In sentence use of “scientific community”

How to use in-sentence of “scientific community”:

– The scientific community still discusses why it appeared, and why it still exists.

– Investigating an outbreak is a very involved multi-step process which ranges from first establishing the existence of an outbreak to communicating the findings of the investigation with the scientific community as well as the general population.

– This belief is considered by the scientific community and historians to be irrational.

– Gurdon’s experiments captured the attention of the scientific community and the tools and techniques he developed for nuclear transfer are still used today.

– The consensus among the scientific community is that the extinction was triggered by the Chicxulub impact event in Central America but that the Deccan eruptions also disrupted the planet’s climate.

– In 1777, Antoine Lavosier convinced the scientific community that sulfur was an element.

– This was puzzling to the scientific community at the time, and led to the creation of various new theories to explain the result.

In sentence use of scientific community
In sentence use of scientific community

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