Some sentences in use of “emission”

How to use in-sentence of “emission”:

– The Harvard system surveyed stars according to the color of light emission and temperature.

– However, hot solid objects surrounded by cooler gasses show a near-continuous spectrum with “dark lines corresponding to the emission lines of the gasses”.Hearnshaw J.B.

– Indeed, two very large nearby galaxies, Maffei 1 and Maffei 2, were discovered in the Zone of Avoidance by Paolo Maffei by their infrared emission in 1968.

– Reflection nebulae and emission nebulae are usually seen together and sometimes are called ‘diffuse nebulae’.

– The radio emission is due to the synchrotron process.

– On the other hand, their spectra had very broad emission lines, unlike any known from stars, hence “quasi-stellar”.

– Proper emission of this invisible metadata requires that a gregorian calendar form be provided, even though properly speaking, gregorian dates did not exist prior to 1582.

Some sentences in use of emission
Some sentences in use of emission

Example sentences of “emission”:

– This emission originates from high-velocity electrons oscillationoscillating in magnetic fields.

– Light and X-ray emission from supernova remnants comes from ionized gas.

– Releasing photons is the “stimulated emission of radiation” part of laser.

– Ejaculation may be painful, as the prostate contracts during emission of semen, although nerve- and muscle-mediated post-ejaculatory pain is more common, and a classic sign of CP/CPPS.

– By some estimates, one percent of global sulfur dioxide emission comes from Norilsk’s nickel mines.

– Isoprene emission may help trees use to combat stress.

– Doctors can check patients for prosopagnosia by using Positron emission tomographyPET and fMRI scans to see if their brain reacts when they see faces.

– The many supernovae produced in the galaxy as well as the strong stellar winds of its stars have produced filaments and bubbles of emission nebulaionized hydrogen with respective sizes of up to 3,700 and 380 light years.

– The second factor of N comes from the reduction of the emission angle associated with these harmonics, which is reduced in proportion to 1/N.

– Later, other sources of radio emission were found.

– The observed structure in radio emission is determined by the interaction between twin relativistic jetjets and the external medium, modified by the effects of relativistic beaming.

- This emission originates from high-velocity electrons oscillationoscillating in magnetic fields.

- Light and X-ray emission from supernova remnants comes from ionized gas.
- Releasing photons is the "stimulated emission of radiation" part of laser.

– Messier 49 has the radio emission of a normal galaxy.

– The Trifid Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius.

– Positron Emission Tomography is a medical imaging technique.

– There is a huge amount of radio emission called synchrotron emission.

– Huggins built his own observatory from where he and his wife looked at spectroscopyspectral emission lines and absorption lines of astronomical objects.

– Also, nocturnal arousal, orgasm or nocturnal emission could be explained by the idea of creatures causing an otherwise guilt-producing and self-conscious behavior.

– The Cave nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Cepheus.

– If accuracy of emission with microformats is a concern, the parameters death date and birth date that are displayed in the article may be provided in julian, and the correct gregorian death date form is provided in the “gregorian” parameter.

– An emission nebula is a cloud of plasma emitting light in many colors.

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