“thermal” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “thermal”:

– Among the technologies to be demonstrated with the X-37 are improved thermal protection systems, avionics, the autonomous guidance system, and an advanced airframe.

– He showed that the gravitational potential energy lost by the weight in descending was approximately equal to the thermal energy gained by the water by friction with the paddle.

Thermal imaging is mostly done with thermal radiation waves between 8 and 15 µm.

– The high thermal conductivity of most metals also makes them useful for stovetop cooking utensils.

– Lake Hévíz is one of the world’s largest thermal lakes.

– Power plants and thermal applications of geothermal energy are mature technologies, whereas enhanced geothermal systems projects are a new type of application.

thermal example in sentences
thermal example in sentences

Example sentences of “thermal”:

– They have been found in hot springs, sulfur pools, thermal ocean vents.

– Scientists began to check the volcano for an eruption.The way scientists checked the volcano was by implementing 10 composite monitoring stations around the volcano, including broadband seismometers, thermal surveillance cameras, tiltmeters, electronic distance meters, lahar acoustic detectors and other instruments.

– In thermodynamics, a thermodynamic system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium when it is in thermal equilibrium, mechanical equilibrium, radiative equilibrium, and chemical equilibrium.

– In addition, melting temperature can also be used to estimate the thermal stability of drugs, because the higher the the more stable is the protein.

– PIR is used in rigid thermal insulation.

– This thermal buoyancy is known as “dynamic topography”.

– Ocean thermal energy conversion is a way of getting useful energy from the world’s oceans.

– Renewable energy commercialization involves many different technologies, including solar photovoltaics, solar thermal power plants, solar heating and cooling systems, wind power, hydroelectricity, geothermal power, biomass, and ocean energy systems.International Energy Agency.

- They have been found in hot springs, sulfur pools, thermal ocean vents.

- Scientists began to check the volcano for an eruption.The way scientists checked the volcano was by implementing 10 composite monitoring stations around the volcano, including broadband seismometers, thermal surveillance cameras, tiltmeters, electronic distance meters, lahar acoustic detectors and other instruments.

– With a thermal conductivity detector, the sample from the column is passed into an area that is electrically heated.

– When expressed as a percentage, the thermal efficiency must be between 0% and 100%.

– He created the commercialization of solar thermal energy.

– Solar thermal can also be combined with photovoltaics, in highly efficient cogeneration systems.

– Another example of silver’s thermal conductivity is to put different materials on ice cubes.

– In 2014, then Media Spokesperson at the CEB, Senajith Dassanayake said the generation of hydro power has dropped to 37%; as a result, 60 percent of the electricity needs have to be fulfilled by thermal energy.

More in-sentence examples of “thermal”:

– Eddington’s models treated a star as a sphere of gas held up against gravity by internal thermal pressure.

– This mineral is used to make explosives, filters, abrasives, insecticide, thermal resistancethermal materials, catalysis support, and in farming, and construction.

– Another example of thermal radiation is the heat that comes from the Sun to the Earth.

– When transforming thermal energy into mechanical energy, the thermal efficiency of a heat engine is the percentage of energy that is transformed into work.

– Depending on its processing and thermal history, it may exist both as an amorphous solidamorphous material.

– These thermal features are still in demand in the city’s numerous spas and even exploited for domestic use.

– Also photovoltaics which is using the water and thermal energy from the river Werra have been established.

– Putting together their sightings with thermal measurements taken in November 2000, the team thought what the size of the asteroids of the system could be.

– Since the engines turn very fast, a phenomenon known as thermal inertia helps to keep the plug glowing as the engine runs.

– Gases and water from fumaroles and thermal springs on the flanks of the volcano are likely to be produced from a two-phase vapor-brine envelope adjoining the eruptive system within the volcano.

– There are five kinds of pollution of the environment: water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution and thermal pollution.

– A machine which can do this is called an OTEC machine which stands for “ocean thermal energy conversion”.

– Several solar thermal power stations, including the new 64 MW Nevada Solar One, have also been built.

– Zircon U-Th-Pb geochronology by isotope dilution – thermal ionization mass spectrometry.

