“appeal to” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “appeal to”:

+ Wishing wells, footbridges, and other objects that appeal to children may also be featured.

+ Rankin’s warm singing style and his soft, nylon-stringed guitar sound might suggest an artist more attuned to the supper-club circuit than the jazz arena, but his work contains many touches that appeal to the jazz audience, especially as he introduced more “standards” from the 30s and 40s into his performances.

+ He is also known onstage for wearing bizarre, erotic costumes that largely appeal to the audience.

+ Before a batter can be dismissed lbw, the fielding team must appeal to the umpire.

+ Condorcet methods tend to encourage the selection of broadly supported candidates who appeal to the median voter.

+ The single “Now You’re Gone”, which uses the same music as “Boten Anna”, was originally recorded by Mental Theo and sung by Sebastian Westwood but in 2007, Basshunter recorded a shorter version of “Now You’re Gone” to appeal to international audiences.

+ These countries call it an appeal to “The Queen in Council”.

appeal to some example sentences
appeal to some example sentences

Example sentences of “appeal to”:

+ The ethics of communism still appeal to me.

+ Large coalition governments are governments that force leaders to appeal to large amounts of people to take power, such as through an election.

+ Some popular examples of the appeal to nature can be found on labels and advertisements for food, clothing, and health products.

+ Ringo Starr made a personal appeal to the BBC to show “Magical Mystery Tour” again, in full colour.

+ When the editors could not update the magazine to appeal to enough people, “Mademoiselle” stopped printing.

+ This dates back to an ancient right of the Manx to appeal to the Crown of England against the decisions of the Lord of Mann.

+ Several critics also recognized the film’s ability to appeal to various age groups, specifically children and adults.

+ The ethics of communism still appeal to me.

+ Large coalition governments are governments that force leaders to appeal to large amounts of people to take power, such as through an election.

+ The opposite of appeal to novelty is appeal to tradition.

+ The opposite of an appeal to tradition is an appeal to novelty, claiming something is good because it is “new”.

+ The European Court of Human Rights refused to acknowledge that the European Convention on Human Rights provided a right to die, and her appeal to that court also failed.

+ In keeping with their target market of young males, Red Bull has also enlisted help from celebrities, such as Eminem that would appeal to this group.

+ Unless their case involves one of those five issue issues, people who want a trial court’s decision reviewed must appeal to the Missouri Court of Appeals.

More in-sentence examples of “appeal to”:

+ They also claim that primitivists use the appeal to nature fallacy often.

+ Therefore, the appeal to authority is not a generally strong argument for proving facts.

+ They also claim that primitivists use the appeal to nature fallacy often.

+ Therefore, the appeal to authority is not a generally strong argument for proving facts.

+ Toad appeal to the official Tiger who orders the Catfish imprisoned.

+ By that time, it’ s been a year  since Tomislav wrote his appeal to the Gornjak monastery, now he came to the abbot asking to become  a novice.

+ Independent movies often tell more creative or unusual stories, or may have sad endings that do not appeal to the big studios, because they can not be sure how the public will react to them.

+ Disraeli invented the idea of “One Nation” conservatism, designed to appeal to all ranks in society.

+ Reviewers liked the film for its computer animation, voice cast, and ability to appeal to numerous age groups.

+ This option was to appeal to the United States Supreme Court, but to do this, they would need more lawyers, and that would be expensive.

+ In 2002 he was convicted on charges of war crimes against Bosniaks loyal to the Bosnian government by a court in Croatia and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, which was later reduced on appeal to 15 years by the Supreme Court of Croatia.

+ The Constitution empowers the President to dissolve the National Assembly in his discretion if a situation has arisen in which the Government of the Federation cannot be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and an appeal to the electorate is necessary.

+ An example of a good appeal to authority is if a someone says “I need to take my medicine.

+ Argument from authority or appeal to authority is a form of argument or reasoning that could become a fallacy if it is misused.

+ An actor may appeal to logos by presenting logical or well-rounded arguments, may cite important information, or may refer to historical analogies for explanations and proof.

+ The Evoque is designed to appeal to urban buyers.

+ Despite its big Commercecommercial success, Siren Song of the Counter Culture is not Rise Against’s highest charting album on the Billboard 200, peaking at number 136; subsequent albums The Sufferer The Witness and Appeal to Reason both charted higher, peaking at number 10 and number 3.

