How to use the word “byzantine”

How to use in-sentence of “byzantine”:

Byzantine art means the Christian Greek art of the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire from about the 5th century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

– Empress Theodora, wife of 6th-century Byzantine emperor Justinian is reported by several ancient sources to have started in life as a courtesan and actress who performed in acts inspired from mythological themes and in which she disrobed “as far as the laws of the day allowed”.

– In 1453 the Byzantine Empire collapsed ending the use of their calendar.

– The Romans occupied the area until their fall in the 6th century, but only to be conquered by the Byzantine Empire.

– Duccio painted in the Byzantine artByzantine style, similar to Greek icons.

– Like his father, he attacked Byzantine territories, but was defeated.

– Towards the close of this period Byzantine rule tended more and more to become merely nominal, while the influence of the Republic of Venice increased.

How to use the word byzantine
How to use the word byzantine

Example sentences of “byzantine”:

- Signs of this can be seen in the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD.

- Shpataraku was a painter in the Orthodox tradition of icons and Byzantine church frescoes, active between 1736 and 1767.
- Their daughter was the Byzantine empress Agnes.

– Signs of this can be seen in the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD.

– Shpataraku was a painter in the Orthodox tradition of icons and Byzantine church frescoes, active between 1736 and 1767.

– Their daughter was the Byzantine empress Agnes.

– These buildings have been built during Ottoman period and Byzantine period.

– The military, financial and territorial recovery of the Byzantine Empire known as Komnenian restoration began in his time.

– This makes him the first pope to be the son of a Byzantine official.

– The style, which was called the Byzantine artByzantine style, had also spread to Italy where several Orthodox icons, had become famous and were copied by many artists.

– Later it was the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province during the classic period.

– It was probably written in the 6th century Byzantine Palaestina Prima.

– A proposed alliance with the Eastern Byzantine Empire came to nothing.

– It is based on the Byzantine musical tradition.

– When the Roman Empire fell to invaders in the west, Naples came under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire.

– The Byzantine EmpireByzantines’ influence in the Crusader states was greatest between 1143 and 1169.

– When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Greeks emerged as the ruling class of the Byzantine Empire, and the Greek language became the official language of the empire, which included all the territories around the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

– The Sassanid Empire, which succeeded the Parthian Empire, was recognized as one of the two great powers in Western Asia, alongside the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire, for more than 400 years.

– Successive invasions of Germanic tribes meant the end of the Western Empire in the 5th century, but the Eastern Empire persisted throughout the Middle Ages as the Byzantine Empire.

– GreeceGreek, Turkish and Armenian cuisine both developed from the cookery of the Byzantine Empire.

– The serbian rulers adopted the Byzantine Rite in 870.

– The Orthodox Byzantine Empire was under threat by the Turkic peoplesTurks, who were invading Anatolia and established the mighty Sultanate of Rum, whose name expressed succeeding to the ‘ Roman’ empire.

– Giotto, who is thought of as the first Renaissance painter, was educated by Cimabue, one of the great masters of the Late Byzantine style.

More in-sentence examples of “byzantine”:

Byzantine architecture is the architecturearchitectural style of the Byzantine Empire.

– The Byzantine Empire survived and with the help of the Europeans took back half of Turkey from the Turks, with the other half remaining under the Turks.

– List of Byzantine EmperorsEmperor commissioned his city prefect Longinus to build it.”The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian”, ed.

– Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, did not get invaded by the Ottomans until 1453.

– After the fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine empire, many refugees escaped to Western Europe and helped create humanism.

– After that, the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages is sometimes named the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantine Empire.

– For several centuries, the Byzantine navy used the descendants of the Mardaites, who were settled in southern Anatolia and Greece, as marines and rowers for its ships.

– The Holy Land had been part of the Roman Empire, and thus Byzantine Empire, until the Islamic conquests of the seventh and eighth centuries.

– The facade was completely destroyed by a later earthquake, likely in the late Byzantine period.

– In Byzantine art, angels and eunuchs were often shown in a similar light and manner.

– After 1025, the Arabs were no longer a threat to the Byzantine Empire.

– It is said to have contributed to the fall of the Byzantine Empire, because it killed farmers and caused famine.

