“fundamentalist” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “fundamentalist”:

+ Historically speaking, orthodox Islam, especially fundamentalist groups like the Wahhabi and Salafi have been the most intolerant and violent against what they think of as ‘Deviant Sufism’.

+ He mainly wrote evangelical FundamentalismChristian fundamentalist tracts and comic books.

+ Denominations that arose or surged as a result of these Evangelical reform, renewal, and revival movements include Religious Society of FriendsQuakers, Baptists, Moravians, Methodists, the Restoration movement, Adventists, the Pentecostals, the Fundamentalist movement, the Charismatic movement, Messianic Judaism, among others including many independent and non-denominational churches.

+ In 2013 Sharmeen went to a fundamentalist Islamic rally to report about it for Ekushey Television.

+ They are known for spreading fundamentalist beliefs and even banned in some countries as hate literature.

fundamentalist how to use?
fundamentalist how to use?

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