Example sentences of “shed”

How to use in-sentence of “shed”:

– Different coat types shed differently, but they all shed year-round.

– Trees with leaves all year round are evergreens, and those that shed their leaves are deciduous.

– In the razor shell sexual development is highly synchronous: eggs and sperms are shed at the same time.

– A carriage shed has been built into a cutting beyond the station.

– They shed their skin in patches like other lizards, rather than the whole skin as most snakes do.

– Every 10–14 days yellow-lipped sea kraits come on land to digest their food, to shed their skin or mate and lay their eggs.

Example sentences of shed
Example sentences of shed

Example sentences of “shed”:

- The leaves and flowers of the plant grow and blossom in the spring and are shed in the fall.

- If not they will shed a lot of hair.

– The leaves and flowers of the plant grow and blossom in the spring and are shed in the fall.

– If not they will shed a lot of hair.

– Despite being internal, the tracheae of arthropods are shed during moulting.

– They recorded an “EP Blood Must Be Shed” and two split “Blood Must Be Shed / Wraths of Time”, “Necrolust / Total Warfare” and split-up at 1999.

– Snakes need to shed their skin regularly while they grow.

– Not only does it block the extremely cold winter winds blowing from Central Asia from entering Subcontinent, it also forces the Bay of Bengal Monsoon branch to shed its moisture along NE and Northern Indian States, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh.

– They fall as soon as they have shed their pollen.

– The second line of defence is to shed their tail, which can grow again.

– They require a great deal of grooming, as they shed hair daily.

– Individuals of each species occur in two morphs: eyed and winged forms that then shed their wings after dispersal or blind and apterous forms that predominate in colonies.

– Stipules may be shed or not shed.

– The original station building had two Wren-style towers, long iron train shed crowned by a high single arch, almost semicircular, of glass and iron.

– For 7–10 days the young stay with their mother in a burrow, they then shed for the first time and then leave the burrow.

– Such masks are used to catch the bacteria shed in Respiratory dropletliquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer’s mouth and nose.

– The red hat was a symbol of the cardinal’s readiness to shed their blood in the cause of the church.

– Through his research on the neurology and behavior of “Drosophila melanogaster”, Hall uncovered essential mechanisms of biological clocks and shed light on the foundations for sexual differentiation in the nervous system.

– Horns are not shed and are not made of bone, which distinguishes them from antlers.

– Senator from South Carolina made the statement he would drink all the blood shed over the South Declaration of independencedeclaring their confrontation, both sides believed it would not last very long.

More in-sentence examples of “shed”:

– Their fur is long and they shed twice a year.

– Recently, however, she shed 30 pounds using Weight Watchers.” Which means she first gained weight, then she lost weight, and finally she gained it back.

– The needles are shed when 4–10 years old.

– Jim is held in a shed and Tom has a risky escape plan.

– Then much blood was shed for trifles, men were afraid to offer anything for sale, and the scarcity became more excessive and grievous than ever.

– In 2005, he was appointed by the Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel as president of the Slovene-Croatian Historical Commission, of the Slovenian-Croatian historical commission formed by the governments of the two countries to shed light on the history of the relations between the two nations.

– And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

– Robbins located and excavated a foundation of the original Alden home in 1960, which yielded nationally significant data that shed light on the lifeways of the first English settlers in North America.

– Kemp fibers are very coarse and shed out.

– It marks the water shed line of the body.

– Outside the breeding season, elephant seals come ashore only to shed their skin, a process known as “moulting”.

– The male cones are round, 3-6 mm diameter, and shed their pollen in early spring.

– There were three primary goods facilities in the Stratford area in the steam age, although the nearby Stratford Works and engine shed generated their own traffic.

– Various species are known to feed on dead arthropods, web silk, and their own shed exoskeletons.

– Many eucalypts shed their bark very year, but on an Ironbark the dead bark stays on the trees, forming the furrows.

– When the station opened, the arched train shed was the largest single-span roof in the world.

– It is thought they previously shed mass and consequently, they were once stars with similar or slightly less mass than the Sun, about 0.8 solar masses.

– Very few kinds of jumping spider make webs; instead they use their silk for their safety rope and also to make a kind of tent where they sleep at night, shed their skins.

– Such a belief is considered pseudoscientific because it is not falsifiable—no experiment could shed light on whether this belief is true or false.

– The male cones are 4–6cm long, and shed their pollen in autumn.

– Some larvae, such as those of “Typhlonectes”, are born with enormous external gills which are shed almost immediately.

– As they grow, they shed their skin, doing so usually three times in total.

– The doors to the house were locked, but the door to the shed behind the house was not.

– The leaves appear relatively late in spring, and are amongst the first to be shed in autumn.

– On his way to the guillotine, Louis said “I trust that my death will be for the happiness of my people, but I grieve for France, and I fear that she may suffer the anger of the Lord.” Before his execution, he made a speech saying “I die innocent of all the crimes that I was accused of; I forgive those who have caused my death; and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never bring harm upon France.” He tried to say more, but his speech was drowned out by a roll of drums.

– The cones are cylindrical, 7–10cm long and green when young but maturing to a pale brown when they shed their scales and winged seeds.

- Their fur is long and they shed twice a year.

- Recently, however, she shed 30 pounds using Weight Watchers.” Which means she first gained weight, then she lost weight, and finally she gained it back.

– True antelope have horns which are unbranched and never shed, while pronghorns have branching horns, and shed annually.

– The red had was a symbol of the cardinal’s readiness to shed their blood in the cause of the church.

– They lie close to gather while they gradually shed patches of hair and skin.

– Animals that have menstrual cycles shed the endometrium through menstruation instead.

– At first, King David wanted to build a temple for God, but according to the Bible, God said to him through the prophet Nathan, “You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood.” However, he chose Solomon to build the temple.

– Prehistoric sharks, like their modern descendants, would grow and shed many thousands of teeth over their lifetime.

– Snakes shed their skin by rubbing their head against something rough and hard, like a piece of wood or a rock.

– Geckos also shed their skin, like many other reptiles.

– Some people use their shed to do hobbies or as a workshop.

– They are “opisthobranchs”, a clade which shed their shells after the larval stage.

– Kavan’s biographical details have until recently been vague and sketchy, but recent discoveries of letters and unpublished manuscripts have shed revealing light on her life and times.

– They shed this extra layer in springtime in preparation for the hot summer ahead.

– He did them in a backyard shed at his mother’s house in Commerce Township, Michigan.

– They can shed their skin several times a year.

– Many deaths were actually caused by simply camping under them, as the trees shed whole and very large branches to save water during droughts.

– Most can eject black ink clouds to help escape, and some can shed an arm in extreme danger.

– His ability to shed a single tear drives all the girls wild.

– With evergreens, foliage is shed differently from deciduous trees.

– Plants with leaves all year round are evergreens, and those that shed their leaves are deciduous.

– They were ran under a “one engine in steam” rule to make sure they did not crash into each other.Boyd 1965, page 71 At the beginning, locomotives were kept in a shed made of wood at Ty Dwr at the Abergynolwyn station.

– This is because lobsters eat the skin they shed when they moult.

– Then it shed its outer layers and collapsed into its present state as a white dwarf, about years ago.

– At the time, she was living in a tin shed with a black snake named “Gladys”, and a wombat named “Smudge”.

– He lived in the one other bedroom, kitchen and shed of the large house.

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