“greenhouse” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “greenhouse”:

– This increased rainfall may have reduced greenhouse gas levels.

– Also plug-in hybrids produced substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions than either conventional gasoline cars or unplugged hybrids.

– It was kept alive in a greenhouse for 41 months.

– The most important greenhouse gas that humans add to the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which is now about 0.04% of the atmosphere.

– The fuels used in these kind of power stations are fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, which when burnt give off carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas.

– Among the greenhouse gases, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming, as predicted by Svante Arrhenius a hundred years ago, confirming the work of Joseph Fourier more than 200 years ago.

greenhouse use in sentences
greenhouse use in sentences

Example sentences of “greenhouse”:

- This is because it has no greenhouse effect, so any heat that the Sun gives to it quickly escapes into space.

- Arrhenius thought of a theory to explain the ice ages, and in 1896 he was the first scientist to think that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could make a big change to the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.
- It also reduces greenhouse pollution and helps reduce crude oil imports.

– This is because it has no greenhouse effect, so any heat that the Sun gives to it quickly escapes into space.

– Arrhenius thought of a theory to explain the ice ages, and in 1896 he was the first scientist to think that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could make a big change to the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.

– It also reduces greenhouse pollution and helps reduce crude oil imports.

– This is called the greenhouse effect and that article explains more about it.

– The first way is to look at the temperature measurements made each year since 1750 and compare them with measurements of how much greenhouse gas was in the atmosphere at the same time.

– The purpose of this assignment is to see how her family can reduces the emissions of greenhouse gas to reach the provincial goal of 33 percent reduction.

– Most refrigerants also increase global warming because they are powerful greenhouse gasses.

– In particular, Chalcolithic people buried their dead in burial caves like Grotte des Enfants and Hole Roland, as well as under mounds, such as that of Greenhouse Aurouze.

– Many people have tried to get countries to emit less greenhouse gases.

– At a conference in 2004, scientists warned that the rainforest will no longer be able to absorb the millions of tons of greenhouse gases annually, as it usually does, because of the increased speed of rainforest destruction.

– The countries’ leaders say that changing their use of greenhouse gases will make their people lose jobs.

– The IPCC also supports other activities, such as the Data Distribution Centre and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme.

– As of February 2009, 183 countries have agreed to follow the Kyoto Protocol, who make up for more than 55% of the greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere.

– Jules Charles built the first modern greenhouse in Holland.

– Jorgenson supports carbon tax on greenhouse gas emissions as a means of reducing global warming.

– This effect is called the greenhouse effect and it is very strong on Venus.

– Other greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbon and ozone.

– The day after, she instructed an assistant to hire electricians to install security lighting and motion censors on a greenhouse above the garage of the Cobains’ home.

– This is thought to reflect larger amounts of greenhouse gases than later in Earth history.

– This cooling effect may cover the effect of greenhouse gases caused by global warming.

More in-sentence examples of “greenhouse”:

– The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases; the most important greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

– In 2001, Elon Musk proposalproposed a project to land a small greenhouse to grow plants on Mars.

– But after 600 million to several billion years, a greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of the water, which made lots of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.

– Most greenhouse gases are natural – water vapor is the most common, and causes most of the greenhouse effect on Earth.

– The greenhouse effect is natural.

– This release of carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

– However, it is also possible that there was a 250 million year lull in Volcanovolcanic activity, resulting in lower carbon dioxide levels and so reduced greenhouse effect.

– CFCs are also greenhouse gases.

– This makes the greenhouse effect, which means that the carbon dioxide makes the earth warmer, like a greenhouse.

– The major problem is the greenhouse gas.

– Bernard Greenhouse taught at the Julliard and Manhattan schools of music in New York and at several other music schools in the USA.

– In 2008, another greenhouse was built to research, shelter and reproduction of Brazilian living plants – and in danger of extinction – and Brazilian native ornamental plants.

– Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

– This is making the global warmingplanet’s average temperature rise by increasing the greenhouse effect.

– Because of the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s actual average temperature is 14 degrees Celsius.

– In Lovelock’s 2006 book, “The Revenge of Gaia”, he argues that the destruction of rainforests weakens Gaia’s capacity to control greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

– A greenhouse has a transparent glass or plastic roof and walls that let sunlight in.

– It is a strong greenhouse gas.

– Compared to other non-renewable sources of energy, coal is inefficient and produces high amounts of greenhouse gases.

– This makes the planet become warmer, similar to the way it makes a greenhouse become warmer.

– It drives the carbon cycle, which influences global climate via the greenhouse effect.

– Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it has caused the planet to warm over the past 150 years.

– Water vapour is a big cause of the greenhouse effect.

– Some people think that too much carbon dioxide in the air may cause a greenhouse effect.

– It was meant to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to below their levels in 1990.

– The greenhouse effect was first proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824.

– Human beings have been releasing a lot of greenhouse gases, which have been making the earth warmer.

– He has an interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

– Tropical deforestation is responsible for about 20% of world greenhouse gas emissions.

– For example the warmth Evaporationevaporates more water from the sea, and this water vapor is itself a greenhouse gas, which makes the Earth even warmer.

– It was called this because of the city’s large greenhouse industry.

– Mars, Venus and other planets with atmospheres also have greenhouse effects.

– Once the portal of entry, may be seen extensive gardens in the French style in the middle of fountains, waterfalls and lakes, and the main greenhouse of 458 square meters, which holds in its interior, copies plants characteristic of tropical regions.

– However, a greenhouse effect can help heat the surface up, and make it warmer.

– The problem is that recently, the greenhouse effect has become stronger.

– Without greenhouse gases, life as we know it would probably not be possible on Earth, because heat is important for life.

– As a result, if humans continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, ocean life will be in severe danger.

– The burning of most substances is bad for the environment and the ozone layer because it can let off Greenhouse gasgreenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

– The harvesting of bio gas is an important role of waste management because methane is a greenhouse gas with a greater global warming potential than carbon dioxide.

– The first section of the building is a greenhouse that simulates the sights and sounds of a freshwater swamp, tropical hammock and coastal wetland mangrove wetlands.

– Making liquid fuels from oil sands requires much energy and produces 12 percent more greenhouse gases per barrel of final product than production of traditional oil.

– The gas produced by cows digestion also causes global warming, because it contains a greenhouse gas called methane.

– A greenhouse gas is a gas which reflects infrared radiationradiation that the Earth emits, and stops it from being lost into space.

– In 1859 he proved the connection between atmospheric CO and what is now known as the greenhouse effect.

– This is why more greenhouse gases cause climate change and global warming.

– It is different from a low carbon diet which is done by choosing what to eat to reduce greenhouse gas discharge.

- The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases; the most important greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

- In 2001, Elon Musk proposalproposed a project to land a small greenhouse to grow plants on Mars.

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