleys in the Northern Areas, Pakistan.

isolate use in-sentences
isolate use in-sentences

Example sentences of “isolate”:

+ Many coding errors can be debugged, more easily, by attempting to isolate the code section where coding errors most likely occurred.

+ Nicolae Paulescu, a Romanian professor of physiology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, was the first to isolate insulin.
+ He planned to cross to the south bank of the river, bypassing Richmond, and isolate Richmond by seizing the railroad junction of Petersburg to the south.

+ Many coding errors can be debugged, more easily, by attempting to isolate the code section where coding errors most likely occurred.

+ Nicolae Paulescu, a Romanian professor of physiology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, was the first to isolate insulin.

+ He planned to cross to the south bank of the river, bypassing Richmond, and isolate Richmond by seizing the railroad junction of Petersburg to the south.

+ Pectinases are used commercially to isolate the protoplasts that occur in plants.

+ The pure culture isolate causes death in the healthy turkeys.

+ By partitioning a large device into several partitions it is possible to isolate various types of data from one another, and allow the coexistence of two or more operating systems simultaneously.

+ Hirsch artificially selected for behaviors of interest over many generations, while Benzer used methods to isolate mutants for a particular behavior.

+ A disconnecting switch is an Electrical engineeringelectrical switch used in high-voltage electrical circuits to isolate the section which has electricity from the section with no electricity.

+ Goodall watched a hunting group isolate a colobus high in a tree, block all possible exits, then one chimpanzee climbed up and captured and killed the colobus.The Jane Goodall Institute:, 2008.

+ Bane uses the bomb to hold the city hostage and isolate Gotham from the world.

+ It can be used to isolate certain types of bacteria that it is not toxic to.

+ The Elamite language has no obvious connections with any other, and seems to be a language isolate like Sumerian.

+ He chose to isolate himself from them.

+ Basque is a language isolate since it is not known to have descended from any language family.

+ Mapudungun is a language isolate spoken by Mapuche people, in Chile and Argentina.

+ The social networks isolate people from the reality and they rest alone with their self.

+ Regardless of language, all values provided byscript-title= are wrapped in tags to isolate RTL languages from the English left to right.

+ This obstruction will virtually isolate Bangladesh from the rest of India by the end of 2012.

+ Different actions have been taken to screen the mass population for the virus, and isolate any infected people as well as trace and quarantine those who contacted them, without further lockdown.

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