In-sentence examples of “confidence”

How to use in-sentence of “confidence”:

– The confidence interval is always given together with the confidence level.

– Fossils of entoprocts are very rare and the earliest specimens that have been identified with confidence date from the Upper Jurassic.

– Jealousy is caused by lacking of self confidence and judging your abilities.

– Normally the speaker would have resigned, but the House of Representatives immediately approved a motion of confidence in the speaker which was passed.

– At this time, the English people’s confidence in James was very low.

– News of his nomination at the 1864 National Union Convention elicited Lincoln’s famous response on June 9, 1864:I am very grateful for the renewed confidence which has been accorded to me, both by the convention and by the National League.

– The prime minister is appointed by the president and must be a member of parliament whom the president feels commands the confidence of the majority of other MPs.

In-sentence examples of confidence
In-sentence examples of confidence

Example sentences of “confidence”:

- The government depends on the confidence of the parliament, but the two branches aren't strictly separated.

- On 12 December 2018, the chairman of the 1922 committee received enough formal request letters to warrant what some Westminster system countries call a Leadership spill, May would go on to win the confidence vote.
- The calculation of a confidence interval generally requires assumptions about the nature of the estimation process, since it is primarily a "parametric" method.

– The government depends on the confidence of the parliament, but the two branches aren’t strictly separated.

– On 12 December 2018, the chairman of the 1922 committee received enough formal request letters to warrant what some Westminster system countries call a Leadership spill, May would go on to win the confidence vote.

– The calculation of a confidence interval generally requires assumptions about the nature of the estimation process, since it is primarily a “parametric” method.

– Moreover, he gains the confidence of Reggae Europe who partners with Geejam Recordings for the album Forever.

– Defeat of a Motion of Confidence in a parliamentary democracy generally requires one of two actions: the resignation of the government, or a request for a parliamentary dissolution and the calling of a General Election.

– As such, confidence intervals as discussed below are not robust statistics, though changes can be made to add robustness.

– Slowly he started to get more confidence again.

– The symphony expresses the confidence of the eternal human spirit.

– The actual confidence interval is calculated by entering the measured weights in the formula.

– If its confidence in a response was high enough, it would ring in to give the response.

– In June 2016, after the events of the “leave” vote in the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016EU referendum, Labour MPs passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn.

– The first I thought about is that quite a few people have said that they are not very good at editing articles or that they lack confidence in doing so.

– One later Commissioner, Edmund Garvey Edmund Garvey, was sacked by the Fianna Fáil government of Jack Lynch in 1978 after it had lost confidence in him.

– Schröder had lost a motion of confidence in the Bundestag.

– Drafted armies are large, but often lacking in confidence and in quality: it may be very difficult to force someone to risk his life against his will.

More in-sentence examples of “confidence”:

- He had the confidence that comes with conviction, the strength that comes with character, the grace that comes with humility, and the humor that comes with wisdom.

- In statistics, a confidence interval, abbreviated as CI, With this method, a whole interval of acceptable values for the parameter is given instead of a single value—together with a likelihood that the real value of the parameter will be in the interval.

– He had the confidence that comes with conviction, the strength that comes with character, the grace that comes with humility, and the humor that comes with wisdom.

– In statistics, a confidence interval, abbreviated as CI, With this method, a whole interval of acceptable values for the parameter is given instead of a single value—together with a likelihood that the real value of the parameter will be in the interval.

– It affected the social life of many Europeans because she gave confidence to women that they could rise beyond what men told them to do.

– On 18 November her government received a vote of confidence and she delivered an exposé.

– Nemorino’s confidence that tomorrow he will win Adina by virtue of the elixir, causes him to act indifferently toward her.

– She said that Michael Flynn had the full confidence of the president hours before he was fired.

– The likelihood that the parameter will be in the interval is called the confidence level, and the end points of the confidence interval are referred to as confidence limits.

– His agent Salutan Momoh Danessi who broke the transfer news, said the player’s confidence is on the high side and will be looking forward to giving his best on the pitch.

– On 13 December 2007, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was toppled by a vote of no confidence in Parliament, Sireheti, Joanna., Joy Basi, –, – “Solomon Times”, – 13 December 2007 following the defection of five ministers to the opposition.

