“uneven” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “uneven”:

– They are Adaptationwell-adapted to the uneven and thickly forested terrain of Taiwan.

– Gesso, however, is specially useful for a rough or uneven surface.

– When a member of the herd picks up the slightest hint of danger, it makes a high-pitched warning call, causing the other guanacos to flee swiftly and nimbly across the steep and uneven terrain.

– Not having bogies also makes for a worse suspension and a bumpier ride; Pacers have been nicknamed “nodding donkeys” because of the trains’ up-and-down motion on uneven track.

– Explicating the causes of the rugged and uneven face of the Earth, and what reasons may be given for the frequent finding of shells and other sea and land petrified substances, scattered over the whole terrestrial superficies.

– Also, whenever the number of players is uneven when tribes are being made.

– This is to go over obstacles on uneven ground without damage.

– She is the 2012 Olympic bronze medalist on uneven bars.

uneven how to use in sentences
uneven how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “uneven”:

- In 1962, the Buick Special offered a 90° V6 with uneven firing intervals.

- The stages did not also have all the slopes and uneven ground, like they did in Tekken 4.

– In 1962, the Buick Special offered a 90° V6 with uneven firing intervals.

– The stages did not also have all the slopes and uneven ground, like they did in Tekken 4.

– In women’s gymnastics, there are four activities: floor, uneven bars, balance beam, and vault.

– The flowers are in dense terminal heads, with an uneven calyx, with the upper lip three-lobed, and the lower cleft; the corolla is tubular, 4–10mm long, and white, pink or purple.

– Cretaceous sauropods from the Sahara and the uneven rate of skeletal evolution among dinosaurs.

– One reason for covering the surface with gesso is that wood or canvas has a rough or uneven surface, and a colour.

– She could do backwards flip flips from the balance beam and uneven parallel bars, when no one else could.

– For example, there are only 32 regular polygons with an uneven number of sides which are known to be constructible.

– The island of Madeira has a very irregular and uneven terrain, being the highest points the Mountainpeaks “Pico Ruivo”.

– The greeny slightly uneven terrain supports a wide range of agricultural activities, supported by the waters of Ithikkara river.

– In the 1975 World Cup in London, the uneven bars broke and fell as she was landing.

– Primitive wooden balls are still used for the game, played on a rough, uneven pitch whose popularity persists in Ladakh.

– Tweddle is also the 2006 World uneven bars champion, the 2009 World floor exercise champion, and the 2010 World uneven bars champion.

– Their shape is generally uneven and squared, often tapering towards the top.

– Because the flywheel resists changes in speed, it decreases the effects of uneven torque.

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