– Solar thermal energy is a way of producing electricity in which the Sun’s energy is concentrated by mirrors or lenses to either heat a fluid-filled pipe or drive a Stirling engine.

– Many types of detectors are used in gas chromatographic separations, with the most common are flame ionization, thermal conductivity, and mass spectrometry detectors.

– A common cause of thermal pollution is using water as a coolant by power stations and industrial manufacturers.

– This small country has several thermal spas too.

– Nevada Solar One is a new solar thermal plant with a 64 MW generating capacity, near Boulder City, Nevada.

– In physics, thermal expansion is the likelihood of matter to change in volume in response to a change in temperature.

– There are a few examples of thermal cycloadditions which have 4n π electrons.

– Fossil fueled thermal power plants produce a large part of man-made CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and efforts to reduce these are varied and widespread.

– The 370 MW Ivanpah Solar Power Facility, located in California’s Mojave Desert, is the world’s largest solar thermal power plant project currently under construction.Todd Woody.

– It was equipped with a central 64K byte Ram, a keyboard with 58 alpha numeric keys and 11 numeric keys, a 32-character LED screen, a floppy disk: capacity = 140 000 characters, a thermal printer: speed = 28 characters / second, an asynchronous channel, a synchronous channel, a 220V power supply.

– Wang Buxuan, also known as Bu-Xuan Wang and Pu-Hsuan Wang, was a Chinese thermal physicist and educator.

– Cogeneration plants are commonly found in district heating systems of big towns, hospitals, prisons, oil refineries, paper mills, wastewater treatment plants, thermal enhanced oil recovery wells and industrial plants with large heating needs.

– A limitation to hot water blanching is the leaching of water-soluble nutrients and the degradation of thermal sensitive compounds.

– Other ways to transfer heat are by thermal radiation and/or convection.

– A small local heat network was installed with a cogeneration unit of 15 kW electric and 30 kW thermal energy.

– A steam turbine is a machine that gets thermal energy from Pressurepressurised steam.

– However, this total energy decreases as energy is transferred to thermal energy.

– The thermal conductivity of the column is reduced when the sample passes over by.

– An electric resistance heater has a thermal efficiency of at or very near 100%, so, for example, 1500W of heat are produced for 1500W of electrical input.

– He proposed two sets of independent concepts in both circuit theory and thermal emission.

– This fission is about 504.81 barns for slow thermal neutrons and 1 barn for fast thermal neutrons.

– Starting with the basics of heat and temperature, thermal physics analyzes the first law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics from the statistical perspective, in terms of the number of microstate microstates corresponding to a given macrostate.

– This type of positive feedback is an example of thermal runaway.

– Physical Property#Characteristicsproperties like reactivity and electrical and thermal which make the alloy.

– Many metal nitrates with thermal decomposition makes oxygen and metal nitrate.

– For example, the 50-MWe AndaSol solar trough power plants are designed with six to twelve hours of thermal storage, which increases annual availability by some 1,000 to 2,500 hours.

– Additionally, louvers are used as semi-passive means of thermal control on spacecraft.

– They have been found in hot springs, sulfur pools, and thermal ocean vents.

– At relatively rather large distances, the attractive effect and lack of thermal energy allows pairs of electrons to hang together.

– However, these systems are often more expensive than hot water systems because of the high prices of electricity, especially if the hot water system includes the use of solar thermal energy.

– Al is an Insulator electrical insulator but it has a high thermal conductivity.

– The pump is a high-pressure pump, and it can be found in any plant that uses boiler, such as thermal power stations.

– In this field, DSC is used to analyze the thermal behaviour of lipids mainly by two processes, the cooling process, which reports information about the crystallisation and the heating process, which gives information on the melting behaviour of the building blocks of lipids.

– As the gas collapses, the central clump grows stronger and the gas heats to extreme temperatures by converting gravitational potential energy to thermal energy.

- Eddington's models treated a star as a sphere of gas held up against gravity by internal thermal pressure.

- This mineral is used to make explosives, filters, abrasives, insecticide, thermal resistancethermal materials, catalysis support, and in farming, and construction.

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