How to use in sentence of “formation”

How to use in-sentence of “formation”:

– They affect which tissues grow upward and which grow downward, leaf formation and stem growth, fruit development and ripening, plant longevity, and even plant death.

– This caused the formation of organizations which were only for Arab Indonesians in 1913.

– Some of the processes observed include fog formation from the interaction of cool air from above mixing with heated air from below, the recharge processes of water entering into the conduit and expanding from below, and entry of superheated steam measuring as high as 265°F into the conduit.

– Bismark was the man behind the formation of the Triple Alliance.

– Small fragments, formerly thrown away or used only for varnish, are now used on a large scale in the formation of “ambroid” or “pressed amber”.

How to use in sentence of formation
How to use in sentence of formation

Example sentences of “formation”:

- A university study in Brazil of guaraná extract showed a platelet aggregation decrease of up to 37% of control values and a decrease of platelet thromboxane formation from arachidonic acid of up to 78% of control values.

- Roughly The formation of the large lunar basins occurred before 3.8 billion years ago.

– A university study in Brazil of guaraná extract showed a platelet aggregation decrease of up to 37% of control values and a decrease of platelet thromboxane formation from arachidonic acid of up to 78% of control values.

– Roughly The formation of the large lunar basins occurred before 3.8 billion years ago.

– According to Xenophon, the Spartans abhorred the thought of using the relationships as the basis of unit formation for placing too much significance on sexuality rather than talent.

– It is the largest basalt formation of Central Europe.

– On September 1, MNL48 announced the formation of BABY BLUE, the group’s first-ever sub-unit, in partnership with Tower Records Japan, a major Japanese music retailer.

– The various fossil beds of the Green River Formation span a 5 million year period, dating to between 53.5 and 48.5 million years ago.

– Because the storm formed at 36°N, this system is the northernmost formation in the eastern north Pacific basin.

– Since the city’s formation in August 23, 1922, its official slogan is “City of Action.” It is part of the Modesto Metropolitan Statistical Area.

– The formation of the Isthmus of Panama joined the two continents 2 to 3 million years ago.

– The type species is “Aegyptosaurus baharijensis”, named after the Bahariya Formation in Egypt, where the first fossils were found.

– The formation lap is a slow lap around the circuit.

– The corresponding formation on the ceiling of a cave is known as a stalactite.

– Antioxidants are molecules that relieve oxidative stress by preventing the formation and oxidation of free radicals.

– If the wind dies down, the wave formation is reduced but waves already formed continue to travel in their original direction until they meet land.

– In the collection, there is an emphasis on the formation of Japanese culture through exchanges with other Asian countries and Kyushu.

– The fossils were recovered from the lagerstätte of the Yixian Formation in the Liaoning Province of China, renowned for its extraordinarily well-preserved fossils of feathered dinosaurs.

– As usual on spiral galaxies of the Virgo Cluster, in the rest of the disk both star formation and neutral hydrogen are reduced in the galaxy’s disk, something caused by interactions in the Virgo cluster.

– The skeleton was found in the Hell Creek Formation in southern Montana in 2001.

– The breaking of the C-X bond and the formation of the new C-Nu bond occur simultaneously to form a transition state in which the carbon under nucleophilic attack is pentacoordinate, and approximately sp hybridized.

More in-sentence examples of “formation”:

– As of April 3, 2008, 71 goaltenders and 638 skaters have appeared in at least one regular-season and/or playoff game with the Montreal Canadiens since the formation of the league in the 1917–18 NHL season.

– The formation dates to about 75 million years ago.

– It is common in the banded iron formation rocks of Proterozoic and ArcheanArchaean age in the Canadian shield of North America.

– It is known from several skeletons and bonebed material from the Judith River Formation of Montana and the Oldman Formation of Alberta province in Canada.

– Most specimens of “Gorgosaurus libratus” have been recovered from the Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta.

– According to radiometric dating, the Morrison Formation dates from 156.3±2million years old at its base, so it lasted just under 10 million years.

