In sentence use of “infected”

How to use in-sentence of “infected”:

+ Then he infected the boy with smallpox.

+ The cells get through the walls of the tiny blood vessels to get at pathogens in the infected tissues.

+ They make large amounts of amber-colored gum spill out from the infected branch.

+ This disease is caused mainly by the bite of an infected rodent or insect.

+ The United States, Great Britain and other countries do not allow the sale of infected bulbs, in order to restrict the virus.

+ Fleas could not bite through the leather jacket and infected people could not touch the doctor, which was also because of his leather jacket.

+ Scabies is usally spread by direct skin contact with an infected person.

+ Instead, hepatitis B is spread by blood or body fluids from an infected person.

In sentence use of infected
In sentence use of infected

Example sentences of “infected”:

+ In these cases, a human gets infected by eating food that came from a sick animal, or one which had picked up a parasite.

+ A total of 40 of their wives had been infected and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis.

+ Humans are usually infected because they are bitten by a blood-sucking bug of the subfamily Triatominae.

+ The country became the highest infected and the most people dead from the infection.

+ The first recorded epidemic was in the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire, It was called the Plague of Justinian after emperor Justinian I, who was infected but survived through extensive treatment.

+ A study from the University of Arizona found that SARS-CoV-2 can prevent an infected person from feeling pain.

+ She experimented by transferring parts of an infected bulb to a non-infected bulb and seeing if it remained a solid color, or became “broken” in color.

+ In these cases, a human gets infected by eating food that came from a sick animal, or one which had picked up a parasite.

+ A total of 40 of their wives had been infected and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis.
+ Humans are usually infected because they are bitten by a blood-sucking bug of the subfamily Triatominae.

+ They cannot protect against viruses, that come from infected media.

+ In rare cases it can also enter the body through an opening in the skin or by cough from another infected human.

+ The person is then infected with “Plasmodium” as a by-product.

+ As coronavirus diagnoses spiked in the city of Bnei Brak, reaching nearly 1,000 infected individuals at the beginning of April, the cabinet voted to declare the city a “restricted zone”.

More in-sentence examples of “infected”:

+ H5N8 usually does not make human sick; however, seven people in Russia were found to be infected in 2021.

+ Between 3–4 million people get infected per year.
+ FranceFrench infected with a louse called Phylloxera.

+ H5N8 usually does not make human sick; however, seven people in Russia were found to be infected in 2021.

+ Between 3–4 million people get infected per year.

+ FranceFrench infected with a louse called Phylloxera.

+ In the U.S., about 3.7 million people have trichomoniasis, and about 1.1 million more people get infected every year.

+ As of 2018, it is estimated that there are 39.7 million people worldwide infected with HIV.

+ These are also linked to the recent discovery of an infected driver a couple of days ago in Mafraq.

+ He claimed that infected sap remained infectious even after filtering through finest filters.

+ Samus is infected by one of these and is almost killed, but someone gives her a shot of Metroid DNA that kills the X virus, but also makes her immune to being killed by them.

+ Most people become infected with EBV and gain adaptive immunity.

+ If a person kisses or touches another person who is infected with the flu, a cold, measles, or a sore throat, he or she may get their disease.

+ If it is not treated, Hepatitis C goes away by itself in 10-50% of infected people.

+ In the United States and other developed countries, many people are not infected with EBV in their childhood years.

+ A host is infected by an active invasion by the parasites.

+ Venetian troops, infected with the disease, retreated into northern and central Italy, spreading the disease to more people.

+ On 23 December 2020, the United Kingdom health minister Matt Hancock said that two people who had travelled from South Africa to the United Kingdom were infected with the 501.V2.

+ Although such wood is very dry, it is not necessarily the best since it may be infected with wood worm or be of a bad quality or type.

+ His abdominal gunshot wounds became infected and resulted in gangrene.

+ Many people are infected for life.

+ The wound became infected but Windham recovered.

+ Children who have not been vaccinated usually get infected more than once.

+ Symptoms usually begin about 3 to 5 days after the dog is around the infected animal or object.

+ It can also mean a computer file or computer program which malfunctions or becomes infected with a computer virus.

+ It is different from medical isolation, which is for people who have been infected with the disease.

+ The curve being flattened is the epidemic curve, a representation of the number of infected people needing health care over time.

+ Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite: it is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito.

+ Fleas started the problem; the infected fleas were carried by black rats.

+ He isolated malaria parasites from the salivary glands of mosquitoes that had fed on infected birds.

+ If the person that the man has sex with touches the semen, he or she can become infected by the germs and pick up the disease.

+ Only humans can get this disease, but it probably came a virus which infected animals.

+ Hepatitis C can also be transmitted through hospital equipment that has not been cleaned enough after being used on an infected person.

+ Healthcare workers in infected areas should also wear protective gear.

+ They may be spread from a sick animal directly to a human for example, through bites and infected saliva, or through the air.

+ The water mould “Bremia lactucae” has infected commercial crops in Italy and California.

+ Parfitt died, aged 68, on 24 December 2016 in a hospital in Marbella, Spain from sepsis complicated by an infected shoulder injury he suffered two days before.

+ She was infected by her daughter who returned from Turkey on 12 March 2020.

+ Traders from the Silk Road may have brought the infected fleas to Europe.

+ As the number of infected people started to rise during the next days, on 17 March 2020 the Parliament declared the state of emergency for the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova for a period of 60 days.

+ The Ti and Ri plasmids are thus endosymbionts of the bacteria, which are in turn endosymbionts of the infected plant.

+ The infected mucosa of the mouth may look inflamed.

+ Some types of STIs can spread from contact between the genitals, mouth, anus, skin, eyes, and infected surfaces; this depends a lot on the type of STI and how it spreads.

+ It infected over 45 million computers and caused $5.5 billion in damages.

+ The cell cultures are then analysed to see if the person is infected with TB.

+ Some Green Tree Frogs have been found to be infected with chytrid fungus.

+ Both were infected from a Japanese national.

+ Without treatment, 1% to 5% of infected people die from dengue.

+ He persuaded the authorities to remove the handle of the pump, thus preventing any more of the infected water from being collected.

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