“Set theory” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “Set theory”:

– This was a serious problem, and it meant that the old set theory was broken.

– Ernst Zermelo proposed a theory of set theory in 1908.

– The self-considering objects in set theory was considered too, with some example numbers being 1= and so on.

– In the mathematics of set theory it is called Russell’s paradox, it is a set which contains sets which don’t contain themselves.

– When teaching about sets in schools, naive set theory and the definition of Georg Cantor are sometimes used.

– Together with Abraham Fraenkel he is one of the creators of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, the set theory that was used for the much of the 20th century.

– He was also one of the first people to make the distinction between mathematics and metamathematics, and warmly defended Georg Cantor’s set theory and transfinite numbers.

Set theory some ways to use
Set theory some ways to use

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