Some example sentences of “developing”

How to use in-sentence of “developing”:

– When no ready buyer was found, UCIL made plans to dismantle key production units of the facility for shipment to another developing country.

– Poverty is a problem in some countries, in particular, the developing countries.

– Jabalpur is a 2 tier city that is under the process of development apart from the constant developing process it also comes under the purview of the Jabalpur Smart City project.

– Micro-hydro systems are generally used in developing countries to provide electricity to isolated communities or rural villages where electricity grid is not available.

– Goldman Sachs has argued that, since the four BRIC countries are developing rapidly, by 2050 their combined economies could eclipse the combined economies of the current richest countries of the world.

– These changes put a person at risk of developing the clinical symptoms of full-blown Alzheimer’s but not everyone who has these changes will get the disease.

Some example sentences of developing
Some example sentences of developing

Example sentences of “developing”:

– However, in Asia and in other developing countries the VCD is popular, since a DVD player is also much more expensive than a VCD player.

– But their greatest contribution was in developing and furthering the scientific method.

– In the past, chikungunya existed mostly in developing countries.

– Many projects try to send working computers to developing nations so they can be re-used and will not become waste as quickly, as most people do not need to run new programs.

– Small Island Developing States are Elevationlow-lying countries.

– This may lead to the user developing a psychological dependencepsychological and physical dependence.

– Global feminists tend to focus on nationality and they reach out to help those in developing and third world countries, as well as address oppression created through histories of colonialism and imperialism.

– Its famous in Japan developing young good players.

– Luther had a particular disdain for Aristotelian philosophy, and as he began developing his own theology, he increasingly came into conflict with other scholars.

– It is a List of British Rail power classificationsType 5 locomotive, with a Ruston-Paxman power unit developing 3,250bhp, and has a Co-Co wheel arrangement.

– Israel is developing other ways to use solar energy to power houses and factories.

– The Rule of Law is especially important as an influence on the economic development in developing and transitional countries.

– If community consensus for this project is attained, I’ll begin developing the proposed implements immediately.

– After developing the fourth “Crash Bandicoot” game, the company began working on “Jak and Daxter” for PlayStation 2.

– Fair trade is a social movement which tries to help people who make things in developing countries.

– One theory thinks that having a distant and cold parent could lead to the child developing NPD.

– He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1951 for developing a vaccine against yellow fever.

– After developing the technique, Berg used it for his studies of virusviral genomes.

– One challenge in developing vaccines is economic.

- However, in Asia and in other developing countries the VCD is popular, since a DVD player is also much more expensive than a VCD player.

- But their greatest contribution was in developing and furthering the scientific method.
- In the past, chikungunya existed mostly in developing countries.

More in-sentence examples of “developing”:

– Statistically, however, for every 2,000 children in the developing world who die of pneumonia, only one child in the developed world dies from the disease.

– It means a novel which shows a person growing up and developing his character and learning about the world.

– Some species eject unfertilized ovumova into the water while others keep their ova in brood chambers until they hatch, and some of these species use placenta-like organs to nourish the developing eggs.

– The evolution of seeds changed the plant life cycle by freeing plants from the need for external water for sexual reproduction, and by providing protection and nutrients for the developing embryo.

– The determinations of Naresuan University are not only to be the head of academy in south north region which developing the pupils to be the good pundit and can live happily with the other people in society, but also reduce the environment.

– There may be several causes for people developing BPD.

– Pope Evaristus is noted for further developing the parishes of the Catholic Church, a work started by Pope Anacletus.

– Its brand Smiley is sold all over the world in several lifestyle industries, and its designers are constantly developing very creative and edgy products.

– Specifically, they supported improving black education and developing communities in the South.

– The first movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony spends all the time developing the famous idea heard at the beginning: the first four notes.

– The echinoderms, however, are members of the Bilateria, because they exhibit bilateral symmetry in their developing stages.

– At the end of the 1800s Herman Hollerith invented the recording of data on a medium that could then be read by a machine, developing punched card data processing technology for the 1890 U.S.

– There is a developing seaweed industry.

– The new developing sponge may remain attached to or separate from the body of the parent sponge.

