How to use in-sentence of “depend”

How to use in-sentence of “depend”:

+ The situation of 221 AOD was not in any demeanor note from a strategic perspective and was exposed to the adversary from all sides and needed to depend on its soldier intrepidity for its defense.

+ The period of a pendulum does not depend on the mass of the object.

+ Night-blooming flowers usually depend on moths to pollinate them, and artificial lighting can draw moths away from the flowers, hurting the plant’s ability to reproduce.

+ Here, agriculture depend on monsoon and if monsoon fails, then drought condition happens.

+ The exact hours depend on the times of sunrise and sunset in Denver.

+ Unfortunately, their ideas depend on the reader having an advanced knowledge of musical theory.

How to use in-sentence of depend
How to use in-sentence of depend

Example sentences of “depend”:

+ Future prospects depend heavily on the economic performance of the three major trading partners, China, the United States and Japan.

+ The division of labor made people depend on one another and led to more complex civilizations.
+ Somalis are mostly camel or goat herders, and depend on their livestock to live.

+ Future prospects depend heavily on the economic performance of the three major trading partners, China, the United States and Japan.

+ The division of labor made people depend on one another and led to more complex civilizations.

+ Somalis are mostly camel or goat herders, and depend on their livestock to live.

+ This is because models which depend linearly on their unknown parameters are easier to fit than models which are non-linearly related to their parameters.

+ There are lots of types of fishing hooks, and they all depend on how powerful they can hold the line and the size.

+ How happy a person is may depend on personality: how a person usually acts and feels.

+ The symptoms of MRSA depend on where the infected is.

+ The Mulefa and the seed pod trees have a symbiotic relationship, or a relationship that helps both sides: the Mulefa use the seed pods as wheels, and the seed pod trees depend on the rolling to crack open the pods and allow the seeds to spread.

+ Both innate and adaptive immunity depend on the ability of the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules.

+ Band gaps also depend on pressure.

+ The weapons available, the way the AI acts, game tactics and ranking systems will depend on the weather.

+ Solutions of the second equation depend on the potential energy function, and so cannot be solved until this function is given.

+ Times in races depend on the terrain, weather, and the other runners.

+ The care taken over these things might depend on the size of the wiki community, and how clear-cut the case for deletion is.

+ The appropriate method will depend on the nature of the subject.

+ With three children and low money, his mother had to depend on welfare for financial support.

+ The effects of hallucinogens depend on the type of drug, the strength of the dose, the functioning of the person taking them and their state of mind.

More in-sentence examples of “depend”:

+ Determinations of rationality depend on context, the background information and assumptions.

+ What 'small' means would depend on the organism.

+ Determinations of rationality depend on context, the background information and assumptions.

+ What ‘small’ means would depend on the organism.

+ Applications that depend on libraries installed by IE will fail to function, or have unexpected behaviors.

+ If a sample is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field then the resonance frequencies of the sample’s nuclei depend on where in the field they are located.

+ What’s more, we can’t ignore other groups of people who care about or depend on us, like regular donors or “power readers”.

+ It establishes false estimates of virtue and vice: for what can be more false and heartless than this doctrine which makes the first and holiest rights of humanity to depend upon the color of the skin?”In 1836, partially in response to Adams’s consistent presentation of citizen petitions requesting the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, the House of Representatives imposed a “gag rule” that immediately tabled any petitions about slavery.

+ Le Corbusier began to dislike capitalism, and said that people’s house size should depend on the size of their family, and not by how rich they were.

+ Almost all animals in the ocean depend directly or indirectly on these plants.

+ This personality disorder is a long-term condition in which people depend on others to meet their emotional and physical needs.

+ The future of the Earth will depend on many things, including increases in the brightness of the Sun, loss of heat energy from the Earth’s core and change of the planet’s orbit by the other things in the Solar System.

+ Many physiologybiological processes such as respiration depend on some inorganic molecules.

+ I believe it is vitally important to document the number used in each country, since people’s lives may depend on it.

+ The exact design will depend on how important the Dame’s is in society.

+ Rhetoric should depend on philosophy.

+ Both the schools and the USDA began to depend on the relationship.

+ Both types depend on one argument of a functionargument, either circular angle or hyperbolic angle.

+ That way he could depend on the Union Navy to keep him supplied instead of overland supply which could be attacked by Confederate cavalry.

+ Solubility does not depend on the size, in fact even the large particles will eventually all dissolve.

+ Hydrothermal vent communities are able to sustain such vast amounts of life because vent organisms depend on chemosynthetic bacteria for food.

+ Developing countries may be in the process of industrialization and underdeveloped countries usually depend on agriculture, often subsistence farming.

+ These electrons, when light hits them, absorb a specific wavelength, or color of light, and what color they absorb depend on their position around the atom.

+ The length of applause may depend on how much they liked the performance.

+ Whether the other parameters are required or not depend on the chart being referenced.

+ It may depend on the amount of physical work done by people: the harder the work, the more energy they need.

+ The definition of who is a Jew may depend on a few things.

+ Fish restaurants in particular depend on daily catches being supplied or bought in the early morning.

+ If, therefore, x denotes a variable quantity, then all quantities which depend upon x in any way, or are determined by it, are called functions of x.”Usually, Peter Dirichlet is credited with the first modern definition of function.

+ This means that there is no overlapping between the teeth, and that forward movements of teeth leading to shedding does not depend on other teeth.

+ However, the value of K will depend on the ionic strength.

+ Many ecosystems, and the animal and plant communities that depend on them, are found across multiple continents in large portions of this ecozone.

+ These reef-building corals largely depend on them.

+ However, it should be noted that whether or not an argument is “valid” does not depend on whether its premises are true.

+ In the late 18th century, Charlottenburg’s development did not depend only on the crown.

+ Each wife had different ideas, and encouraged their husbands to depend less on each other.

+ The changes depend on the details, and vary from place to place.

+ He was the first to use regression analysis to see how different things that depend on one another influence one another.

+ Not only do animals depend on the Nile for survival, but also people who live there need it for everyday use like washing, as a water supply, keeping crops watered and other jobs.

+ The goals of a company’s Gainsharing plan depend on its cost structure and long-term competitive strategy and are tailored to fit the industry.

+ They also depend on how well the students did in their exams.

+ They had to depend on food from their church.

+ They can be more active, and for longer, than animals who depend on the environment for heating.

+ When a person has a focal brain injury, their symptoms will depend on what part of the brain was injured.

+ These types often depend upon the IRCd software used, though a few access rights remain about the same across the different servers.

+ This time can depend on the length of the relationship.

+ This is partly because their brains have to grow and mature after birth, and partly because humans depend more on learning and less on inherited behaviour compared to other mammals.

+ They are ionizing radiation but the things they do depend on the wavelength of the X-rays.

+ Masunaga started this industry because the eyeglass industry does not depend on the season.

+ The term is quite useful in conservation biology for birds that live in or depend on bodies of water or wetland areas.

+ More specific symptoms occurring that normally depend on the place of the malformation.

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