“dominant” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “dominant”:

– The most dominant Drivers’ Champion in terms of points scored is Jim Clark.

– Market forces are perhaps more dominant in the United States, while tradition, social structure and seniority, perhaps play a greater role in Japan.

– Bush, the country took on a global dominant role worldwide, as in the Gulf War.

– In mosses and their relatives, the haploid gametophyte is the dominant generation, and the diploid sporophytes are sporangium-bearing stalks growing from the gametophytes.

– He was the dominant “yokozuna” in sumo during the 1970s.

– A glove is worn on the non-dominant hand, leaving the dominant hand for throwing the ball; for example, a right-handed player would wear a glove on the left hand.

dominant - some sentence examples
dominant – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “dominant”:

– The city’s dominant natural feature is Table Mountain, a mountain with a flat top.

– The dominant Sinhalese people are just under 75% of the population.

– It suggests the new forms are not yet dominant in the ecology of their time, and their populations are relatively small.

– While death growls were dominant on the early albums, later releases used more clean vocals, such the 2003 release “Damnation” which had only clean singing.

– The carved life size figures of the duke and duchess were done in Spanish fashion which was the dominant style at that time.

– Albanian: Korreshi was the dominant tribe of Mecca upon the appearance of the religion of Islam.

– The dominant female lays her eggs first, and when it is time to cover them for incubation she discards extra eggs from the weaker females, leaving about 20 in most cases.

– He was the dominant driver of his era, winning two World Championships, in 1963 and 1965.

– Khas are most dominant faction in Nepal.

– He transformed France into the dominant nation in Europe, expanded its boundaries, and left his heirs secure in their possessions.

– The groups are based on a family, a group of families, or females ‘owned’ by a dominant male, together with offspring.

- The city's dominant natural feature is Table Mountain, a mountain with a flat top.

- The dominant Sinhalese people are just under 75% of the population.
- It suggests the new forms are not yet dominant in the ecology of their time, and their populations are relatively small.

– Azerbaijan is a one-party dominant state, meaning that is a system of majority rule where one political party, in this case the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, has successively won election victories by a very large majority and is therefore the dominant ruling party, which does not have to form coalitions with other smaller political parties as a result.

– It is in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left.

– Overall, the international spandex industry has shifted eastward in the last few decades as China has risen to the fore as the dominant manufacturing power in the world.

– It is a dominant and genetic trait, and found in people of all ethnic groups.

– The music stalwart that he is, Emu has an uncanny knack for orchestrating memorable music which is dominant in Fuzon’s gilt-edged.

– By the Triassic period, seed ferns had declined, and modern gymnosperm groups were abundant and dominant to the Upper Cretaceous, when angiosperms radiated.

– Indie however was still the dominant force, but the rise of new British bands would become something the paper would focus more and more upon.

– In the South, the party did not focus on anti-Catholicism, but was the main alternative to the dominant Democratic Party.

– The second movement is in the key of G major, the dominant key of C major.

More in-sentence examples of “dominant”:

– Singapore has never had a dominant culture to which immigrants could assimilate even though Malay was the dominant language at that time.

– As a cultural expression, it is the result of a long process of acculturation between indigenous peoples and Europeans, and it is one of the richest expressions of miscegenation and of syncretism, in which the participation of the vanquished Indian is seemingly of minor importance as compared to the dominant European contribution.

– Covered in 72,000 gold pieces and surrounded by walls of light blue tiles, the dome was a dominant feature of the Samarra skyline.

– It has become a dominant species on Santa Cruz Island, taking over from the shrub Miconia and Fern-Sedges.

– Due to people migrating to different provinces in pursuit for work, there is always a chance you’ll find multiple languages spoken in certain regions however a dominant language with respect to that province will prevail.

– The two most dominant ones are the National Democratic Congress and the New Patriotic Party.

– The one-party dominant state differs from a one-party state, because opposition parties against the dominant ruling party are allowed, but have no real chance of gaining power.

– Much of Cavan’s land is clay soils, which are rich in minerals, but heavy and poorly drained, making pasture farming the dominant farming system in the county.

– The beginning part of the B section develops a slightly new musical idea, usually going to the dominant key, to add variation.

– The dominant male will defend the family’s borders against rival prairie dogs, and disputes are resolved by fighting.

– This orthography looked to become dominant for it was used in press and state documents, but a state decree in 1919 decided the dispute by orthography the city name “Curitiba”.

