“practice” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “practice”:

– A tornado drill is something people do to practice what they would do if there were a tornado.

– This means a man and a woman practice abstinence when the woman is fertile.

– Musicians, including singers, use these tracks to support both their practice and performance of popular song.

– When Jeffries goes to swimming practice and takes her migrane medicine, she faints because of the side affects of the medicine.

– The Nuremberg Laws is the name for three that were set into practice in Germany in 1935, and that were valid until 1945.

– Computer engineering is the practice of making computers and their parts.

– This follows the general practice of Formula One, in where most circuits run clockwise.

– Consequently, Mandaeans do not practice clerical celibacycelibacy or asceticism.

practice - sentence examples
practice – sentence examples

Example sentences of “practice”:

– For example, he continued the practice of using the Sultan’s name at Friday prayers in the newly captured territories.

– Catch and release is a practice in sport fishing for conservation of the various species.

– His law practice never took off, and he never worked or played chess again.

– The last practice session, called Practice 3, takes place on Saturday from 11:00 to 12:00.

– Bostaph had to practice a lot to improve the strength of his hands and feet; “I respected and loved Dave’s drumming but as a fan, if they got a new drummer and I bought a ticket to a show, I would expect to hear the stuff that Dave does, that’s what I would want.

– The practice varies greatly between countries.

– They practice using their strong paws, and they show off their big, sharp teeth.

Practice 1 runs from 18:00 to 19:30, and practice 2 runs from 21:30 to 23:00.

– Many classic postage stamps were engraved, although the practice is now mostly confined to particular countries, or used when a more “elegant” design is desired and a limited amount of different colours is acceptable.

– From these accounts, it appears that the practice was not exceptional or new.

– Some Shaivas worship in temples, but some practice yoga, striving to be one with Shiva within.

– Each session contain explanation of the theory and practice of each new exercise as it is reached.

– Very large nuclear bombs have been produced, but in practice a weapon with multiple warheads can produce much more damage by attacking more targets.

– On 17 January 1649 Ormonde signed a peace with the rebels which said that they could practice their religion freely.

- For example, he continued the practice of using the Sultan’s name at Friday prayers in the newly captured territories.

- Catch and release is a practice in sport fishing for conservation of the various species.

More in-sentence examples of “practice”:

– This is described by many as a return to the 19th century practice of phrenology, although Fodor offers more science to back his version up than phrenologists.

– He took over a legal practice in Kaikohe in 1968.

– A central government that makes policy and puts it into practice for the people at large is not how the Iroquois handle government.

– Sexual abstinence is the practice of not having sex.

– In practice the exchange rate has remained fixed at the lower value of the currency band.

– This violent practice was not based on any actual evidence.

– Naturists come from many different social classes and backgrounds, and practice naturism for very different reasons.

– The practice has been most often used in native societies in the Americas, but there are examples from Asia and Europe.

– The practice of castration has its roots before recorded human history.

– Drills are practice exercises.

– In 1210, they attacked the fortress at Minerv and built “the first great bonfire of heretics” – beginning the practice of Pyreburning at the stake that would continue in the Inquisition of the Counter-Reformation.

– The religion took the practice of Dhikr from Sufism.

– Full-time colonial animals fall into this category in principle, but in practice the species of interest here are those who form temporary groups.

– Despite its unclear origins inside the computing world, the practice spread in the 1980s and 1990s, when the personal computer became popular and exposed hacker culture to the world.

– It has been used by Djurgårdens IF FF as practice ground.

– This is a practice of Jewish law.

– In modern practice they are almost always pulled by tractors, either from a drawbar or mounted on the three-point hitch.

– There was a time when people around me recommended that Ishibashi traveled to the United States to practice jazz, but at the time, the he didn’t have enough money to buy these expensive records, so he kept the his bank account from the U.S.

– He soon retired from legal practice to study geology.

– And then as a young adult, he started to practice Wushu by the famous coaches, Mohammad PourGholami and Masoud Jafari.

– The State religion is Islam, but with the equal status and equal right in the practice of the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and other religions.

– They may call members to the Bar and allow them to practice as barristers.

– Faith refers to the belief in the concept known as “the mystic law of the universe.” Practice means to chant every day the phrase “Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo” and sections from the Lotus Sutra while sitting in front of the Gohonzon, a sacred scroll that hangs in the butsudan.

– In modern times, some think the definition of “black magic” has been used by people for any type of magic practice that is disapproved of and thought of as evil or satanic.

– He worked on the theory and practice of protectionist trade and on agriculture.

– A common practice is to use the author-year or publisher-year for the reference name.

– Today, about two-thirds of German people call themselves Christian, but most of them do not practice it.

– Historically, the practice of green manuring can be traced back to the fallow cycle of crop rotation, which was used to allow soils to recover.

– In practice this means it moves through the air.

– The Chambeshi River in Zambia is usually taken as the source of the Congo because of the accepted practice worldwide of using the longest tributary, as with the Nile River.

– Bread and honey do not have the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the rainbow lorikeet needs, and this practice can lead to health and feather problems in young lorikeets.

– Others allow public religion but practice religious discrimination in other ways.

– Castles were first built in the 9th century and the practice continued up to the 16th century.

– During practice on August 2, 2011, he collapsed from a heatstroke and a heart attack.

– If the Royal Assent is refused, the line “”La Reyne / Le Roy s’avisera”” would be used, though in practice no British monarch since Queen Anne has not given royal assent since a dispute over militia in Scotland in 1707.

– His successors survive to this day and practice the art of Vastu or Vastu Shastra.

– This practice is called “Gajaarohana”.

– The way of staying in the water longer is to practice breathing slow and deep.

– On weekend nights the town swells with young partygoers from nearby New Jersey towns who practice a rowdier style of barhopping than is fashionable across the river in Manhattan.

– While the most common practice is for a hero to be the protagonist and the villain to be the antagonist this is not always the case.

– Often, the practice is to use one given name and the first surname most of the time.

– The biological species is the main reason for classifying living things, but applying it in practice is not easy.

– Today, the practice of vendetta has almost disappeared in societies where law enforcement works.

– Ice fishing is the practice of fishingcatching fish through an opening in the frozen body of water.

– The restoration was strongly criticized during Viollet-le-Duc’s lifetime because he made the error of using slates and restoring the roofs as pointed cones, where local practice was traditionally of tile roofing and low slopes, as in this region snow was very seldom.

– The experience made him want to study assemblers and practice writing code during his school classes.

– As they gradually stopped the horrible practice of castrating young boys in the late 18th century these male characters started to be sung by mezzo-sopranos instead.

– Critics of image worship consider this practice “idolatry”.

– The Maniq people of Thailand are an Indigenous peoplesindigenous people with dark skin who have been enslaved by monarchs from slurs that mean “slave” in a practice similar to slavery in the United States.

- This is described by many as a return to the 19th century practice of phrenology, although Fodor offers more science to back his version up than phrenologists.

- He took over a legal practice in Kaikohe in 1968.
- A central government that makes policy and puts it into practice for the people at large is not how the Iroquois handle government.

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