– The island had neither political nor military significance in Byzantine times, although Alexius I Comnenus founded the church of the Panagia Episkopi at Gonia.

– Later, the Byzantine Empire ruled the city.

– However, decade categories were not merged for the Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire.

– By the early 10th century Kievan Rus were serving in the Byzantine army.

– Though Charles preferred the title “Emperor, king of the Franks and Lombards”, as he did not want to get in conflict with the Byzantine Empire, the Frankish Empire became the successor of the Roman Empire.

– Bernat de Rocafort offered the Company’s services to Charles of Valois to strengthen his claim to the Byzantine Empire and whom the House of BarcelonaCount of Barcelona had expelled from Sicily before founding the Company in a dynastic war for the Crown of Aragon.

– Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos or Dragaš Palaeologus was the last Byzantine Emperor from 6 January 1449 to 29 May 1453.

– A large number of people known as the Turks rode on horseback from central Asia and attacked the Byzantine Empire.

– Western Armenia was part of Byzantine rule, whilst Eastern Armenia was part of the Sassanids.

– In the 9th century, the Byzantine Empire brought Christianity to Macedonia.

– After the re-conquest of Sicily the Byzantine EmpireByzantine province of Calabria and the coast of Italy and France were.

– After the death of Justinian, Greek became the official language of the Byzantine government.

– The working group concluded that the city was founded in 952 on the basis of the treatise of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus “On the management of the empire”, as the first written mention of the settlement on both banks of the Dnieper and the island of Khortytsia.

– The Arab conquests brought about the collapse of the Sassanid Empire and a great territorial loss for the Byzantine Empire.

– They had trade routes that connected Dark AgesDark Age Europe with rich Arab Caliphates and the Byzantine Empire.

– From late antiquity to the late Middle Ages it was the second most important city of Byzantine Empire.

– In the Middle Ages the Albanians were ruled by many foreign countries, including the Byzantine EmpireByzantine and Venetian Empires and during the 16th century resistance to the Ottoman Empire’s rule was led by the Albanian national hero “Skanderberg” but his real name was Gjergj Kastrioti.

– Later it came under Byzantine rule.

– John, the Byzantine Emperor was moving against Antioch.

– Literacy was much higher in the Byzantine Empire than in Western Europe.

– The Byzantine Empire was the name of the eastern remnant of the Roman Empire which survived into the Middle Ages.

– Later in Roman history, during the medieval Byzantine period, the emperor Basil II was said to have stockpiled the legendary amount of 200,000 talents of gold which, in modern terms, would be worth approximately $280,023,314,760 USD.

– Even after the Bagratid Armenian Kingdom was created, parts of historic Armenia and Armenian-inhabited areas were still under Byzantine rule.

– Toma of Suceava’s painting departs from the canons of Byzantine art, instead the influence of the Italian Renaissance are brought to the surface through his rendition of humanized characters.

– The Ottomans were commanded by 21-year-old Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, who defeated an army commanded by Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos.

– The other half of the Roman Empire became known as the Eastern Roman Empire, later known as the Byzantine Empire.

– In later centuries SaracenSaracens fought against the Byzantine Greeks, and Normans ruled it for a few centuries.

– The building is of Byzantine architecture style with strong elements of Art Deco.

– Turning his attention to the Balkans in 1081, Guiscard gained a great victory over the Byzantine EmpireByzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus at Durazzo.

– In the medieval era, Naxos was under the Byzantine rule and afterwards under the Venetian rule.

– After a great earthquake in 989 destroyed the dome of Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine EmpireByzantine officials sent Trdat to Byzantium to organize repairs.

– Duccio was one of the greatest painters in the Byzantine style in Italy at the time.

– The Gorgon image remained popular even in Christian times, especially in the Byzantine Empire, including Kievan Rus.

– The peninsula was part of the Byzantine Empire.

- Byzantine architecture is the architecturearchitectural style of the Byzantine Empire.

- The Byzantine Empire survived and with the help of the Europeans took back half of Turkey from the Turks, with the other half remaining under the Turks.
- List of Byzantine EmperorsEmperor commissioned his city prefect Longinus to build it."The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian", ed.

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