Sentence example of “triassic”

How to use in-sentence of “triassic”:

– The surviving species adaptive radiationradiated and flourished throughout the Triassic perod.

– Actually, the first signs of rift rifting came in the Triassic before Pangaea was completely formed.

– Middle TriassicMiddle to Late Triassic of Madagascar.

– There is evidence from the fossil record, in which the first teleost comes from the late Triassic period.

– The systematic position of the Triassic ornithischian dinosaur “Lycorhinus angustidens”.

Sentence example of triassic
Sentence example of triassic

Example sentences of “triassic”:

– This is an even wider group, which includes diapsid Sauropsida which appeared in the middle Permian and Triassic periods.

– They appeared in the latest Triassic period, and persisted through the Jurassic until the middle of the Cretaceous.

– There is evidence that some gymnosperms were insect-pollinated in the Triassic period, but pollination by animals is not the main method in this group.

– The end Triassic extinction caused the extinction of most pseudosuchians.

– Fossils discovered in Poland indicate that dicynodonts survived at least until about 200 million years ago the Upper Triassic period.

– In Europe, most of the Lower Triassic is composed of sandstone.

– Although their fossils are rare, they lived around the globe beginning in the Upper Triassic and may have persisted into the Lower Cretaceous.

– It was first described from three 220 million year-old specimens excavated in Upper Triassic Rock rocks in Guizhou, China.

– A few survived until the lower Triassic to form the therapsids, a group which led to the mammals.

– Although almost every therocephalian lineage ended during the great Permian–Triassic extinction event, a few representatives of the subgroup survived into the early Triassic and continued to diversify.

– This early group flourished from the Upper Triassic to the end of the Jurassic.

– The Jurassic period happened between the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.

– Adelobasileus from the upper Triassic of west Texas: the oldest mammal.

– Taxonomic and phylogenetic reassessment of the early neotheropod dinosaur “Camposaurus arizonensis” from the late Triassic of North America.

– During the Triassic period, all the continents were connected to form the supercontinent of Pangaea, and animals could migrate freely between them.

– The Palisades Sill is a Triassic intrusion, formed 200 million years ago.

– It includes a group of superficially crocodile-like prehistoric reptiles from the Triassic period.

– It came after the Middle Triassic epoch, and came before the Lower Jurassic epoch.

– A new specimen of “Guaibasaurus candelariensis” from the late Triassic Caturrita Formation of southern Brazil.

- This is an even wider group, which includes diapsid Sauropsida which appeared in the middle Permian and Triassic periods.

- They appeared in the latest Triassic period, and persisted through the Jurassic until the middle of the Cretaceous.

More in-sentence examples of “triassic”:

- The period before the Triassic was the Permian period, the last period in the Palaeozoic era.

- The earliest sauropterygians appeared about 245 million years ago, at the start of the Triassic period.
- Most of the early large amphibians went extinct in the Triassic period; a few survived to the Lower Cretaceous.Carroll, Robert 2009.

– The period before the Triassic was the Permian period, the last period in the Palaeozoic era.

– The earliest sauropterygians appeared about 245 million years ago, at the start of the Triassic period.

– Most of the early large amphibians went extinct in the Triassic period; a few survived to the Lower Cretaceous.Carroll, Robert 2009.

– It lived around 231 million years ago, during the Late Triassic period in Argentina.

– The earliest plesiosaur remains are from the Middle Triassic period, Benton M.J.

– The lungfish’s greatest diversity was in the Triassic period; today there are fewer than a dozen genera left.

– Although they have been deposited throughout the Phanerozoic, they are most commonly associated with rocks deposited during the Devonian, Permian and Triassic periods.

– While Traversodonts for the most part remained medium-sized to reasonably large, the carnivorous forms became progressively smaller as the Triassic progressed.

– The group first appears in the Triassic period, after 95% of Oceanmarine species had been wiped out by the P/Tr extinction event.

– The Triassic dinosaur” Coelophysis”.

– However, they are common in Western Europe, where the Triassic was first studied.

– The group of bony fish known as the teleosts first appeared during the Triassic period.

– Late Triassic dinosaurs from the western United States.

– There are also a number of smaller extinct groups, mostly from the Triassic period.

– The Haramiyida from the Triassic period were the earliest group, and the Multituberculates survived until the Oligocene, 35 million years ago.

– On left, younger blue-grey rock is late Triassic to early Jurassic.

– Mercury evidence for pulsed volcanism during the Triassic mass extinction.

– The Ischigualasto Formation has fossils from the Triassic period.

– This event marked the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic, during which time the number of ammonite species grew once more.

– They had many families during the late Triassic and Jurassic periods but then declined, and are the least successful of the lepidosaurs.

– Phytosaurs are an extinct group of large semi-aquatic Upper Triassic archosaurs.

– Pecten have lived since the Triassic Era and swim by flopping their shells.

– In the Triassic period of the Mesozoic, there was land between Siberia over the North Pole to Antarctica over the South Pole.

– The Upper Triassic is the last Epoch epoch in the period.

– Previously, the oldest record of dinosaurs was from Argentina and dated back to the Upper Triassic Carnian stage, about 231.4 million years ago.

– By the Upper Triassic the small cynodonts included the rodent-like tritylodonts, and the tiny, shrew-like, trithelodonts, which evolved into the first mammals.

– The Triassic began after the great extinction at the end of the Palaeozoic era, the Permian/Triassic extinction event.

– This therapsid lived on open plains during the early to middle Triassic period, roughly 230-245 million years ago.

– They are found in marine strata from the earliest Triassic to the Cretaceous, though the early proto-ichthyosaurs are sometimes put in the broader category of Ichthyopterygia.

– Oldest records of the Late Triassic theropod dinosaur Coelophysis bauri.

– Because of this, Triassic marine deposits are rare in most of the world.

– The earliest known fully shelled turtles are the late Triassic “Odontochelys”, “Chinlechelys” and “Proganochelys”.

– Today is known that the early proto-dinosaurs in the late Middle Triassic were also bipedal.

– The Dimorphodontidae originated in the Triassic period.

– In mammals, a monophyletic group, there were a number of different lines living at the same time through the Upper Triassic to the Upper Cretaceous.

– The crocodile-like Triassic group Rauisuchia is an example.

– Rhynchosaurs were a group of Triassic diapsid reptiles related to the archosaurs.

– Some textbooks cite the continuation of glossopterids into later parts of the Triassic and, in some cases into the Jurassic.

– According to Kemp, it is impossible to say whether the rock fissures, where the remains were found, are latest Triassic or earliest Jurassic.Kemp T.S.

– The only convincing Triassic records are very earliest Triassic leaves from Nidpur, India.

– Great extinction events happened at both the beginning and end of the Triassic period.

– The landscape owes much to the underlying Triassic “bunter” formations.

– Even these records are somewhat questionable owing to faulting and complex juxtapositioning of Permian and Triassic strata at Nidpur.

– This name is now only used for a unit of rock strata of Middle Triassic age, found in western Europe.

– A recent study of “Chaohusaurus” shows an early example of live birth.Motani, Ryosuke “et al” 2014 Terrestrial origin of viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles indicated by early Triassic embryonic fossils.

– This was a major change, because in the middle Triassic period, the Synapsids were still dominant.

– Ichthyosaurs had been dwindling in numbers for some time; they were no longer the force they once were in the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic.

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