“gut” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “gut”:

+ Von Hase was born in Gut Wangern, Breslau, Kingdom of Prussia.

+ Veins from the gut shunt to the liver before returning to the right atrium and ventricle.

+ Ungulates are typically herbivorous and many use specialised gut flora to digest cellulose.

+ Furthermore, the growth of the gut may stop in some species, preventing them from feeding at all.

+ Research suggests that the relationship between gut flora and humans is not merely commensalismcommensal, and producing hormones to direct the host to store fats.

+ If gravity is also combined with these forces, then the GUT will become the proposed Theory of Everything.

gut use in-sentences
gut use in-sentences

Example sentences of “gut”:

+ This is linked to another under the gut by nerve fibres running down each side of the gut.

+ Firmicutes make up the largest portion of the mouse and human gut microbiome.

+ A “Tylosaurus” specimen contains the bones of a “Hesperornis” in its gut area.

+ Where the drug or metabolite is not freely water soluble, it is normally excreted into the gut via the bile duct from when it is excreted in the faeces.

+ Earthworms are important to the environment, breaking down organic matter and passing it through their gut as newly enriched soil.

+ He orders his men to attack the couple, but Gohan easily gets through them, and destroys Frieza with a Ki Blast and a punch to the gut at the same time.

+ The gut usually has an exit, the anus, by which the animal disposes of solid wastes.

+ The people of Stony Gut lost confidence and trust in the Government, and Bogle’s supporters grew in number in the parish.

+ Ukuleles normally have nylon strings or gut strings.

+ The gut is U-shaped with the anterior mouth at the center of the lophophore.

+ Despite the title, this DVD misses some videos by Thomas Anders: “Heißkalter Engel”, “Es geht mir gut heut’ Nacht”, “Can’t Give You Anything ” and “Soldier”.

+ Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that usually live in the gut of humans and other mammals.

+ They have open circulatory systems and a complete digestive tract but the musculature in their gut is very poorly developed, and food is mostly transported through it by using the cilia that cover its inside surface.

+ The gut contents, wing structures, and mouthparts of fossilized beetles and flies suggest that they acted as early pollinators.

+ Gastrointestinal tract is the term used in zoology for the gut of animals.

+ This is linked to another under the gut by nerve fibres running down each side of the gut.

+ Firmicutes make up the largest portion of the mouse and human gut microbiome.

More in-sentence examples of “gut”:

+ It shows that homosexual behaviour has been observed in close to 1500 species, from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.

+ The discovery of the Higgs Boson and other such recent discoveries will get scientists closer to knowing which GUT is correct, and ultimately know the Theory of Everything.

+ But they help the gut digest the food.

+ The digestive system of “Planaria” consist of a mouth a pharynx and a gut cavity.

+ She was born and raised in London where she studied at the BRIT School before signing with Gut Records.

+ The abdomen of a beetle does not usually have special parts on the outside, but it has the beetle’s gut inside.

+ The gut contents consist of fragments of fibrous or vascular tissuevascular plant tissue, sporangia.

+ They live on the skin, in the saliva and mouth, in the eyes, and in the gut and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract.

+ It is produced by some of the gut flora of herbivores.

+ Other cucumbers, lacking this device, can split their intestinal wall, and spew out their gut and respiratory tree.

+ Many also have a simple gut and a mouth with a radula.

+ Their gut has special adaptations which help their digestion.

+ The greatest threat in the UK is opportunistic bugs which live in the gut such as “E.

+ The large intestine, also called the bowel, Absorbabsorbs water and any other nutrients, as well as vitamins made by the gut flora in the colon.

+ He was called up at the end of the First World War and after the end of the war in 1919 he became a volunteer In 1929 he passed the riding instructor examination at the riding school in Belgard and, after leaving the Reichswehr, went to the private “German riding school” at Gut Düppel in Berlin as a qualified riding instructor.

+ The human gut has more organisms living inside it than there are cells in the human body.

+ Adolfsson “et al.”, “Yogurt and gut function”, “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” 80:2:245-256 and in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

+ The early tied-on gut frets were replaced by built-on ivory or metal frets in the 18th century.

+ A parasitic trematode lives in the gut of songbirds.

+ Shortly after the attack on Poland, Magill received the order to set up SS cavalry squadrons in Gut Düppel and, in September 1939, in ŁódźLodsch in occupied Poland, then two months later in the Lublin district.

+ Some people who have something wrong with their guts get what people call a secondary riboflavin deficiency: even if there is plenty of riboflavin in the food, the sick gut cannot get it out of the food and pass it on to the blood.

+ A large cut was made in the gut after removing the genitalia, and the intestines would be spooled out on a device that resembled a dough roller.

+ These relationships are dynamic, and may continue for millions of years, as has the relationship between flowering plants and insects.The gut contents, wing structures, and mouthparts of fossilized beetles and flies suggest that they acted as early pollinators.

+ Stinging cells Like some others of its kind “Glaucus” does not digest the nematocysts; instead, it uses them to defend itself by passing them from its gut to the surface of its skin.

+ It shows that homosexual behaviour has been observed in close to 1500 species, from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.

+ The discovery of the Higgs Boson and other such recent discoveries will get scientists closer to knowing which GUT is correct, and ultimately know the Theory of Everything.

+ The instrument that resulted was the classical guitar, which is strung with three gut and three metal-spun silk strings.

+ In these cases, like the earthworm, there is a ganglion above the gut at the front.

+ Grand unification theory or GUT is a modelmodel that tries to describe the universe.

+ Hoatzins use bacterial fermentation in the front part of the gut to break down the vegetable material, much as cattle and other ruminants do.

+ He also shook hands with Vince but Vince later kicked Hart in the gut which was part of a storyline.

+ It is a facultative anaerobe commonly found in soil, and is also found in the gut flora.

+ When compared to gut contents and scat from modern herbivorous lizard, emu and goose, this shows “Minmi” had a more sophisticated process for cutting up plant material.

+ As a film buff, I have a gut feeling that movies were an influence here.

+ When Trunks returns with Vegeta and Goku they spot Goku Black nearby, Black goes to their destination which Vegeta turns Super Saiyan Blue and challenge Black to a battle, Black instantly grabs Vegeta’s chin and Vegeta backs off, Vegeta thinks to himself charges at Goku Black with a barrages of punches to no avail Vegeta backs off again and Black kicks Vegeta in the gut which pushes him back.

+ Mycorrhiza in higher plants, and gut flora in insects and vertebrates are examples.

+ The bacteria enter the mouth of a young tube worm, but when the worm gets older its mouth and gut seal up, trapping the bacteria forever.

+ They make use of gut flora, some of which produce an enzyme called cellulase.

+ Phoronids are worm-shaped, but with a gut that loops and exits the body near the mouth.

+ Because GUT models have more dimensions than currently known, there has not been a single GUT.

+ And there’s the gut contents – it’s swallowed another vertebrate.

+ Other animals that eat plant fibres make use of bacteria in their gut to produce the enzyme.

+ The sea anemone’s mouth and gut are in the middle of the oral disk.

+ Two species are regular gut flora organisms in the intestines of humans: “E.

+ A healthy person’s gut can easily take riboflavin from food and pass it on to the blood for the body to use.

+ As with other ankylosaurians, “Minmi” was herbivorous Unlike most herbivorous dinosaurs, there is direct evidence of the diet of “Minmi”: gut contents are known from the well-preserved nearly complete specimen.

+ Acanthocephalans have no gut and absorb nutrients directly from the host’s gut.

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