“unopposed” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “unopposed”:

– The current president is Halimah Yacob, who is the Singapore’s first female president, who was elected unopposed at the 2017 presidential election.

– On 9 March 2014, Kim was elected unopposed to the Supreme People’s Assembly.

– He moved nearly unopposed through Normandy.

– All of the Ashland town officials were unopposed for new terms in the primary election held on October 2, 2010.

– When the results for the 1998 United Democratic Party1998 United Democratic Party Leadership election and convention were out, Barrow won unopposed as Leader of the UDP and was sworn-in by Governor-General of Belize, Colville Young as Leader of the UDP and Leader of the Opposition.

unopposed - sentence examples
unopposed – sentence examples

Example sentences of “unopposed”:

- Homosexuality is also thought of as a taboo vice in Pakistan, Laws are harsh yet go unopposed in most cases.

- His then Party, the Independent Party which was then-led by John Smith was the only Party who contested in the 1947 British Honduras general election and won all the then, nine seats British Honduras Legislative Assembly unopposed in the 1947 British Honduras general election.
- He was unopposed each time because no-one else was allowed to stand against him.

– Homosexuality is also thought of as a taboo vice in Pakistan, Laws are harsh yet go unopposed in most cases.

– His then Party, the Independent Party which was then-led by John Smith was the only Party who contested in the 1947 British Honduras general election and won all the then, nine seats British Honduras Legislative Assembly unopposed in the 1947 British Honduras general election.

– He was unopposed each time because no-one else was allowed to stand against him.

– In 2003, the Leader of the Conservative Party Iain Duncan Smith was made to resign and Michael Howard was elected unopposed to become the Conservative Party leader.

– Seleucus’ victories against Antigonus and Lysimachus left the Seleucid dynasty virtually unopposed in Asia and in Anatolia.

– Graham won the primary unopposed and defeated Democratic opponent Alex Sanders in the general election.

– On February 23, 2016, he filed to run for the Missouri Senate against incumbent Republican, and was unopposed in the Democratic primary.

– On 17 January 2015, he was elected unopposed as Chairman of the Kuomintang, replacing Ma Ying-jeou.

– She was elected unopposed as the first woman Speaker of the Lok Sabha on June 3, 2009.

– He was endorsed unopposed as Standard-Bareer for the Constituency In 2002.

– Burnside had depended on an unopposed crossing of the river.

– Nyerere was unopposed as the first president of the new country.

– After issuing a declaration of grievances, the army left Wells and marched to Winchester via Bristol and Salisbury, remarkably unopposed as they progressed across the south of England.

– Fianna Fáil secured the most seats, with 38, then returning and unopposed Ceann Comhairle giving them a 1-seat advantage.

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