“this time” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “this time”:

– Welcome to another QandA column! This time I interview Yotcmdr! Lets read all about him…

– In this time Austria reached the third place in the FIFA World Cup 1954 the best place an Austrian team reached ever.

– Jezebel got angry, and sent a message to Elijah that “by this time of the day tomorrow” she would make his “life like that of one of them”, referring to the prophets of Baal.

– During this time he was being sponsored by Alexander Popham, a member of the Parliament.

– During this time he was also Prime Minister of IsraelPrime Minister from January 26, 1954 to November 3, 1955, succeeding fellow party member David Ben-Gurion.

– When the German Empire was created Wiechmann sent a second barrel but this time asked to name the herrings after him.

– New Jersey was part of the area known at this time as New Netherland.

– This will help employers figure out how much hearing protection they will need to keep their workers safe as well as be able to compare the hearing level of the workers at this time to hearing levels later on.

this time use in sentences
this time use in sentences

Example sentences of “this time”:

– George worked for Barrett at around this time but was not involved in design or engineering duties.

– By this time Germany had paid one eighth of the sum required under the Treaty of Versailles.

– The record attendance at this time was 10,366 in a match against Sheffield Wednesday in a second round FA Cup match in 1908.

– He worked there until 1986 and during this time was a regular visitor to the California Institute of Technology, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the University of California, in Berkeley where he worked as a visiting professor.

– It was around this time that the teenaged Popeye started embracing a chivalrous oath of gallantry, possibly due to the mature nature of his shipmates, with him often refusing to involve himself in the haughty and lewd conversations they had about fair maidens.

– Newspapers and police in London around this time started to get taunting letters.

– Paper did not exist in Europe at this time and vellum or parchment were very expensive and could not be made in large sizes.

– On 27 March 2011, Russia switched to daylight saving time permanently, so this time zone was at UTC+12:00 and when Russia switched to permanent standard time on 26 October 2014, this time zone was re-introduced.

– However, this time the player must help Cranky by bringing the purple poisonous water into his lair to melt algae that is covering his food.

– At this time Wilberforce House was built.

– Leonardo at this time was in his sixties, Michelangelo was middle-aged.

- George worked for Barrett at around this time but was not involved in design or engineering duties.

- By this time Germany had paid one eighth of the sum required under the Treaty of Versailles.
- The record attendance at this time was 10,366 in a match against Sheffield Wednesday in a second round FA Cup match in 1908.

– Grover is undercover once again, this time at a military school, where he discovers two children, Nico and Bianca di Angelo, that he suspects are half-bloods.

– It was at this time that Johnson was teamed up with crew chief Chad Knaus who he still works with today.

– At this time the capacity was around 18,000 but was expanded to over 30,000 in 2006 because the ground was used for the Euro 2008.

– Centuries were normally 60 soldiers each at this time in the hastati and principes.

– The powers of the President were never actually given to anyone else during this time through the U.S.

– During this time he became a lecturer at the University of Zürich.

– It was about this time that Dempster became romantically involved with Griffith.

– Derby won the league again in 1974-1975, this time with Dave Mackay as manager.

– During this time they were called the New Orleans / Oklahoma City Hornets.

More in-sentence examples of “this time”:

– By this time Poland was already on the verge of defeat.

– Recorders from this time are called Baroque recorders.

– So many British bands became popular after the Beatles’ success that this time became known in America as the “British Invasion”.

– During all this time the fate of the city has passed between various political and economic forces.

– There were two main political parties during this time period.

– In September 1265 Nicola began work on another a marble pulpit, even grander than the first, this time for Siena Cathedral.

– During this time Prussia founded the North German Confederation.

– Most lutes at this time had seven or eight sets of strings.

– During this time he travelled a lot but hardly composed anything.

– During this time he released “The Girl From the Coast”, another semi-fictional novel based on his grandmother’s own experience.

– At this time he started to write oratorios instead of operas.

– In 402, the capital was again moved, this time to Ravenna.

– It was from this time that Foster started to get regular starts in all the teams he played till now.

– During this time the League of Nations was created, which was made to bring peace to the World, however this league did a bad job in preventing problems with Nazi Germany, which broke its treaty it signed in 1918.

– In 1876, a new contest was held and this time Pierre Cuypers won.

– At this time it hardly had any keys, but over time more keys were added which made it easier to play the sharps and flats.

– If I could delete pages as an admin I think I would neatly fill this time slot gap that I have often noticed.

– During this time he recorded his first two records: “We Won’t Dance” and the critically acclaimed “Everywhere” produced by Stewart Lerman.

– It was at this time that Constable Rob Urbanowski took over the investigation and placed an ad in the local newspaper asking for witnesses to come forward.

– At this time there was usually someone playing the harpsichord.

– The Rays returned to the World Series in 2020 but lost again, this time to the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games.

– At this time he started his own research on the biological foundations of psychoanalysis, later on called “orgonomy”.

– During this time he made the orchestra into one of the best European orchestras.

– At this time each constituency elected two MPs, and there was a property qualification for voters, so only a minority of the male population was enfranchised.

– The name was later renamed again, this time to “Cobh”.

– At this time it was the most popular music in America.

- By this time Poland was already on the verge of defeat.

- Recorders from this time are called Baroque recorders.

– The Japanese troops delivered to Guadalcanal during this time comprised the entire 2nd Infantry Division, two battalions from the 38th Infantry Division, and various artillery, tank, engineer, and other support units.

– The man who led the Volkswagen company during this time was Heinz Nordhoff.

– The fossil was missing its skull, but in 1823 she found another one, this time complete with its skull.

– The rise of popularity during this time was called the “second wave of black metal”.

– Three years later, 1768, Versailles was again mourning, this time for the death of Queen Marie.

– In 2007, he played in the 2007 Asian Cup, but this time the team failed to defend the title and finished the 4th place.

– We may have another Pakistan POV pusher editing, this time under IP address

– He and other experts, especially architect Irving Morrow, designed the bridge again, this time as a suspension bridge.

– They returned to the World Series in 2016, and again they lost, this time to the Chicago Cubs in seven games.

– By 1906, the Conservatives had another split, this time about the issue of ‘tariff reform’ and as a result, the party was defeated in a landslide at the 1906 General Election by the Liberal Party.

– At this time incidental music was used more often for comedies than for tragedies.

– A new edition of the tournament happened in 2000–01, and this time Iceland and the Faroe Islands joined.

– After this time the baby is pushed out of the woman’s vagina.

– Since this time there also the sports association Werder Bremen makes its plays.

– During this time he conducted a series of Young People’s Concerts with the New York Philharmonic.

– It was performed at the Aldeburgh Festival, but Britten was ill by this time and unable to be at the performance.

– The heroes of his books at this time were often ordinary people instead of geniuses.

– During this time a Persian peoplePersian Muslim helped develop progress in algebra.

– In 2002, he published his first album of study titled “El Abayarde” the reggaeton considered in this time a gender “underground”, the album sold 50.000 copies in his launching, establishing a record of sales for an album of Latin music.

– By this time Magellan and Elcano no longer trusted each other.

– During this time he earned some money by playing the piano at the homes of rich people.

– Long droughts during this time caused conflicts between the Aṉangu and farmers over things like food and water.

– Eventually he found another job, this time as a church musician, in the biggest church in Venice.

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