How to use in-sentence of “shape”

How to use in-sentence of “shape”:

– Many eucalypts also change the shape of their leaves as they get older.

– The shape of the mouth depends on the conditions of the sea where it flows.

– The Problem Blob, the Puzzler and the Numbertaker are male, while the Shape Japer and Spooky Spoon are female.

– The shape of a hose is usually cylindrical.

– When the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk are placed inside it, the shape of the controller in the player’s hands is changed.

– On their head they have a round shape called the melon.

– Adaptive optics means changing the shape of the mirror or lens while looking at something, to see it better.

How to use in-sentence of shape
How to use in-sentence of shape

Example sentences of “shape”:

– This shape is called a bi-concave disc.

– It is a 3D shape with flat faces, and straight edges.

– This means that the shape at that atom is tetrahedral.

– It sometimes has sour cream to make it easier to shape and may have fruit flavoring such as strawberry, blueberry, or lemon.

– This seedpod is triangletriangular in cross-section and has the shape of a spindle.

– Paul Cézanne can also be seen as a Post-Impressionismpost-impressionist, who helped shape modernism in painting.

– Basic structural features, such as genome type, virion shape and replication site, generally share the same features among virus species inside the same family.

– In 2000, In Dongguk University, A Korean Christian vandalized.- painted a crossed shape on a buddhist statue and wrote “Only Jesus” on a stairs.

– He made a record called “The Shape of Jazz to Come” in 1959.

– On the edge of the plaza there are stones in the shape of graves, with names on them.

– His brothers Phobetor and Phantasos shape parts of dreams, while Morpheus shapes the dream in general.

- This shape is called a bi-concave disc.

- It is a 3D shape with flat faces, and straight edges.

– The music of the canon, played by the hands, sounds in parts like the shape of the chorale.

– It is maximum nine inches in length and body shape is variable with more slender fish in northern populations.

– The best-selling item was a hat in the shape of Vinicius’s head.

– Determining the shape of a lenticular galaxy is difficult because the shape can be between spiral galaxy and elliptical galaxy.

– The shape can be known by looking at the bulge of the galactic center.

– The mouth of newly born metatherians forms an “O” shape into which the mother’s nipple fits.

– Geometry can be used to calculate the size and shape of many things.

– This results in the slug of metal having a dumbell shape which holds the two metal sheets together.

– The shape of a machaira is often compared to a lion claw.

More in-sentence examples of “shape”:

- The building is in the shape of an equilateral pentagon It is the tallest building of this shape in the world.

- In the scientific world, "elastic" means that when you apply a certain amount of Force and then remove the force, the object will return to its original shape and energy state.

– The building is in the shape of an equilateral pentagon It is the tallest building of this shape in the world.

– In the scientific world, “elastic” means that when you apply a certain amount of Force and then remove the force, the object will return to its original shape and energy state.

– In April 2017 as a guest on the satirical program “La-hon Wa-bas” hosted by Hicham Haddad, Abboud condemned an issue of “Nadine Magazine” for its depiction of her chest and face shape with the words, “Bigger than this chest” emblazoned on its cover.

– A Torus is a shape from geometry that is obtained by rotating a circle in 3D space.

– So, any shape which is concave, or has a hollow, cannot be a convex set.

– In basic education, the shape of the Earth is described as being like an orange, a sphere but wider round the equator.

– The Earth phase, Terra phase, Terrestrial phase or phase of the Earth, is the shape of the directly sunlit portion of the Earth as viewed from the Moon.

– An airfoil is the shape of a wing, or blade of a propeller, the blade of a ship’s screw or the shape of a sail as seen in cross-section.

– There is also a district that is named after this castle and also the shape and construction of a real castle.

– The results of the equations can be plotted on the Cartesian grid, and a shape appears.

– The new house, which uses the original frontage, seats 1,750 and is elliptical in shape with a large orchestra level and 37 boxes.

– Where spicules of silica are present, they have a different shape from those in the otherwise similar glass sponges.

– This shape is produced by all celestial spinning spheres, such as stars and planets.

– If this shape is used to make a doorway, there is generally another stronger arch around it.

– The pelvis of a woman spreads into a wider shape than a man’s, so that when the woman is pregnant, the baby is supported by the pelvis, until it is ready to be born.

– In crystallography, the cubic crystal system is a crystal system where the unit cell is in the shape of a cube.

– Another reason for using the fork shape is that, when it vibrates in its principal mode, the handle vibrates up and down as the prongs move apart and together.

– The shape of the table was very important.

– And so the stone became soft for her to be comfortable and cosy, taking the shape of her body.

– The Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in mathematics that says that any solid shape can be reassembled into any other solid shape.

– Their shape is like a squash.

– Prions work by changing the shape of proteins in the infected animals.

– The idea of the Indian Union took shape and Hume initially had some support from Lord Dufferin for this, although the latter wished to have no official link to it.

– Bokeh also takes on the shape of the aperture which the light passes through, making most bokeh circular in shape, which also means a lens “mask” made of black paper that has a certain shape cut into it can be placed over a camera lens to make the bokeh shape conform to that of the shape cut into the paper.

– They were once thought to be hamsters based on the shape of their teeth, but they do not have the cheek pouches, and short tail of the true hamsters.

– Female bettas have a more pointy shape at their stomachs.

– The ship had triangletriangular sails, similar in shape to the bladder of the man o’ war.

– When threatened, Sipunculids can retract their body into a shape resembling a peanut kernel – a practice that has given rise to the name “peanut worm”.

– This is why the double bass is a little different in shape from the violin, viola and cello.

– He had a walking stick in the shape of a Bolesha Beacon.

– Taking a look through the hist and what not too, it wasn’t in a promote shape when it was due to close.

– The pectoral fins and the shape of the body work together to counter this force.

– In the Gothic period the shape and style of pointed arches changed.

– An ellipsoid is a shape like a sphere, but it may be longer in one or more directions, like an egg, or a rugby ball.

– Its shape is called an oblate spheroid.

– It is called the duck due to the shape of the gripping hand during the throw, as if making a duck shadow puppet.

– Its shape is usually similar to a cylinder.

– The shape and size of the ark were very good for floating.

– It has a crescent shape and it goes through Guinea, Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin and then through Nigeria.

– In other words, their skull shape was a basal feature.

– It has 80 prison cells built in the shape of a cross.

– The Congress was concerned with determining the entire shape of Europe after the Napoleonic wars, with the exception of the terms of peace with France, which had already been decided by the Treaty of Paris, signed a few months earlier, on May 30, 1814.

– The whole shape of the body changes when a cat is relaxed, or when it is alert.

– A tetracontagon or 40-gon is a shape with 40 sides and 40 corners.

– Bonsai trees are trained to grow into a shape that is pleasing to look at.

– A icosikaitetragon or icositetragon is a shape with 24 sides and 24 corners.

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