How to use in sentence of “diploid”

How to use in-sentence of “diploid”:

+ Alternation of generations between a multicellular diploid and a multicellular haploid generation does not exist in animals.

+ In humans, the diploid number of chromosomes is 46.

+ The family is divided into four genusgenera based on their diploid chromosome number: “Hylobates”.

+ Humans are diploid organisms.

+ All plants go through a cycle with a haploid gametophyte alternating with a diploid sporophyte.

+ In this case diploid individuals are generally female, and haploid individuals are male.

How to use in sentence of diploid
How to use in sentence of diploid

Example sentences of “diploid”:

+ This diploid is called a zygote, and it can grow into a fetus and eventually a baby.

+ All cultivated wheats have more than one normal diploid set of chromosomes.

+ This diploid is called a zygote, and it can grow into a fetus and eventually a baby.

+ All cultivated wheats have more than one normal diploid set of chromosomes.

+ As growth proceeds, the nuclei swell, and then fuse forming a true diploid zygote giant cell.

+ He produced an artificial autotetraploid grass from the diploid species “Ehrharta erecta” by treatment with the chromosome doubling agent colchicine.

+ In land plants, both diploid and haploid forms have many cells.

+ The fusion of male and female gametes produces a diploid zygote which develops into a new sporophyte.

+ It is the term used for any animal or plant, technically, any multicellular organismmulticellular diploid hatching, or germination in plants.

+ Polyploidy has caused many rapid speciation events because offspring of, for example, tetraploid x diploid matings often result in triploid sterile progeny.

+ So, in normal diploid organisms, chromosomes are present in two copies.

+ In mosses and their relatives, the haploid gametophyte is the dominant generation, and the diploid sporophytes are sporangium-bearing stalks growing from the gametophytes.

+ The other form is diploid and has paired chromosomes.

+ However, not all polyploids are reproductively isolated from their parental plants, and gene flow may still occur for example through triploid hybrid x diploid matings that produce tetraploids.

+ This may be used for many purposes; such as, to show genetic disease, what sex the animal is and its diploid number.

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