“angry with” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “angry with”:

+ Anne and the rest of Mary’s family were angry with her.

+ The people became angry with the Tsar, because he had made very strict rules which took away the rights of the serfs.

+ When they were angry with each other, they wrote operas with other people, but those operas did not make as much money as the operas they wrote together.

+ Every time he comes he gets more angry with you.

+ The meeting hall of the Estates General had been locked accidentally, but the Third Estate thought that this was an invasion of their rights, and were very angry with the king.

angry with - some sentence examples
angry with – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “angry with”:

+ Jack eventually gets angry with Ralph and goes and forms his own tribe.

+ Buttercup is sad and angry with Humperdinck when she learns that he has not tried to find Westley.

+ Elizabeth was angry with this and put both Edward and Katherine in prison.

+ It is a messenger from Neptune, who is angry with Idomeneo.

+ The sermon talks about God being angry with people for sinful behavior, and throwing them into the fires of Hell as a punishment.

+ Other people in the stories often become angry with Socrates because of this.

+ Those pages were lost, and Joseph told Martin that God was very angry with them.

+ The 1857 War of Independence in Murree, part of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and the colonial government of British India The local tribes had become angry with the British ever since the British had started their colonial rule in the area.

+ The next morning, it turns out Santa never came, and soon, everyone becomes angry with SpongeBob.

+ He took this very hard, and was angry with Cassady.

+ Guiteau shot Garfield after being angry with him about not receiving credit for Garfield’s victory in 1880 after he wrote a speech about Garfield but never made the speech.

+ Scar, in the Elephant Graveyard, is angry with the hyenas because they did not kill Simba.

+ He was angry with his father for not getting a knowledge fruit.

+ Once Williams got angry with Disney for using his voice as the Genie in “Aladdin” to sell merchandise for the movie.

+ Jack eventually gets angry with Ralph and goes and forms his own tribe.

+ Buttercup is sad and angry with Humperdinck when she learns that he has not tried to find Westley.

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