Some in-sentence examples of “withdrawal”

How to use in-sentence of “withdrawal”:

– This means that some withdrawal symptoms continue beyond the acute withdrawal stage.

– In Japan, “otaku” has generally regarded as an offensive word, due to the negative cultural perception of withdrawal from society.

– A number of operating companies have ceased to exist for a number of reasons, including premature withdrawal of the franchise; the natural term of the franchise has expired; bankruptcy; or there has been a merger.

– This category also includes conditions caused by withdrawal from these substances.

– A withdrawal or retreat can be risky.

– The majority of the German force executed a successful fighting withdrawal and escaped the battle area, although the fuel situation had become so dire that most of the German armor had to be abandoned.

– Their introduction saw the withdrawal of the last of Glasgow’s old Class 303 “Blue Train” trains which had been in service since 1960.

Some in-sentence examples of withdrawal
Some in-sentence examples of withdrawal

Example sentences of “withdrawal”:

– Shortly before withdrawal they were reclassified Class 438 and the units were renumbered to 8001-8034.

– Plaut was an outspoken critic of the Israeli-Arab peace process and Israel’s unilateral withdrawal policy.

– The direct cause was the improper withdrawal by a maintenance team of a single reactor control rod.

– When Galerius began his withdrawal from Italy, it was only with great difficulty that he managed to stop his veterans deserting him.

– David Davis David Davis joins the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union to monitor any withdrawal negotiations.

– On the same day as Hitler’s withdrawal order, 7 January, Montgomery held his press conference.

– The most serious form of alcohol withdrawal is delirium tremens.

– During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy administration secretly agreed to remove the Jupiter missiles from Turkey in exchange for the withdrawal of all Russian nuclear weapons from Cuba.

– The club announced its withdrawal from the Swedish women’s bandy top division on 23 August 2011 because of lack of players.

– Medications that have been studied to treat cocaine withdrawal include acetylcysteine, and vigabatrin.

– Following the withdrawal of the UK, McDonnell Douglas extensively redesigned the earlier AV-8A Harrier to create the AV-8B.

- Shortly before withdrawal they were reclassified Class 438 and the units were renumbered to 8001-8034.

- Plaut was an outspoken critic of the Israeli-Arab peace process and Israel's unilateral withdrawal policy.

– The tension was finally reduced by the unexpected end of the Soviet Union, and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe.

– They explain that social withdrawal and general reduction in social interaction after an exposure to a stressor are evident in rodents.

– But sometimes, after 48 hours, alcohol withdrawal can still get worse and turn into delirium tremens.

– It finished the 2008–09 season in 18th place, on a relegation rank but was saved from having to step down to the Regionalliga by the withdrawal from the league of Kickers Emden for financial reasons.The next season the club finished in 18th place,on a relegation rank but was again saved from having step down to the Regionalliga by the financial problems of Rot Weiss Ahlen.

– The CIWA scale is validated, which means it is proven to measure what it means to measure – alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

– Partly because of the amount of opposition, Nixon sped up troop withdrawal and ended the draft.

– For instance, levels of oxytocin decrease as a result of prolonged stress, which has been shown to reduce pair bonding behaviour and increase withdrawal behaviour.

– A fourth installment, titled “Spider-Man 4”, was set to be released on May 6, 2011, followed by a “Venom” spin-off film, but both were canceled due to Raimi’s withdrawal over creative differences with the writers and producers.

More in-sentence examples of “withdrawal”:

- Following the withdrawal of the more powerful Class 74 electro-diesels in 1977, the Class 73 is now unique on the British rail system.

- With weather worsening "Bismarck’s" commander attempted to detach "Prinz Eugen" but the squall wasn’t heavy enough to hide her withdrawal from "Norfolk" and "Suffolk" which continued to maintain radar contact.
- Their introduction saw the withdrawal of the last of Glasgow's old Class 303 "Blue Train" sets which had been in service since 1960.

– Following the withdrawal of the more powerful Class 74 electro-diesels in 1977, the Class 73 is now unique on the British rail system.

– With weather worsening “Bismarck’s” commander attempted to detach “Prinz Eugen” but the squall wasn’t heavy enough to hide her withdrawal from “Norfolk” and “Suffolk” which continued to maintain radar contact.

– Their introduction saw the withdrawal of the last of Glasgow’s old Class 303 “Blue Train” sets which had been in service since 1960.

– People with bad alcohol withdrawal symptoms often need to go into a hospital to make sure they are safe while they are withdrawing from alcohol.

