Example uses in sentence of “have sex”

How to use in-sentence of “have sex”:

– Some critics come to believe that the ESRB only rates games AO if they have sex in them, regardless of how explicit the language, violence or even blood is.

– They have sex in Joan’s hotel room.

– Men have sex organs which we call “external”.

– But instead, they went to the coach’s house, where the coach had sex with the boys, and made the boys have sex with each other.

– Which relatives it is forbidden to have sex with depends on the law, religion and culture.

– In some countries, it is illegal to have sex before marriage.

– The accuser said Singer provided him with drugs and alcohol to encourage him to have sex on more than one occasion in 1999.

Example uses in sentence of have sex
Example uses in sentence of have sex

Example sentences of “have sex”:

– When three people have sex with each other, it is called a threesome.

– Who people like to have sex with depends on their sexuality.

– After having two kids, they have sex every chance they get.

– Also, Manson ordered the Family’s women to have sex occasionally with the nearly blind, 80-year-old owner George Spahn.

– While all animals have sex organs, this article is about the sex organs of human beings.

– MSM is used to describe men who have sex with other men without having relation to their sexual orientation, often in a medical context.

– Men who like to have sex with women, and women who like to have sex with men are heterosexual or “straight”.

– Safe sex is to have sex in a safe way.

– Different people may also exchange children to have sex with.

– Some celebrities attract stalkers who may want to kill them, get to know them personally, marry them or have sex with them.

- When three people have sex with each other, it is called a threesome.

- Who people like to have sex with depends on their sexuality.
- After having two kids, they have sex every chance they get.

More in-sentence examples of “have sex”:

– In common use, an orgy is when more than two people have sex together, sometimes also called group sex.

– The two women have sex one last time.

– Geisha do not have sex with clients for money.

– The group encouraged children to have sex with adults and each other.

– Certain people travel to other countries to have sex with children, which is forbidden where they live.

– When he comes back to America, she is using her real name and working for a soon to be divorced man who wants to have sex with her though they have not yet since she is not going to have sex with someone to whom she is not married.

– To have sex and make babies, the penis goes into a women’s wider tube, which is called the vagina.

– Kitt tells her mom on the telephone that she is going to have sex with her boyfriend for the first time.

– Hilary’s daughter later criticized the story and said that her father had made Jacqueline have sex with him.

– Orgasm may also encourage a woman to have sex more often as it feels good, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

– A sex toy is a device that helps humans get more pleasure when they have sex or when they masturbate.

– It includes all women who have sex with women.

– He is a lustful creature with desire for Changing Bear Maiden and by attempting to have sex with women by becoming a baby.

– Some homosexuals, for example, don’t want to have sex because they feel guilty about their sexual attraction.

– A different word to describe a woman who only likes to have sex with other women is “lesbian”.

– He was also known to have sex with his victims before he killed them.

– This allows for people under of consent but above a certain age to have sex with people as long as there older partner is either less than a certain age or the difference in age is a certain number of years.

– Most of the hentai -films in the late 1990s to the present day are based on Ero-Games, where the only actual goal is to date the girls in the game and have sex with one of them.

– One of the girls did not have sex with him.

– Now, with the arrival of western medicine, many hijari choose to take hormone therapies and sometimes have sex reassignment surgery.

– The judges tell her to have sex with them but she doesn’t want to.

– Men who only like to have sex with other men, and women who only like to have sex with other women are homosexual or “gay”.

– They are method effectiveness, where how many couples that use the condom every time they have sex do not get pregnant; and actual effectiveness, where the number of people that use condoms either correctly or incorrectly and do not get pregnant are looked at.

– Importantly, because of his religion, he did not have sex until he was 26.

- In common use, an orgy is when more than two people have sex together, sometimes also called group sex.

- The two women have sex one last time.
- Geisha do not have sex with clients for money.

– They do not want people to have condoms because they do not think people should have sex unless they are married.

– The two have sex with each other.

– The duke wanted to have sex with women on their wedding nights, so the people started fighting.

– Forcing someone to have sex who does not want to, called rape, is a serious crime in many countries.

– People who form a couple, or who are married, very often have an agreement that they will only have sex with each other, and with no one else.

– In many countries and states, there are laws against having sex with somebody of the same gender, and people can be put in jail because of who they have sex with.

– Other laws made it illegal for a person to marry or have sex with a person of a different race.

– For example, the CDC says that men who have sex with men should be tested at least every year.

– Others think that the female orgasm causes the vagina to grip the penis more tightly, which makes sex more exciting for the man and causes him to ejaculate more quickly or to produce more semen; or that it encourages a woman to have sex more often as it feels good.

– In May 2009, the Thai Red Cross reaffirmed its ban of men who have sex with males becoming blood donors, despite campaigns to change this policy.

– People who feel sexually attracted, or have sex with these, are robosexual.

– When a woman is “on the Pill” she and her partner may have sex any time they wish with very little chance of making a baby.

– Natasha and Alba have sex for the first time.

– To reproduce, they can have sex with another planarian; this is called sexual reproduction.

– Medically, this condition is classified by the American Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder.World Health Organization, ” Section F65.4: Paedophilia Some pedophiles have sex with children or use children in a sexual way.

– He made her have sex with his girlfriend.

– Gay people who have sex with many partners are also in the middle, but below gay married couples.Rubin, Gayle.

– However, Alba keeps wanting to have sex with Natasha.

– She tries to have sex with Sid during this time, but Sid has fallen in love with Cassie, and reminds Michelle that she really loves Tony and is just looking for comfort.

– The couple can have sex at any time they wish; they don’t need to interrupt foreplay to put birth control in place, and they can feel the physical sensations and emotional closeness of intercourse without interference from a make or female condom.

– Studies on how FGM affects women’s ability to have sex have also been small.

– However, Signior Opera can’t have sex or have babies.

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