“interaction” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “interaction”:

– The predator-prey interaction encourages the adaptation in plant species which the predator prefers.

– Scaffolding relates to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory because it recognizes the role of social interaction on learning and how other people affect the development of children.

– Body size of herbivores is a key reason underlying the interaction between herbivores and plant diversity, and the body size explains many of the phenomena connected to herbivore-plant interaction.

– Long-term changes in histone/DNA interaction cause epigenetic effects.

– In decoherence, an interaction with the field takes the observer into only one determinant constellation of the quantum field, and so all observations align with that new, combined quantum state.

interaction some ways to use
interaction some ways to use

Example sentences of “interaction”:

– They try to record patterns of social interaction and the thoughts and experiences of participants.

– These birds are known for their interaction with humans.

– This type of weather has affected the Moroccan culture and behaviour and played a part in the social interaction of the population, like many other countries that fall into this type of climate zone.presented in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 geographical encoding standard by the symbol “MA”. This code was used as the basis for Morocco’s internet domain, ma.

– Due to land interaction and colder sea surface temperature in the South China Sea, the JMA downgraded Nalgae to a severe tropical storm on October 2.

– These segments use teaching methods such as mnemonics, songs, stories, and games, which are good for many different learning styles and abilities by promoting interaction through signing, singing, speaking and dancing.

– Studies showed that the interaction between an autistic person and animals can increase communication, reduce stress, fear, aggression and reduce the severity of the symptoms of autism.

– In studies of coevolution, a GxGxE interaction can be viewed either in the most formal way at the gene or genotype level, or it can be viewed more generally at the level of how natural selection acts on two or more interacting species across many contrasting environments.

– This interaction has caused star formation to increase tenfold compared to “normal” galaxies.

– Some agencies were concerned that many children are not getting enough proper exercise and real-world social interaction because of playing games such as “Fortnite”.

– Noel formed on October 27 from the interaction between a tropical wave and an upper-level low in the north-central Caribbean Sea.

– The movie is a parody of teen musicals and centers on a group of delinquents that refer to themselves as “drapes” and their interaction with the rest of the town and its other subculture, the “squares”, in 1954 Baltimore, Maryland.

– Freud describes the human mind as interaction of id, ego, super-ego.

– The interaction between the convective motions and the electrical currents creates a dynamo effect.

- They try to record patterns of social interaction and the thoughts and experiences of participants.

- These birds are known for their interaction with humans.
- This type of weather has affected the Moroccan culture and behaviour and played a part in the social interaction of the population, like many other countries that fall into this type of climate zone.presented in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 geographical encoding standard by the symbol "MA". This code was used as the basis for Morocco's internet domain, ma.

More in-sentence examples of “interaction”:

– The interaction with Hurricane Edouard led to weakening and the storm took a northwestward direction.

– Bateson also coined the term “epistasis” to describe the genetic interaction of two independent traits.

– Human-computer interaction is a field of computer science that looks at the ways in which a human uses a computer and interacts with it.

– The strong interaction is often thought to be the action of gluons, which ‘glue’ quarks together.

– The interaction of these processes can form, modify, or destroy features of the Earth’s surface.

– Together with Fisher, he pioneered methods for calculating the distribution of gene frequencyfrequencies among populations as a result of the interaction of natural selection, mutation, migration and genetic drift.

– Histones undergo changes which alter their interaction with DNA and nuclear proteins.

– The term international as a word means involvement of, interaction between or encompassing more than one nation, or generally beyond national boundaries.

– For example, for us to “see” an electron, a photon must first interact with it, and this interaction will change the path of that electron.

– In 1989 he was appointed assistant professor at Harvard University where he studied the interaction of the potassium channel with a specific toxin taken from scorpion venom.

– But from the first interaction with Dr.

– Mike reached a secondary peak of 95mph winds on November 14, but land interaction with Vietnam again weakened it to a minimal typhoon.

– Neighbourhoods are usually created by social interaction between people living near each another.

