How to use the word “hammerhead”

How to use in-sentence of “hammerhead”:

+ Like all other Hammerhead sharks, the winghead shark has a “hammer” on its head known as the “cephalofoil”.

+ Great Hammerhead Sharks can be found from inshore waters which are less than 1 meters deep, to a depth of 80 meters offshore.

+ Great Hammerhead Sharks are around 2.85 to 5.5 meters long, and weigh around 450kg, but the longest ever found was 6.1 meters long.

+ The smalleye hammerhead shark has been known to be eaten by larger sharks such as the bull shark, and sometimes it has been eaten by bony fishes.

+ When they can not find food they start eating each other, but the Great hammerhead shark is known to eat its own young.

How to use the word hammerhead
How to use the word hammerhead

Example sentences of “hammerhead”:

+ There are four other species of hammerhead sharks which live in the same area as the smalleye hammerhead shark lives: the scoophead, the bonnethead, the great hammerhead shark and the scalloped hammerhead shark.

+ Great Hammerhead Sharks’ favourite prey are rays and Skate skates; its favourite type of ray are stingrays.

+ The smalleye hammerhead shark is found along the eastern coast of South America, from Uruguay to Venezuela, but it is sometimes found further west than the Orinoco Delta southeast of Trinidad.

+ The Hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks which make up the family Sphyrnidae.

+ Even though Great Hammerhead Sharks are apex predators, young pups have been seen eaten by Bull sharks.

+ Yellow jacks have been seen rubbing themselves against Great Hammerhead Sharks, probably to get rid of parasites.

+ Pilot fish have been seen swimming with Great Hammerhead Sharks.

+ While meeting three sharks on a fish-free diet, Bruce, a great white shark; Anchor, a hammerhead shark; and Chum, a mako shark, Marlin discovers the diver’s mask that was dropped from the boat and notices an address written on it.

+ The cephalofoil of the Great Hammerhead Shark is said to be used to pin stingrays down, because one Great Hammerhead Shark was found attacking a southern stingray in the Bahamas; the Great Hammerhead Shark first pinned the stingray down by hitting the stingray with its cephalofoil, and then it grabbed the stingray in its jaws and started to rip apart the stingray by shaking its head rapidly.

+ Like all other hammerhead sharks, the scalloped hammerhead has a “hammer”, which is known as the “cephalofoil”, on its head.

+ But male smalleye hammerhead sharks found off the northern Brazilian state of Maranhão mature when they are 92cm long.

+ There are four other species of hammerhead sharks which live in the same area as the smalleye hammerhead shark lives: the scoophead, the bonnethead, the great hammerhead shark and the scalloped hammerhead shark.

+ Great Hammerhead Sharks' favourite prey are rays and Skate skates; its favourite type of ray are stingrays.
+ The smalleye hammerhead shark is found along the eastern coast of South America, from Uruguay to Venezuela, but it is sometimes found further west than the Orinoco Delta southeast of Trinidad.

+ It includes some common ones like the Blue shark, Bull shark, Tiger shark and the hammerhead sharks.

+ Like all other hammerhead sharks, the smalleye hammerhead shark has a “hammer” on its head.

+ The Great Hammerhead Shark has been listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, because of fishing for its fins, which are made into shark fin soup, for its skin which is made into leather, and their liver oil for vitamins.

+ Shy and harmless towards humans, smalleye hammerhead sharks are fished throughout its range and is sold as food.

+ Unlike other Hammerhead sharks the nostrils are closer to the centre of the cephalofoil than the ends.

+ The smalleye hammerhead shark also is found in inshore murky waters which are 5–40 meters deep.

+ Another shark which lives in the same area as the smalleye hammerhead shark, the Yellow smooth-hound, also feeds on shrimp and has a yellowish colour on it, but it is not as bright as the colour on the smalleye hammerhead shark.

+ The top part of the Great Hammerhead Shark is grey-brown or green, and the belly is white.

+ Some common kinds of shark are the hammerhead shark, the great white shark, the tiger shark, and the mako shark.

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