– It is not concerned with the formation of molecules, nor does it examine atoms in a solid state physicssolid state as condensed matter.

– The enlargement of Park Lane Park Lane and the formation of Hyde Park Corner as a major traffic gyratory system has cut off the western stretch of Piccadilly, with the result that Apsley House has become detached from it.

– The ORS is a rock formation which varies from place to place as the circumstances at the time must have varied.

– The line formation is a standard Military tacticstactical formation which was used by infantry in early modern warfare.

– Since the formation of the Apple Computer Company in 1977, Apple has employed over 95,000 people worldwide.

– In January 2019, she announced the formation of an exploratory committee to think about running for the Democratic Party Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election.

– This formation consists of alternating layers of limestone and shale, laid down as sediment on a shallow seabed early in the Jurassic period.

– He joined Fleetwood Mac shortly after its formation by guitarist Peter Green in 1967.

– Between its formation in 1854 and 1861, the Republican Party had many different factions or groups.

– The Green River Formation is an Eocene rock formation on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains.

– When the individual displays reaction formation this is a neurotic defense mechanism.

– The dark cloud of dust and gas is a region in the Orion nebula where star formation is taking place.

– All known theropod dinosaurs from the Yixian Formation are coelurosaurs.

– Tokovinin, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 200, The Formation of Binary Stars, Potsdam, Germany, 10 Aprilndash;15, 2000.

– The general hypothesis among astrophysicists is that the formation of relativistic jets is the key to explaining the production of gamma-ray bursts.

– It was found in the Santana Formation of Brazil, and specimens from England are also placed in this genus.

– It is involved in cell division and in the formation of cilia and flagella.

– This is generally because the formation is considered to still be growing and forming.

– The earliest proof that humans were involved with hippos comes from butchery cut marks on hippo bones at Bouri Formation from around 160,000 years ago.Clark J.D.

– It is a geologic formation or stratigraphic rock series marked by well-defined divisional planes separating it from layers above and below.

– Caenagnathidae from the Upper Campanian Aguja Formation of West Texas, and a revision of the Caenagnathinae.

– The type specimen of Ingentia, PVSJ 1086, was discovered in the Quebrada del Barro Formation of northwestern Argentina.

– Parallel race formation and the evolution of mimicry in “Heliconius” butterflies: a phylogenetic hypothesis from mitochondrial DNA sequences.

– Star formation means the earliest stages in a star’s life.

– The split led to the formation of Friends of the Earth, led by David Brower.

– It is known from partial skulls and skeletons from at least four individuals from rocks of the Morrison Formation in Colorado.

– Turf cutting, subsidence and shoreline erosion gradually caused the formation of one large lake, the Haarlemmermeer, or lake of Haarlem.

– A revised age for Upper Scorpius and the star formation history among the F-type members of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association.

– The formation of Earth occurred as part of the formation of the Solar System.

– The Soviet Union ended with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

– On February 22, 2012, Chanyeol was officially introduced as one of the twelve members of the original formation of the South Korean-Chinese group EXO.

– Asteroids are the leftover rock rock and other material from the formation of the Solar System.

– Some detractors have said that the church’s main purpose is to advance Moon’s political aspirations, such as the formation of a one world government.

– The eroded sandstone formation is north of Casper, Wyoming in the Powder River Basin near Teapot Creek.

– It is made by odontoblasts, a special type of cell that activates later during formation of teeth.

– The game has an all-new move set that includes real-world aerial stunts, tumbling, formation changes and advanced moves on the Wii Balance Board.

– The Cold War started after the formation of the American-led NATO and the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact.

– He participated as a peritus expert in the sessions of Vatican II playing a key role in the formation of the introduction of the “Gaudium et spes”.

– Lê Duẩn participated in the formation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in 1930.

– Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation, “The Gulag Archipelago” is included in the high-school curriculum in Russia.

- As of April 3, 2008, 71 goaltenders and 638 skaters have appeared in at least one regular-season and/or playoff game with the Montreal Canadiens since the formation of the league in the 1917–18 NHL season.

- The formation dates to about 75 million years ago.

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