+ If someone wants to appeal a decision that one of these courts made, they would have to appeal to the Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

+ After the American Revolutionary War, the Articles of Confederation allowed states to appeal to Congress to settle disputes between the states over boundaries or “any cause whatever”.

+ The aim of the Wii was to appeal to people who hadn’t played video games before, and to do this they needed a game that let both experienced and new players play in a fun way.

+ The movie is a version of Shakespeare’s play designed to appeal to a younger modern audience.

+ I also appeal to reinstall the article in Un deletion page.Today I saw that my appeal was reviewed by Admin Graeme Bartlett at 16.00 hours and he reinstall the article Aminur Rahman,Khosru at 6-20 A.M.Right after that Admin Future perfect at Sunrise went to article Operation Jackpot at 6.27 and changed the whole article Operation Jackpot brought back the article Operation Jackpot to the Edit of May 2012.He did this very intentionally,as he have seen Article Aminur Rahman;khosru is again been reinstalled and as he has seen that many references of Article Aminur Rahman,Khosru is refered from Operation Jackpot so he immediately decided to revert the operation jackpot to previous Edit and Admin Futperf at Sunrise at once re deleted the whole content of the Article Aminur Rahman,Khosru,which was reinstalled through an appeal by Admin Graeme Bartlett today.

+ If someone wants to appeal a decision that one of these courts made, they would have to appeal to the Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit.

+ They are normally not allowed to appeal to angels as a link between God and his people.

+ The Refugee and Migrant Centre of Wolverhampton persuaded her MP, Emma Reynolds, to stop the deportation at the last minute to allow Wilson more time to appeal to the Home Office.

+ This is often combined with an appeal to the people of the city to give money or gifts to help the poor and needy.

+ They wanted to create a program that would appeal to entire families, not just children.

+ These cultivars are less attractive to gardeners growing the flowers as ornamental plants, but appeal to farmers, because they reduce bird damage and losses from some plant diseases.

+ On February 5, 2008, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Tsuburaya Productions of Japan after they made an appeal to the initial ruling.

+ This is a hard appeal to be silent.

+ Worried that the game series could lose its appeal to video game players if it did not change the game series much, Capcom hired a British game developer named Ninja Theory to reboot the game series with “DmC: Devil May Cry”.

+ Disraeli wanted it to appeal to working class men as a solution to worsening divisions in society.

+ In the Nixon years, there was a shift to appeal to the implicit racial biases of white voters that did not like the civil rights movement of the 1960’s in what is called The Southern Strategy.

+ Mr Mahomed’s plan had been to serve “Indianised” British food which would appeal to the Indian aristocracy in London as well as British people who had returned from India, he said.

+ You can then appeal to this administrator to be unblocked.

+ The “grandfather” character was added to appeal to older viewers.

+ Modern mosques should appeal to the community they serve.

+ Sauces are not normally eaten by themselves; they add flavour, moisture, and visual appeal to another dish.

+ I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence our National Union, and the perpetuity of popular government; and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.

+ The body shapes, colors and other cues are designed to appeal to a particular sex.

+ In an interview, Jason Lytle tell why the band name got their name Grandaddy; They realized that they are too ugly to seduce young women, so they try to appeal to old women, just like Morrissey.

+ Marvel Comics and DC Comics began making their action figures to appeal to kids favorite superheroes.

+ The town is dominated with little shops, with very few franchised businesses in the town; which sells irregular consumer items like British merchandise, local souvenirs and T-shirts that appeal to young tourists.

+ More recently, the intelligent design movement has taken an anti-evolution position which avoids any direct appeal to religion.

+ This movie style is used very often in South Indian films as it helps make the movies appeal to more viewers.

+ Yet it also had an element of absurdism….which gave it an appeal to younger viewers.

+ There is generally no right of appeal to the Supreme Court.

+ The distributor appealed the NC-17 rating decision, though they lost the appeal to get the rating lowered to an R rating.

+ Another name is appeal to hypocrisy.

+ In addition to his large following among blacks, King had a powerful appeal to liberal Northerners that helped him influence national public opinion.

+ If someone who went to a trial court thinks that court made the wrong decision, they can appeal to an appellate court.

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