“showed” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “showed”:

– The 2007 census showed an average annual population growth rate of 1.59% from 2000 to 2007, significantly less than the national average of 2.04%.

– Magnus was an energetic ruler, enacting fundamental land reforms which showed his farsightedness concerning economic and financial matters.

– People said that their live shows were too predictable and that Bono, the singer, used too much echo in his singing, but their playing showed that they could play very well.

– While photographing the city of the settlers, Ricardo showed the inhumanity and cruelty of colonialism.

– The fossils were originally dated as 2100 million years ago, but later research showed the date as about 1874 million years ago.

– Clinical trials with ALS patients showed that riluzole gives a better chance of survival by several months, mainly in those with a hard time swallowing.

showed how to use?
showed how to use?

Example sentences of “showed”:

– Many of the sculptures showed pocessions of figures, but each figure was different from the next, so that they all looked like real “individual” people.

– It showed an edited version in the afternoon and the uncut version in prime time.

– The 2007 census estimate showed 63,535 people living there.

– The term ‘impressionism’ comes from a painting by Claude Monet, which he showed in an exhibition with the name “Impression, soleil levant”.

– Samson’s father Manoah, and his wife had been trying to have a baby for many years when an angel showed up in front of their house.

– He also showed that the force of gravity was affected by distance and by mass.

– Ryu always showed his wish to play in the Major League Baseball.

– The fossilized feathers of “Caihong” showed similarity to a black iridescent color in extant birds.

– The movie showed important ideas of the 21st century such as globalization and genetic engineering.

- Many of the sculptures showed pocessions of figures, but each figure was different from the next, so that they all looked like real "individual" people.

- It showed an edited version in the afternoon and the uncut version in prime time.

– This project made the city more beautiful., It also showed its glory, and gave work to the people.L.

– He showed many human behaviours but he still showed many behaviours associated with dogs, such as fetching a ball, fearing the vacuum cleaner and barking at squirrels.

– Several hundred years ago, the famous scientist Isaac Newton did an experiment where he showed that even white light from the Sun was made up of all the colors of the rainbow.

– The show featured the first television appearance of then 2 year old Tiger Woods who showed off his swing for Bob Hope and James Stewart.

– In this article, he presented the postulates of relativity, derived the Lorentz transformations from them, and also showed how the Lorentz Transformations affect electric and magnetic fields.

– Swammerdam showed that insects develop in the same gradual manner as do other animals.

– In 1972, the District’s Office of Planning and Management wrote an urban renewal plan “to bring life to a declining part of the city.” Titled “New Town for the West End” the aerial photograph on the cover of the study showed the area that was planned to become a “new intown community.” Today, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Residences, the Park Hyatt and Fairmont hotels, numerous luxury condominiums, and several of the city’s best restaurants are in the West End.

More in-sentence examples of “showed”:

- A cladisticscladistic analysis by Xu and his team showed that "Xiaotingia" formed a clade with "Archaeopteryx", the Dromaeosauridae and the Troodontidae.

- In 2020, scientists from the University of Leeds performed an experiment that showed that people who dried their hands with paper towels removed more viruses than people who dried their hands with jet air dryers.

– A cladisticscladistic analysis by Xu and his team showed that “Xiaotingia” formed a clade with “Archaeopteryx”, the Dromaeosauridae and the Troodontidae.

– In 2020, scientists from the University of Leeds performed an experiment that showed that people who dried their hands with paper towels removed more viruses than people who dried their hands with jet air dryers.

– Bruises on Wenjack’s body showed that he fell several times.

– DNA analysis on 29 species showed that “Prionodon” was the sister-group of the family Felidae.

– Paul Cohen showed in the 1960s that the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory cannot be used to prove the continuum hypothesis, either.

– After she died, the English showed people her burnt body so no one could say she had escaped alive.

– When the Earth, Sun, and Venus are most favorably aligned, Shapiro showed that the expected time delay, due to the presence of the Sun, of a radar signal traveling from the Earth to Venus and back, would be about 200 microseconds, well within the limitations of 1960s era technology.

– A poll showed that 63% of Mexicans feared contracting Covid-19 and 25.5% feared dying from it.

