How to use the word “purchasing”

How to use in-sentence of “purchasing”:

– Power Purchasing agreements tend to last 5 – 20 years.

– He got the idea by purchasing ingredients to make ice cream.

– Under her leadership, “Clarín” extended its reach into Communications in ArgentinaArgentine media, purchasing two second-ranked outlets, Channel 13, in 1990, Multicanal Cable TV in 1992, and other stations and magazines.

– He then is re-hired by his bosses, and refocuses his attention on purchasing the Tavern on the Green.

– B2G is usually used for licensing process, public purchasing and other government operations.

– Power Purchasing agreements have been very important to the expansion of solar electricity use in the United States.

How to use the word purchasing
How to use the word purchasing

Example sentences of “purchasing”:

- It is the 4th largest economy of the world when accounting for purchasing power parity.

- This was a problem as it led to delays while purchasing the next ticket.
- According to orange juice prices, Americans have stronger purchasing power, or are able to buy more value with their money.

– It is the 4th largest economy of the world when accounting for purchasing power parity.

– This was a problem as it led to delays while purchasing the next ticket.

– According to orange juice prices, Americans have stronger purchasing power, or are able to buy more value with their money.

– Baldwin acquired the remainder of the county of Hainaut by fiefs and by purchasing allods.

– In the 1860s consumers began purchasing them, and the machines—ranging in price from £6 to £15 in Britain depending on features—became very common in middle-class homes.

– Later, the companystarted purchasing debts and formed as an incorporation in May 1996.

– The company became much larger after purchasing the budget label, Mastertronic in 1987.

– Anupam Recording Media is a production company and record label company in Bangladesh, producing, purchasing and broadcasting entertainment contents in all platform that entertain to all viewers.

– The Trump administration waited until mid-March to start purchasing large amounts of medical equipment.

– For many travellers on the Trans-Siberian railway, purchasing smoked omul is one of the highlights of the long journey.

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