How to use the word “molar”

How to use in-sentence of “molar”:

– Thus an elephant has tusks, large size and weight, large ears and very large molar teeth.

– In chemistry, the molar concentration, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

– For example, a common school experiment to find the molar heat capacity of water involves heating a beaker of water with an immersion heater and stirring the water, while checking the temperature at specific intervals.

– Its molar mass is 35.01 g/mol.

– They are grouped according to how the jaw looks like and how the molar teeth look like.

– At any one time, elephants have one molar in each jaw bone.

– The site includes the oldest pottery found in the Canton of Neuchâtel, along with many tools, the molar of a mammoth and deer and wild boar bones.

– In 1934 she was part of a dig at Swanscombe where she discovered the largest elephant molar known at the time in Britain, but needed assistance to identify it.

How to use the word molar
How to use the word molar

Example sentences of “molar”:

- The evolution of the elephant-like animals mainly concerned the proportions of the cranium and jaw and the shape of the tusks and molar teeth.

- Their canine teeth are adapted for killing, and their molar teeth can crunch bone.
- Mastodons were browsers on leaves and branches, as shown by their molar teeth.

– The evolution of the elephant-like animals mainly concerned the proportions of the cranium and jaw and the shape of the tusks and molar teeth.

– Their canine teeth are adapted for killing, and their molar teeth can crunch bone.

– Mastodons were browsers on leaves and branches, as shown by their molar teeth.

– The murines have a distinctive molar pattern that involves three rows of cusps instead of two, the primitive pattern seen most frequently in muroid rodents.

– Add all the molar masses of the elements together to get the molar mass of the chemical compound.

– Subtle aspects of the third upper molar have been suggested, though.

– The molar absorptivity coefficient can be calculated by measuring the absorption of a sample of a known concentration and known pathlength.

– They all have large, biting and chewing, incisors separated from grinding molar teeth by a gap, or diastema.

– The molar heat capacity of a given substance can be found by heating the substance by releasing a known amount of energy into the substance and measuring the temperature change.

– The SI units for molar concentration are mol/m.

– The molar concentrationmolar hyperosmolar.

– It can be found by adding the molar masses of all of its elements.

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