– She then appeared in the ten-episode web series “Little Monk”, which showed characters from the series “Monk” as children.

– A study by the “National LGBTQ Task Force” in 2012 showed that nonbinary people are significantly more likely to experience Assaultphysical assault, police harassment, binary peers.

– That character’s story in American television programmes “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” showed him changing from comic relief to a warrior.

– He showed the Broadwick StreetBroad Street pump was the origin of the Soho epidemic, a classic example of epidemiology He used chlorine in an attempt to clean the water and had the pump handle removed.

– Navy carrier aircrews showed skill and tried to do major damage to the Japanese carrier forces.

– According to the Commission report, Osborne’s autopsy showed that “along with well over 50 stab wounds, her skull, cheekbones and palate were broken, her lungs were damaged, and one kidney was torn.

– Torr showed Merrick around the East Midlands, and then Merrick went to London.

– They mostly showed older movies and music videos.

– Mälzel later showed his speaking machines to the researcher and his teenage son.

– And results showed that the presence of a distractor task also eliminated the recency effect.

– They showed Arrigoni with his eyes covered, on a YouTube video, with the text “The Italian hostage entered our land only to spread corruption.” The police went to a building in Gaza where they found Arrigoni’s body.

– Other people disagreed, saying the book showed how complicated things between Native Americans and white settlers were.

– One study from China showed that COVID-19 patients who took hydroxychloroquine got better faster, but the study was not peer reviewed.

– The journey showed how the Bull Boats of the Mandan Indians of North Dakota could have been copied from coracles introduced by Prince Madog in the 12th century.

– Shortly after he became healthy again, Hong read the Old Testament and believed it showed his vision was right.

– Each day Sky One showed a re-enactment of the day’s events in the trial, because cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

– Landis’s test showed a ratio of 11:1.

– Japan first showed interest in Taiwan in the 1870s.

– The preacher said the Bible contained clues that showed God was about to set up a kingdom, or government, over earth.

– A survey done by Wikimedia showed that more people prefer the Vector skin.

– The Bread of the Presence, symbolized a continual offering to God by which Israel showed that she gave to God what she earned with her work, and that everything Israel had received was a blessing of God’s.

– He discovered that seismograms of earthquakes showed two kinds of seismic waves.

– That showed that the town was ready for city status.

– However, wrestling expert Dave Meltzer said only 93,730 people showed up.

– They showed that Sullivan had esophagusesophageal cancer.

– He was known for discovering the Miller–Urey experiment, which showed that complex organic molecules could be synthesised from inorganic precursors.

– The fact that DNA produced a diffraction pattern showed it had a regular structure.

– Even though opinion polling showed that he would win the election, he lost the election to the BC Liberal Party.

– A survey and numerous excavations showed the region was a source of hominin fossils from the last 4.2 million years.

– The initial description of “Incisivosaurus” showed that the skull, about 10cm in length, had the most complete dentition known for any oviraptorosaur.

– Most failed to live up to their candidacy, however, because the absence of lithium showed them to be stellar objects.

– A survey conducted in 2005 showed there were 13 wolf packs, totaling 118 wolves in Yellowstone and 326 in the whole ecosystem.

– Before the election, the government did a census which showed that 8,601 people lived in Kansas.

– The issue was resolved with the large redshift surveys of the late 1970s and early 1980s, which showed a flattened concentration of galaxies along the supergalactic plane.

– His concept of the human shape was low; but he showed some freshness in the contour of incident, though he not unfrequently bordered on coarseness.

– On January 1, 2008 during the 1st intermission of the NHL’s Winter Classic outdoor game in Buffalo, NBC showed a 1 minute and 15 second piece on the movie Slapshot and the Ogilthorpe, Bill Goldthorpe connection to Bob Costas.

– Two separate studies, in 2007 at Hokkaido University and in 2009 at Glasgow University, showed that Japanese and other East Asians read facial expressions by looking mainly at the eyes, and the researchers noted that this is reflected in East Asian emoticons which put emphasis on the eyes, compared to Western emoticons which emote mainly with the mouth.

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