– Intermediate-sized herbivores mostly increase plant diversity by consuming or influencing the dominant plant species, such as herbivore birds, that can directly use dominant plant species.

– Mendes’ dominant directorial style was deliberate and composed; he made extensive use of static shots and slow pans and zooms to generate tension.

– Thus, the entire A section begins and ends in the tonic key with brushes on the dominant here and there.

– The phenotype of the flower will always be red if a dominant B is in the genotype.

– Not, of course, as the dominant religion, but they do survive.

– This is called a one-party dominant state.

– The allele that masks the other is said to be dominant to the latter, and the alternative allele is said to be recessive to the former.

– Unlike more famous cities such as Seoul or Busan, there is a single, homogeneous dominant culture in Daegu – Right-wing orthodox South Korean ultra-conservatives.

– In the United States and Canada, redlining is the process of denying services to residents of specific, often racially dominant neighborhoods or communities, either directly or through the selective raising of prices.

– Antigua and Barbuda has a two-party system, which means that there are two dominant political parties, with extreme difficulty for anybody to achieve electoral success under the banner of any other party.

– This is when the dominant allele is not completely dominant over the recessive allele.

– Some third parties also hope that the party can slowly build its support and eventually become one of the dominant parties, as the Labour Party did in Britain.

– It is one of the mountains of Chūbu-Sangaku National Park with the dominant peak of the Tateyama mountain range.

– He returned in 2000, finishing fourth with Emmanuel Clerico and Olivier Grouillard for the Pescarolo team behind the three dominant Audis.

– They are dominant in Guruvayur and Chavakkad, in good in numbers Kodungalloor, Kaipamangalam and Nattika areas Sunnis are the major section in Muslim community.

- Singapore has never had a dominant culture to which immigrants could assimilate even though Malay was the dominant language at that time.

- As a cultural expression, it is the result of a long process of acculturation between indigenous peoples and Europeans, and it is one of the richest expressions of miscegenation and of syncretism, in which the participation of the vanquished Indian is seemingly of minor importance as compared to the dominant European contribution.

– Instead, the Viking age is said to have ended with the establishment of royal authority in the Scandinavian countries and the adoption of Christianity as the dominant religion.

– It was a typical representative of the Gorgonopsia, the dominant predators of their day, which in the largest forms grew to over four meters long.

– They were the dominant predators in South America during the Cainozoic, from 62–2 million years ago.Blanco R.E.

– Tamil is the dominant language in Tamil Nadu, India, and Northern Province, Sri Lanka.

– The Congolese-Bakongo tribes has had the most dominant culteral impact in the Dominican today.

– While the ancient religion still echoed through the arts, Theravada Buddhism, which spread from Sri Lanka, had become the dominant faith throughout most of the kingdoms of continental Southeast Asia.

– In other cases, apart from the government candidates, only candidates from smaller allied parties and “independent” candidates who are closely allied to the dominant ruling party, get an overwhelming advantage.

– They suspected that the ear mutation was from a dominant allele.

– Like the A section, it begins in the tonic key of G major, and modulates to the dominant key of D major at the end of the first 8 bars.

– This war was significant because it allowed Russia to become the dominant power in Northeastern Europe, instead of Sweden.

– The Medusa medusa form is the dominant life form, as opposed to the polyp.

– The office is the single most dominant political office in the country.

– Today, the descendants of the survivors live on Indian reservations or are part of the dominant Brazilian society.

– Goldman Sachs argues that the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India and China is such that they could become among the four most dominant economies by the year 2050.

– Most pygmy marmosets lives in troops of two to nine individuals, with a dominant male, a breeding female, and up to four successive litters of offspring.

– With this lifestyle or context, one of the two people has the dominant role.

– In the 1920s, the Vietnamese alphabet became the country’s dominant writing system.

– In 1463 the town became part of the Ottoman Empire and Islam was to become the dominant religion of the region.

– The basic blues only needs 3 chords, one based on the first note of the scale scale – the tonic chord, one based on the fourth note of the scale – the subdominant chord, and one based on the fifth note of the scale – the dominant chord.

– It emerged as the main opposition to the dominant Congress in four states—Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Orissa.

– Teleosts are the dominant fish of the present day.

– The labyrithodonts were some of the dominant animals from the Devonian to the Lower Triassic.

– A short while after the famous opening theme comes a second theme which is more graceful and in D major, the dominant key of G major.

– In this case opposition parties against the dominant ruling party are allowed, but have no real chance of gaining power.

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