“pancuronium bromide” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “pancuronium bromide”:

– There are antidotes to pancuronium bromide that will help reverse the drug’s effects more quickly.

– Because the brain is not a muscle, pancuronium bromide does not paralyze the brain.

– A dose of pancuronium bromide takes about 3-6 minutes to paralyze a person.

– Doctors use pancuronium bromide during surgery.

– In hospitals, a person who is given pancuronium bromide is then a tube is put down their throat to pump oxygen into their lungs.

– The use of pancuronium bromide in lethal injections is controversial.

– This means that pancuronium bromide will stop a person from breathing.

pancuronium bromide some ways to use
pancuronium bromide some ways to use

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