– After the March concluded, Lindo spoke to News 5 and said that he has full confidence that Contreras will win and deliver Cayo West for his People.

– Despite this, May won the confidence vote after 200 MPs vowed support to her leadership.

– A motion of no confidence, is a vote on whether a group of people still has confidence in a government or leader.

– He gained confidence as he continued to go against the British.

– The remaining 43 members passed a motion of no confidence in the leadership.

– She joined a camp by model Tyra Banks called T-Zone because she had no confidence in herself.

– Ritz’s formative five years in Paris, including the siege of 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War, gave him sufficient polish and confidence to transform himself from a waiter and general factotum into a “maître d’hôtel”, manager, and eventually hotelier.

– If social isolation lasts for long periods of time, similar a serious illness, it can cause many bad effects such as loneliness, low self confidence and fear of other people.

– It gave NASA the confidence to launch Apollo 8 later.

– After meeting other gay people in the city, Johnson gained the confidence to come out herself.

– The failure to hold the coastal airfields led to a loss of confidence in General Joseph Stilwell by Chiang Kai-shek.

– Uma supports her decision and Aditya then reveals that it was Uma’s plan all along to infuse some confidence and passion inside Kanak which she was lacking hitherto, and that he never lost his memory.

– A key event was the motion of confidence of the government in which 13 PAP assemblymen crossed party lines and abstained from voting on 21 July 1961.

– Such an interval is called a confidence interval for the parameter “μ”.

– Voluntary armies tend to be small by numbers, but high in confidence and quality.

– Bandaranaike lost a vote of confidence in 1964, and her party was defeated in the resulting elections in 1965.

– A Motion of Confidence is a motion of support proposed by a government in a parliament or other assembly of elected representatives to give members of parliament a chance to register their confidence in a government.

– As the musician develops more and more confidence and skill in both left and right hand, pieces and exercises will become progressively more difficult.

– The latter then has one month to obtain the confidence of the Assembly of People’s Representatives.

– Jefferson Randolph “Soapy” Smith II was an AmericansAmerican confidence trickster and gangster.

– For each clue, Watson’s three most likely responses were displayed on the television screen along with its amount of confidence in those answers.

– The first motion of no confidence occurred in March 1782 when, following news of the British Battle of Yorktown defeat at Yorktown in the American Revolutionary War the previous October, the Parliament of Great Britain voted that they “can no longer repose confidence in the present ministers”.

– Woodson addresses the issue of confidence in young girls.

– In December 1982, the recently elected Chancellor Helmut Kohl deliberately lost a motion of confidence in order to hold new general elections.

– In the 1949 constitution, a vote of no confidence must be accompanied by the election of a new chancellor, so this could not happen.

– We give confidence to newcomers.

– I have nothing but confidence that this maturity will translate over to actions as a crat.

– Shills operate in media, journalism, marketing, confidence games, or other business areas.

– The House of Commons tried hard to control the army, but could not: in 1653, Cromwell dissolved the House of Commons, yielded legislative power to 139 people of his confidence and took the title of Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland, with powers wider than those enjoyed by the monarch.

– The “t”-distribution plays a role in many widely used statistical analyses, including the Student’s t-testStudent’s “t”-test for assessing the statistical significance of the difference between two sample means, the construction of confidence intervals for the difference between two population means, and in linear regression analysis.

– The no confidence vote may pressure the government.

– The council of ministers had to command the confidence of legislature.

– On November 13, 2013, Berard along with ex-police officer John Kaiser, helped catch two Confidence trickcon artists that were conspiring to steal $15 million from NHL players as well as many Long Island police officers and their families.

– Finally, Lincoln lost all confidence in him.

– In spite of the many enemies who envied his ambition, he was able to acquire the confidence of the king until the latter decided to have his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled in order to marry Anne Boleyn.

– I have every confidence that he can handle the tools.

– Governments often propose a Motion of confidence to replace a Motion of no confidence proposed by the opposition.

– In statistics, a claim to 95% confidence simply means that the researcher has seen one possible interval from a large number of possible ones, from which 19 out of 20 intervals contain the true value of the parameter.

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