– The newly developing Hampton township will be finished.

– Hyperglycemia that comes and goes may mean diabetes of any kind, or may be developing under low insulin levels or resistance to insulin.

– It is one of the most developing city of Nepal.

– Some factors related to personality development can increase the risk of developing borderline personality disorder.

– On 11 November 1945 the provincial Party Committee also proceeded to “dissolve”, actually developing the revolutionary movement under the name Việt Minh.

– Most sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning the eggs hatch inside the female’s body, with the babies developing within the mother, but there is no placenta to nourish the pups.

– It is one of the main ways of developing during the preschool years.

– The staff of the school missed the fact that a language was developing before their eyes.

– The Center is focused on finding solutions to address the crisis of extreme poverty and disease in the developing world.

– As I already announced on the admin noticeboard, I am in the process of developing a bot to archive/delete “stale” DYK nominations.

– As one Summit after another was held in the 1960s and 1970s, “non alignment”, turned already into the “Movement of Non-Aligned Countries” that included nearly all Asian and African countries, was becoming a forum of coordination to struggle for the respect of the economic and political rights of the developing world.

– He worked in welfare economics, social choice theory, Economic justiceeconomic and social justice, economic theories of famines, and indexes of the measure of well-being of citizens of developing countries.

- Statistically, however, for every 2,000 children in the developing world who die of pneumonia, only one child in the developed world dies from the disease.

- It means a novel which shows a person growing up and developing his character and learning about the world.
- Some species eject unfertilized ovumova into the water while others keep their ova in brood chambers until they hatch, and some of these species use placenta-like organs to nourish the developing eggs.

– Progress in developing the TAR was slowed by political and economic problems during the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.

– For centuries Jews worldwide spoke the local or dominant languages of the regions they migrated to, often developing distinctive dialectal forms or branching off as independent languages.

– Finn’s enthusiastic nature becomes more serious as the series progresses, meaning he is both maturing and developing as a character as he ages.

– The IBAN is now used in all European countries and also in many developing countries.

– Sixty percent of female workers in developing countries are employed by the informal sector.

– They are becoming widely used in areas of the developing world where deforestation is an issue, financial resources to purchase fuel are limited, and where open flames would pose a serious risk to people and the environment.

– World Mission Initiative at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is a fellowship of Presbyterians dedicated to developing mission vision, nurturing missionary vocation, and cultivating missional congregations.

– In developing countries, where medical care is not as advanced or good, the number of stillbirths is higher.

– He was one of the first people to work in developing computer networks.

– However, recently childhood obesity has led to some young adults and teenagers developing type 2 diabetes.

– Genetic screening in a broader sense includes biochemical tests for the possible presence of genetic diseases, or mutant forms of genes associated with increased risk of developing genetic disorders.

– He is more famous for developing the Celsius temperature scale when he worked on meteorology.

– Since 1980s, many developing countries have been using the services of the ICJ.

– They are also known for developing Cloud LaTeX, an online LaTeX compiler service which is considered as a Japanese counterpart of ShareLaTeX.

– Although many cases from state supreme courts are significant in developing the law of that state, only a few are so radically different that they announce standards that many other state courts then choose to follow.

– A good example is the IPCC calculations cited by the Global Commons Institute as placing a value on a human life in the developed world “15x higher” than in the developing world, based solely on the ability to pay to prevent climate change.

– It is used to rank countries into different groups for example developed and developing countries.

– In the anatomy of developing animals, the brain forms from the neural tube, which turns into three vesicles.

– A gall provides the developing wasp with a safe refuge for this most vulnerable stage of its life cycle.

– Again, I welcome your review of the articles that I have been developing with Barras.

– Petrarch is credited with developing the sonnet with his “Canzoniere” to a level of perfection that would be unsurpassed to this day and spreading its use to other European languages.

– Although he was not part of Nintendo at the time, Iwata helped with developing Pokémon Gold and Silver”Pokémon Gold” and “Silver” by creating compression tools used for graphics in the games.

– All five leaders believed that developing countries should not help either the Western blocWestern or Eastern blocs in the Cold War.

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