Example uses in sentence of “susceptible”

How to use in-sentence of “susceptible”:

+ Infants are susceptible to predators or ocean currents which wash them away from feeding grounds or into temperatures too extreme for their bodies.

+ However, it seems to be no accident that during the years when the child is incontinent the glans is completely clothed by the prepuce, for, deprived of this protection, the glans becomes susceptible to injury from contact with sodden clothes or napkin.” The area of the outer forskin measures between 7–100 cm2, Kigozi G, Wawer M, Ssettuba A, et al.

+ When a cryptosystem is susceptible to chosen-ciphertext attack, implementers must be careful to avoid situations in which an attackers might be able to decrypt chosen ciphertexts.

+ Moreover, because of this property, synchronous stream ciphers are very susceptible to active attacks — if an attacker can change a digit in the ciphertext, he might be able to make predictable changes to the corresponding plaintext bit; for example, flipping a bit in the ciphertext causes the same bit to be flipped in the plaintext.

+ Because rapamycin at high doses can suppress the immune system, people taking rapamycin for transplant or cancer therapy are more susceptible to dangerous infections.

+ This is not always the case; sometimes, some susceptible people remain uninfected.

Example uses in sentence of susceptible
Example uses in sentence of susceptible

Example sentences of “susceptible”:

+ For instance, people infected with HIV never recover, and there is no vaccine, so there is no group of recovered people, only susceptible and infected people.

+ Subjects describe themselves in positive terms compared to other people, and this includes describing themselves as less susceptible to bias than other people.

+ The organism is unique in that it has a cell wall and exists only in living cells like a virus, but is susceptible to antibiotics like bacteria.

+ A viral infection attach to and enter susceptible cells.

+ The only other animal known to be susceptible to influenza B infection is the seal.

+ Broadcast technologies that depend on man-made infrastructure to convey communication are susceptible to disruption if any part of that infrastructure is overloaded, damaged or otherwise destroyed.

+ Blue represents the number of susceptible people.

+ All three systems are susceptible to tactical voting, but the types of strategy used and how often there is value in voting strategically differ in each method.

+ As for the subject, when Fra Girolamo Savonarola began to preach hellfire and damnation, the susceptible Sandro Botticelli became one of his adherents, a “piagnone” left painting as a worldly vanity, burned much of his own early work, fell into poverty as a result, and would have starved but for the tender support of his former patrons.

+ They may also include leukoaraiosis : the white matter is more susceptible to vascular blockage because it has less blood vessels than the cerebral cortex.

+ For instance, people infected with HIV never recover, and there is no vaccine, so there is no group of recovered people, only susceptible and infected people.

+ Subjects describe themselves in positive terms compared to other people, and this includes describing themselves as less susceptible to bias than other people.
+ The organism is unique in that it has a cell wall and exists only in living cells like a virus, but is susceptible to antibiotics like bacteria.

+ If it is overdone they may be ruined; if underdone they have a flavor like raw potatoes and are susceptible to mildew.

+ The Church also expects men to dress modestly, but the demands are not as strict for them as for women; this is largely because men are often thought to be more inherently susceptible to sexual thoughts.

+ The wood is susceptible to damage from fungi and insects.

+ Most mycobacteria are susceptible to the antibiotics clarithromycin and rifamycin, but antibiotic-resistant strains have emerged.

+ Not all plant cells are susceptible to infection by “A.

+ The island’s location also makes it susceptible to many Atlantic storms.

+ Iron can be made harder than bronze, but is susceptible to corrosion.

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