“fission” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “fission”:

– For certain of the heaviest nuclei which produce neutrons on fission, and which also easily absorb neutrons to initiate fission, a self-igniting type of neutron-initiated fission can be obtained, in a so-called chain reaction.

– This led to the discovery of slow neutrons, nuclear fission and making elements that were not in the Periodic Table.

– Hydrogen bombs have the potential to be much more powerful than fission bombs.

– In nuclear reactors, fission only happens when the reactors parts are arranged properly.

– In 1937, GermanyGerman chemist Otto Hahn became the first person to create nuclear fission in a laboratory.

– During Binary Fission in bacteria, the bacteria split in two, so one bacterium becomes two bacteria.

– As an example of fission decay, a fermium-256 atom can split into xenon-140 and palladium-112 atoms, releasing four neutrons in the process.

– Also the fission products of uranium were already discovered: thorium, palladium, radium, radon and lead.

fission - sentence examples
fission – sentence examples

Example sentences of “fission”:

– Today, fission only happens in nuclear reactors.

– During World War II he worked on the possibility of using nuclear fission to develop new weapons.

– Nuclear fission was discovered in December 1938 by the German nuclear chemist Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann in Berlin.

– This process is called nuclear fission and creates lots of heat.

– Nuclear fusion is the combining of two light atoms into a heavier one and nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavy atom.

– For a few isotopes such fission can release many neutrons.

– Binary Fission means “division into two”.

– Nuclear fission is a kind of nuclear reaction.

– By August 1945, the Manhattan Project built three nuclear fission weapons.

– This is called nuclear fission and is the basis for atomic bombs.

– Some use binary fission to reproduce asexually.

– The bacterium before binary fission is when the DNA is tightly coiled.

– This was an important part of the discovery of the nuclear fission of uranium.

– However, it is not known if any of this results from fission chain-reactions.

– There are two ways to make nuclear weapons: fission weapons.

– Nuclear fission is when the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a lot of stored energy.

- Today, fission only happens in nuclear reactors.

- During World War II he worked on the possibility of using nuclear fission to develop new weapons.

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