“quill” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “quill”:

– The Secretaries of the order, the priories, and the commanderies also wear the badge superimposed upon two goose quill pens embroidered saltire-wise in white silk.

– Chiappe maintained that “Rahonavis” could probably fly, noting that its ulna was large and robust compared to “Archaeopteryx”, and that this fact, coupled with the prominent quill knobs, suggest that “Rahonavis” had larger and more powerful wings than that earlier bird.

– Feather quill knobs in the dinosaur Velociraptor.

– Skeletal evidence would be the presence of quill knobs.

– A quill pen is the feather of a bird, usually a goose.

– In those days pens were made from a quill that was cut with a pen-knife on the end.

quill in sentences?
quill in sentences?

Example sentences of “quill”:

- The writing styles which developed with quill pens used thick and thin strokes.

- While direct feather impressions are only possible in fine-grained sediments, some fossils found in coarser rocks show evidence of feathers by the presence of quill knobs, the attachment points for wing feathers possessed by some birds.
- A quill pen is a tool used for writing, made from a flight feather of a large bird.

– The writing styles which developed with quill pens used thick and thin strokes.

– While direct feather impressions are only possible in fine-grained sediments, some fossils found in coarser rocks show evidence of feathers by the presence of quill knobs, the attachment points for wing feathers possessed by some birds.

– A quill pen is a tool used for writing, made from a flight feather of a large bird.

– There is even been some doubt that the forearm material, which includes the quill knobs, belongs with the rest of the skeleton.

– Such papers use the quill rather rapidly.

– In September 2007 researchers found quill knobs on the forearm of a “Velociraptor” found in Mongolia.

– Nauka Moscow, 1981 Kurzanov, in 1987, also reported the presence of quill knobs,Kurzanov S.M.

– The dromaeosaurids “Rahonavis” and “Velociraptor” have both been found with quill knobs, showing that these forms had feathers despite no impressions having been found.

– Reed and quill pens are “dip pens” because they have to be dipped in ink many times during writing or drawing.

– The quill pen was cut by a knife to give the slanting nib at the writing end.

– At first they were quill pens made of the stem of a pigeon feather.

– It was a Quill Award nominee.

– A quill pen was used for the text and figure outlines.

– Animals who try to eat porcupines have been known to die because of quill penetrating traumapenetration and infection.

– If a quill becomes put in the tissues of an attacker, the barbs act to pull the quill farther into the tissues with the normal muscle movements of the attacker, moving up to many millimeters in a day.

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