Example uses in sentence of “buy”

How to use in-sentence of “buy”:

– This game features many in game purchases, a player can earn coins to unlock characters or spend money to buy them.

– In terms of computer network defense, defense in depth measures should not only prevent security breaches but also buy an organization time to detect and respond to an attack.

– Some TVs can receive Freeview automatically, but most people have to buy a special box to connect to their old TV or replace their satellite box, if they want to get by satellite.

– However, if they had the money, they could buy their own freedom and become commoners.

– In one episode, she gets her boss to buy a color television set for her bedroom.

Example uses in sentence of buy
Example uses in sentence of buy

Example sentences of “buy”:

- There they could rent or buy a carriage and travel to Paris.

- Many people who buy bullion coins hope they become more expensive in the future so they can be sold.
- Company president Betty James has always kept the toy's price low so children could buy it.

– There they could rent or buy a carriage and travel to Paris.

– Many people who buy bullion coins hope they become more expensive in the future so they can be sold.

– Company president Betty James has always kept the toy’s price low so children could buy it.

– It is not illegal to own a book, and it is also not illegal to sell or buy such books second-hand.

– The temple required that only special coins be used to buy the animals or donate to the temple.

– Using standard uniforms can also save the money needed to buy extra clothes as fashion to impress other people at school.

– Thomas and his friend buy food, and Daniel, Miriam, Marko and Esther are asked how to find the correct way in Berlin.

– They first buy paper magnetic stripe cards inside the station.

– There are two allowances; Compensatory City Allowance to pay more because it is more expensive to buy things in cities.

– Dragon danceDragon and lion dances are common at shopping centers, which sometimes have special sales to let Chinese people buy new clothes to wear for the holiday..

– Riders can also buy MetroCards from many places in New York City, like convenience stores and newspaper sellers.

– The manager wants to buy Scrooge’s ranch and become a rich man.

– She said she wanted to buy women.

– The iPod’s Wi-Fi ability can also be used to buy music from the iTunes Store.

– As an early teenager, all of Tim’s friends were into snowboarding, so Tim saved up money until he had $400 to buy a snowboard.

– Along with this there are food stalls from which visitors can buy fresh food from.

– Homer tries to savingsave some money to buy an air conditioner.

– Also, every week, some items at grocery stores cost less that what it normally would cost, so people would want to go buy them since they don’t have to pay as much as they would normally have to get that item.

More in-sentence examples of “buy”:

- When there is more demand, prices will go up because many people want to buy the same item but there is not enough supply for it.

- He was able to buy 1280 acres of land.

– When there is more demand, prices will go up because many people want to buy the same item but there is not enough supply for it.

– He was able to buy 1280 acres of land.

– The buyer who bid the highest would be able to buy that slave for the amount of money he bid.

– Best Buy has fought the trademarks of a dozen other companies, including Geek Rescue, Rent a Geek, and Speak With a Geek.

– The young wife says: “No lock is of avail against the cunning of women; there can be no fidelity where love is not present: for that reason will I buy with your money the key I lack”.

– Eva asks her father to buy Tom.

– They believed that white people in the southern part of the United States would not buy their products.

– People could not buy guns very easily anymore.

– Many arrive with little money and so canmot buy or rent a house, even if one is available.

– The people who invest get to be the owners of what they buy or build together.

– Food courts are areas where people buy food.

– A tael would buy about 40 grams of silver.

– People may also do other illegal things in order to get crack or to get money to buy crack, because the urge to get the drug is so strong in people who are addicted.

– Nowadays one of the principal problems for the exiled is the prohibition to buy houses in Croatia for Italian people not resident in Croatia.

– He asked his father to buy his first skateboard.

– An order to buy 30½ 8-car trains of 1967 tube stock was made in March 1964.

– You can advertise your crops and products so that people around the world can buy things from your shop.

– Many African-Americans could not get mortgages to buy houses.

– When Seward was Secretary of State, he arranged for the United States to buy Alaska from Russia.

– Sometimes publishers buy third-party developers, and so they become in-house developers: workers for the publisher.

– The cafés, which attract millions of tourists each year, allow customers to buy marijuana over the counter and openly smoke it.

– The humor elements of the show involve a satire of the Best Buy chain of electronics stores.

– This means they need to spend more money just to buy those things they need every day.

– On April 22, 2010, CenturyLink announced that it was going to buy Qwest for $22.4 billion.

– It often replaces money which people would use to buy the same help.

– As a result, he decides to buy back the plant.

– For example, on hot days people buy ice cream, and people also go to the beach where some are eaten by sharks.

– The more they win, the more people will want to buy Ray’s gear.

– Luther said that the idea the money could buy forgiveness prevented people from turning away from sins.

– For example, some people buy and sell land but are not interested in doing anything with it.

– However, there are many tools which are usually made for right-handed people, and it may be difficult and more expensive to buy left-handed versions.

– For example, you can use it to get on a train or, to buy a drink at a convenience store, or bread from a bakery.

– The British Army did not buy the Blindfire system until 1979.

– In October 2010, another mining company, Swenson Granite Company, said it would buy Rock of Ages for $39 million.

– After David escapes he telephones Jennifer to ask her to buy him an airplane ticket so he can go and see Falken and get his help in stopping Joshua.

– On February 7, 2013, American Airlines said it would definitely buy 100 Boeing 737 MAX 8s.

– In August 2014, the Brazilian investment company 3G Capital announced it was going to buy out the TDL Group and merge operations of Tim Hortons with that of Burger King.

– A local businessman, James Zadko, and his family gave money to buy a robotically controlled 1-metre modified Ritchey-Chrétien telescope.

– He had gone to the 7-Eleven to buy a packet of Skittles.

– His plan was to go to Tahiti and perhaps on to the SpainSpanish colonies on the coast of Chile to buy provisions and bring them back to Sydney.

– A contestant can buy a vowel for $250.

– Many people buy only 4 cards, so that the other two cards were usually wasted.

– It has also built places called “service areas” where people can stop and rest, and buy gasoline and things to eat.

– It attracts tourists from several places to eat, buy and enjoy.

– By the 20th century, it was getting more difficult to buy very important paintings; there were other galleries in the United States and Germany who were trying to buy the same paintings.

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