Use the word “stability”

How to use in-sentence of “stability”:

+ It was the first production combat airplane to be designed with relaxed stability and fly-by-wire controls to make it highly agile in the air.

+ The result of these negotiations was a temporary constitution that meant the transition from apartheid to democracy was a constitutional continuation and that the rule of law and state sovereignty remained intact during the change, which was vital for stability within the country.

+ Societies often enforce gender binaries due to concepts like tradition and the idea that their stability relies on keeping this binary in place.

+ This is because of its stability and uptime, and the fact that desktop software with a graphical user interface for servers is often unneeded.

+ It increases the thermal and chemical stability of the animal skins.

+ The Financial Stability Board is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system.

+ China is the 2nd largest exporter to Nepal, but India is the largest buyer of Nepal’s goods, China’s imports from Nepal are zero, thus burdening Nepal’s monetary stability and monetary balance.

+ However, while newer features are added during each release, the timing of the Spring release stays the same as the first release, so as to ensure the stability each year.

Use the word stability
Use the word stability

Example sentences of “stability”:

+ In addition, melting temperature can also be used to estimate the thermal stability of drugs, because the higher the the more stable is the protein.

+ I would encourage you to compare my deleted version of Island of stability with the current version.

+ The DC says that the Solomon Islands is moving towards civil unrest because “violence, corruption and crime have undermined stability and civil society”.

+ Dubbed the “Eagle of Asia” for his ability to protect the net, his international career stretched for an illustrious 11 years, a tenure that provided stability and uncanny leadership.

+ The aerobiological stability of UL was a major concern, being sensitive to sun light, and losing virulence over time after release.

+ Concerns about overpopulation and its effects on poverty, environmental degradation, and political stability led to efforts to reduce population growth rates.

+ Which method is optimal depends upon the nature of the liquid being measured, the conditions under which its tension is to be measured, and the stability of its surface when it is deformed.

+ Its stability is not guaranteed: invasive species and climate change can cause changes.

+ This is one of the main problems for the stability of stone bridges.

+ As a result, the Financial Stability Oversight Council officially designated CLS a Systemically Important Financial Market Utility in July 2012.

+ Many were disappointed with the performance and stability FreeBSD 5’s early releases.

+ In addition, melting temperature can also be used to estimate the thermal stability of drugs, because the higher the the more stable is the protein.

+ I would encourage you to compare my deleted version of Island of stability with the current version.
+ The DC says that the Solomon Islands is moving towards civil unrest because "violence, corruption and crime have undermined stability and civil society".

+ But also known for its social stability and low crime rate.

+ Arminius, who had been considered a real threat to stability by Rome, was now defeated.

+ He became increasingly popular with his people and was credited as a peacemaker for his work in maintaining world stability at a time when war seemed to be looming.

+ The stability of their lives is thrown into an emotional storm when a former boxer turned writer named Sloan arrives.

+ The next official step towards rebuilding South Africa was the Groote Schuur Minute where the government and the ANC agreed on a common commitment towards the end of violence and intimidation, as well as a commitment to stability and to a peaceful process of negotiations.

+ The stability of an isotope is related to radioactivity: an unstable isotope can be highly radioactive.

+ To preserve stability of names, the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature allows a new type specimen, or neotype, to be chosen for a “nomen dubium” in this case.

+ Isotopes have been produced with enough protons to plant them upon an island of stability but with too few neutrons to even place them upon the island’s outer “shores”.

More in-sentence examples of “stability”:

+ Both use intense applied magnetic fields in order to achieve dispersion and very high stability to deliver spectral resolution.

+ It gives the best stability along two axes of motion: side-to-side and up-and-down.

+ As more and more of the sea ice is thinner first-year ice the greater effect storms have on its stability with turbulence resulting from major extratropical cyclones resulting in extensive fractures of sea ice.

+ In the parliamentary system of government, the Prime Minister of Indiaprime minister is treated as the “first among equals” in the cabinet; the position of deputy prime minister is used to bring political stability and strength within a chain of command is necessary.

+ Draghi was also the Financial Stability BoardChair of the Financial Stability Board from 2009 to 2011 and Governor of the Bank of Italy from 2005 to 2011.

+ The Soviet UnionSoviets got spies that Amin’s rule was a threat to the stability of Afghanistan.

+ The goal was to improve the stability of those currencies.

+ The Benedictine order was very important for the stability of f European society at the time.In 1790, during the French Revolution, the abbey was sacked, and mostly destroyed.