– For him, the spectrum could be explained by the simpler phenomena of colour arising from the interaction of light and dark edges.

– Cradleboard use and its effect on mother-infant interaction has been studied in Navajo communities.

– The colour strong force is the strong interaction between the three quarks that a proton or neutron is made of.

– Scientists believe that the shape of Magellanic Clouds has been caused by tidal interaction with the Milky Way as they travel close to it.

– When the size of the particle horizon becomes smaller than any particular structure, no interaction by any of the fundamental forces can occur between the farthest parts of the structure, and the structure is “ripped apart”.

– The Gullah people were able to keep much of their African culture because the climate and geography of this area were similar to Africa, and because slaves lived in large groups and had little interaction with whites.

– The observed structure in radio emission is determined by the interaction between twin relativistic jetjets and the external medium, modified by the effects of relativistic beaming.

– This comes from the strong interaction that holds the quarks together.

– Advances such as the internet have changed the way we live, making the world a smaller place but also making communication and interaction with things around us less intimate.

– Membrane proteins with immunoglobulin-like domains–a master superfamily of interaction molecules.

– The energy of its state is mainly determined by the electrostatic interaction of the nucleus.

– His theory defines human behavior as a three-way, dynamic, and reciprocal interaction of personal factors, behavior, and the environment.

– Some of the processes observed include fog formation from the interaction of cool air from above mixing with heated air from below, the recharge processes of water entering into the conduit and expanding from below, and entry of superheated steam measuring as high as 265°F into the conduit.

- The interaction with Hurricane Edouard led to weakening and the storm took a northwestward direction.

- Bateson also coined the term "epistasis" to describe the genetic interaction of two independent traits.

– Sand dunes have different forms and sizes based on their interaction with the wind.

– Human–computer interaction mostly refers to the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for people’s use.

– It is designed to encourage cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states.

– Human geography is the social science that covers the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies and their interaction with the environment.

– If light were shone on the expected event, the photon’s interaction with the field would set the electron to a single position.

– Initially, self-talk is very much a tool of social interaction and this tapers to negligible levels when the child is alone.

– The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that makes microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field.

– Scaffolding describes the interaction between a child and an adult who helps them finish a task that they could not do alone.

– His model of perception is an interaction between data from sense organs and previous knowledge and experience.

– Drag and tidal interaction cause Triton to fall slowly into lowered orbits.

– Note that this is not an interaction ban; hopefully we are all adults, and to me, the situation looks like it does not need an ineraction ban.

– This interaction can heat the gas being exchanged between the bodies and produce X-ray light which can appear to pulsate, causing binary pulsars to occasionally be referred to as X-ray binaries.

– His research focused on the interaction between neurons and Neurogliaglial cells in the nervous system.

– Nambu was known for his works to the field of theoretical physics, he was awarded a one-half share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discovery in 1960 of the mechanism of Spontaneous symmetry breakingspontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics, related at first to the strong interaction‘s chiral symmetry and later to the electroweak interaction and Higgs mechanism.

– These elementary particles interact via at most three fundamental interactions: the electroweak interaction which includes electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force; the strong nuclear force described by quantum chromodynamics; and gravity, which is best described at present by general relativity.

– The inspiration for Perrow’s books was the 1979 Three Mile Island accident, where a nuclear accident resulted from an unanticipated interaction of multiple failures in a complex system.

– Individual atoms can have their spin reversed by interaction with energy from elsewhere.

– Web Service is “software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network” which may be accessed by other cloud computing components, software.

– For example,  an interaction may be antagonistic in one environment and mutualistic in another environment; or it may be antagonistic in all environments but selection may favor different traits in different environments.

– With Richard Feynman he discovered a weak interaction between sub-atomic particles.

– Fortunately for the archipelago, the combination of an eyewall replacement cycle and land interaction to its west weakened the super typhoon.

– The interaction energy therefore gets.

– If schizophrenia is caused by bad communication between mother and child, then family interaction studies become relevant.

– In addition, a two-way interaction occurs between the environment and personal characteristics.

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