– When one of his brigades ran out of ammunition completely, they had to Withdrawal withdraw from the battle.

– When people are addicted to meth, they will have withdrawal symptoms when they do not take meth.

– Naltrexone is also sometimes used off-label to treat opioid and nicotine withdrawal as well.

– Abruptly stopping the drug leads to withdrawal symptoms.

– The 1967 convention spoke on the draft and resisting within the Army itself, and made a call for immediate withdrawal from Vietnam.

– On February 16, 2017, after the withdrawal of Andrew Puzder’s nomination, President Donald Trump nominated Acosta to serve as United States Secretary of Labor.

– A scandal, known as the Profumo affair, led to his resignation and withdrawal from politics.

– Sometimes withdrawal feels like a very bad case of the flu.

– Peter goes through a withdrawal from television.

– On September 30, Team NIV Captain Ecka Sibug announced her withdrawal from the Third General Elections and the MNL48 group itself.

– After defeat at Bristoe Station and an aborted advance on Centreville, Stuart’s cavalry shielded the withdrawal of Lee’s army from the vicinity of Manassas Junction.

– The body will adjust to the lack of heroin by reacting in various ways which may include pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia and other withdrawal symptoms.

– The United States introduced a resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a cease-fire and the withdrawal of armed forces by India and Pakistan.

– Psychological withdrawal can make a person feel very depressed, anxious, or tired.

– Acute alcohol withdrawal usually lasts only a week.

– In some cases, withdrawal of a drug can also cause hallucinations.

– For some people, the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal can last longer than usual.

– This led Gandhiji to launch a movement calling for complete withdrawal of the British from India.

– Even after many withdrawal symptoms go away, most users feel like they need to keep using cocaine.

– In May 2019, the government asked the public how to re-use the trains after withdrawal from service.

– Their early withdrawal was caused, primarily, by BR classifying the hydraulic transmission as non-standard.

– People have withdrawal symptoms when their body gets used to having opiates all the time.

– On July 28, the company announced the team’s withdrawal from Formula One at the end of 2009.

– In November 2005, Toyota company officials announced the company’s withdrawal from American open-wheel racing and the immediate discontinuation of its IRL program.

– No one knows why some people get withdrawal symptoms and others do not.

– A person can also get catatonia from benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, which happens if the person quickly stops taking benzodiazepine medications.

– Not everybody who drinks a lot of alcohol gets withdrawal symptoms when they stop.

– We are ready to support a political solution that guarantees the rapid withdrawal of all Soviet troops and genuine self-determination for the Afghan people.” He ended with, “But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.” Well, you can bet it’s rising because, my fellow citizens, America isn’t finished.

– Wales was occupied by the Romans from the first century AD to the Roman withdrawal from Britain nearly four centuries later, leaving their province to develop into Sub-Roman Britain and the emergence of Wales in the Early Middle Ages.

– Shortly before withdrawal they were reclassified Class 432 and the units were renumbered to 2001-2015.

– But following the withdrawal of the Railway services in the seventies, the people abandoned the place and until now, it is a ghost town.

– However, on 29 April 1848, after the speech with which Pius IX announced the withdrawal of the papal army from the front of the first italian war of independence, Minghetti resigned.

– They can help decrease alcohol withdrawal symptoms and prevent seizures.

– This led to decolonization, and a withdrawal from almost all of its colonies by 1970.

– A withdrawal may be necessary when a defending force is outmatched or on disadvantageous ground.

– Following the withdrawal of United States Senate election in Indiana, 20162016 Democratic primary winner Baron Hill, Bayh announced that he would be running to take back his old Senate seat from retiring Republican incumbent Dan Coats.

– A military withdrawal or retreat is a type of military operation.

– Before Tribal Council, Shane wanted to quit because of nicotine withdrawal but his new alliance of Aras, Courtney, and Danielle told him to get over it.

– They ordered their staff to plan for a withdrawal from Guadalcanal.

– Every person goes through alcohol withdrawal differently.

– DRI’s help manage symptoms of ADHD, narcolepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, obesity, substance abuse withdrawal and some mood disorders.

– But many alcoholics have what is called Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

– To be diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, patients must have at least two of these symptoms:.

– Medications like methadone and Suboxone are sometimes used to treat or prevent withdrawal symptoms, and to decrease cravings for heroin.

– About half of people with alcoholism will get withdrawal symptoms if they drink less than usual.

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