+ In cybernetics, the thermostat is an example of a machine which uses feedback to maintain the stability of a heating system.

+ The German government tried to get the NPD banned in 2003, but the Bundesverfassungsgericht threw the case out when some of the leaders of the party turned out to be agents or informers of German security services, including the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, the “Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution”, which still lists the NPD as a dangerous organisation because its policies are a threat to the peace and stability of Germany and the constitution.

+ The Tudor period of stability in the country saw the first of the large unfortified country houses.

+ Due to some issues, Shaun Pollock had to takeover which bought some stability into the side for the first time in the season.

+ There are also erector muscles in the fins that help with the stability and flexibility of the fish’s fins.

+ However, there is a need to make a difference between the propagation of behavior and the stability of behavior.

+ There are other stability effects.

+ Also, once again, this would result in the formation of a product that is in an excited state of comparable stability to the excited state of the reactant compound.

+ The stability of the Solar System was first investigated by Laplace, and there is still much that is not known about it.

+ The stability of the colloidal quicksand is changed by the presence of salt.

+ There is a stability ratio for Neptune and Pluto: the 2:3 ratio means Pluto completes two orbits in the time it takes Neptune to complete three.

+ Though she clearly aspires to own beautiful and expensive things, it also seems she yearns for the sense of stability and protection she associates with wealth.

+ Costa Rica has enjoyed greater peace and political stability than other Latin American nations.

+ For stability and performance, more than 1 Gigabyte of main memory is always helpful with a large operating system such as this.

+ It also improved stability by reducing Unrecoverable Application Errors associated with networking, printing, and low-memory conditions.

+ The Raven’s Progressive Matrices: change and stability over culture and time.

+ After problems with the stability in 2006 Jörg “Kano” Schirottke decided to move from Debian Sid to a less volatile basis.

+ It is used to probe the stability of the snow or ice in crevasses, and for ice climbing.

+ Both use intense applied magnetic fields in order to achieve dispersion and very high stability to deliver spectral resolution.

+ It gives the best stability along two axes of motion: side-to-side and up-and-down.
+ As more and more of the sea ice is thinner first-year ice the greater effect storms have on its stability with turbulence resulting from major extratropical cyclones resulting in extensive fractures of sea ice.

+ To ensure the stability and endurance of the archive, The Internet Archive is mirrored at Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt, the only library in the world with a mirror.

+ Some commodity market speculation is directly related to the stability of certain states.

+ Amtrak gave some stability to the industrial tenor of the neighborhood.

+ The tail added stability as well as looking good when performing stunts.

+ Wider decks can be used for greater stability when transition or ramp skating.

+ Bush argued that this made Saddam a major threat to Western allies, such as oil-rich Saudi Arabia and Israel; to Western oil supplies from the Persian Gulf states; and to Middle East stability in general.

+ He has been Governor of the Bank of England since 2013 and was Financial Stability Board#ChairsChairman of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018.

+ Among the things mentioned are that religions help keep a psychological equilibrium and that they provide a certain amount of stability to a society.

+ Similar political stability concerns have from time to time driven the price of oil.

+ In a boat stability means that it is less likely to capsize.

+ Statistical process control is the use of statistical methods to assess the stability of a process and the quality of its outputs.

+ Verbatim UltraLife discs have a silver main layer, and a gold upper protective layer, providing the reflectivity of silver and the chemical stability of gold.

+ The Ming Empire has been described as “one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history”.

+ This slow movement of the financial system from stability to fragility, followed by crisis, is something for which Minsky is best known, and the phrase “Minsky moment” refers to it.

+ Since most of the focus of modern ship design is directed towards efficiency and stability at sea, the effects of hydrodynamics in shallow waters need to be studied further.

+ She later served as Special Envoy for Strategic Stability and Missile Defense at the State Department until August 31, 2012.

+ AMG models usually have more aggressive looks, higher performances, better handling and better stability than normal Mercedes cars.

+ When a system can reorganize, that is shift from one stability domain to another, a more relevant measure of ecosystem dynamics is ecological resilience.

+ It is likely that this stability contributes to the peculiar molecular and chemical properties known as aromaticity.

+ It had shown its economic stability in facing financial crises.

+ This stability allows millisecond pulsars to be used in establishing ephemeris time, An ephemeris is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time.

+ He lived a life in search of stability and influence.

+ It was established after the 2009 G20 London summitG20 London summit in April 2009 as a successor to the Financial Stability Forum.

+ The official Chinese position on the events was that the protests needed to be dispersed in order not to harm the stability of the country.

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