Example sentences of “covered with”

How to use in-sentence of “covered with”:

– The remains were covered with red ochre, in what is the earliest known incidence of such a burial practice.

– He said that he was a “different kind of communist” and “one of the great fighters for freedom in his country against the Empire of JapanJapanese.” Graham went on to say that even though he had never met Kim’s son and former North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, he had “exchanged gifts with him.” Graham gave a globe covered with doves to the “North Korean Friendship Museum”.

– They are covered with a mucosa, epidermisepidermal cells which are moist and make mucus.

– The valley of the Lesse and this part of the Ardennes are covered with forests.

– It has whipped chocolate covered with milk chocolate.

– The place earlier known as Shringavali, named after the sage Shringi, was once covered with dense and unnavigable forests and inhabited by wild animals.

Example sentences of covered with
Example sentences of covered with

Example sentences of “covered with”:

– The underside of the body is covered with water-repellent hair.

– The body of “Ophiocoma wendtii”, a type of brittle star, is covered with ommatidia, turning its whole skin into a compound eye.

– In the example below, the sleeves and shorts are dark red covered with white pattern, the body is white covered with red pattern, and the socks are white without pattern.

– The area where “Monolophosaurus” was discovered showed signs that it was sometimes covered with water, so it is possible that this dinosaur lived on the shore of a lake or sea.

– The sheets of paper are usually covered with a text, language and illustrations.

– However, the benches were covered with red and white plaster.

– It was used to make lacquerware, containers covered with lacquer.

– Like moths, butterflies have four wings covered with tiny scales.

– Millions of years ago, the site was that of a large lake, the shores of which were covered with successive deposits of volcanic ash.

– The process is similar to the one that produces methane when organic waste is dumped at a garbage pit and covered with earth, except that it occurs deep below the earth’s surface.

– The boards may be covered with paper, cloth or leather.

– The Beagles are covered with chocolate and Scrooge apologizes to his nephews for not believing them.

– The hammers are covered with felt which is a mixture of wool, silk and hair.

– Dolmens were usually covered with earth or smaller stones to form a barrow, though in many cases that covering has weathered away, leaving only the stone “skeleton” of the burial mound intact.

– Land can have different types of soil; it may be covered with stones, sand, dirt, etc.

- The underside of the body is covered with water-repellent hair.

- The body of "Ophiocoma wendtii", a type of brittle star, is covered with ommatidia, turning its whole skin into a compound eye.

More in-sentence examples of “covered with”:

- The prisoners eyes were covered with blindfolds and they were shot.

- During the summer, the swimming pool was covered with wooden planks.
- Each is coated in milk chocolate and covered with confectioner's sugar.

– The prisoners eyes were covered with blindfolds and they were shot.

– During the summer, the swimming pool was covered with wooden planks.

– Each is coated in milk chocolate and covered with confectioner’s sugar.

– His weapon is a skewer covered with pieces of roast meat.

– Along the coastline, near Cabo do Norte, there are many islands partially covered with water.

– The courts are made up of uniform rigid material, often covered with an acrylic surface layer to offer greater consistency of bounce than other outdoor surfaces.

– A timpani mallet’s head can be made out of many things, but is usually made out of a wood sphere that is covered with felt or a thin cloth.

– A strange story is told about the work of this bird, and that is that this bird brings its father’s body, which is covered with a kind of fragrant plant gum, all the way from the Arab land to the Temple of the Sun and buries it there.

– The azuki are put in the pan and covered with a lid.

– White was a frail, delicate, and very beautiful woman, but having undergone such usage as she suffered nothing but a wreck remained; it was literally covered with blows and scratches.

– The purpose of this headpiece is to provide shade for the infant, since it could be covered with an animal skin, or a blanket in winter to protect against the elements in colder climates.

– Topographically, it is covered with timber and evergreen forests.

– Much of the country is a low, barren plain, covered with sand.

– In the Edo period, all seats were covered with a roof.

– Novelist Atrpet gave the talented poet the epithet “Shiraz”, because “this youth’s poems have the fragrance of roses, fresh and covered with dew, like the roses of Shiraz.” Shiraz being one of Iran’s major cities, famous for its roses and poets.

– Its skin is thick, somewhat hard, fragrant, and covered with protuberances; the pulp is white and subacid.

– Jo-Jo was covered with long, silky hair and was said to resemble a Skye terrier.

– The eggs are covered with gelatinous secretion by which they stick to the leaves.

– Estonia has many forests, almost 50% of the land is covered with forests.

– The hills around Monmouth are covered with woodland and farms.

– His cave was covered with the bones of the people he killed.

– After that, Ireland became covered with trees.

– The tongue of felids is covered with horny Filiform papillapapillae, which rasp meat from prey and aid in grooming.

– It is sometimes covered with wax.

– It is covered with bushes.

– Like most brooms, it has apparently leafless stems that in spring and summer are covered with golden-yellow flowers.

– A pizza roll is a type of pizza covered with bread.

– Baked Alaska is a dessert made of ice cream on top of slices of sponge cake or Christmas pudding and covered with meringue.

– The surface of the disc is covered with small holes that are read by a laser.

– The leaves of the plant are covered with tentacles.

– Tombs were used in the Ancient Egyptian period where the bodies or possessions of Pharaohs were stored or buried inside a pyramid after mummification, where the pharaohs’ bodies would have their organs removed, their bodies covered with salt and then wrapped in bandages and a portrait panel of the pharaoh placed over the face, or death mask.

– Many kinds of bullets are made from lead covered with copper.

– North America and Europe were still rather close, and Greenland probably was covered with lush woodland and grassland.

– Their bodies had settled in anoxic mud and were soon covered with further extremely fine silty sediments.

– They follow their map and find a cave covered with bushes.

– According to Mackay, they found it dry and covered with a layer of sand.

– They can be covered with gravel, or simply bare earth.

– These include a domed or oblong hut similar to a wickiup, a permanent structure made of wood and earth, or even a simple hole dug into the ground and covered with wood.

– Many homes were completely covered with water.

– In the United States the shield is mostly covered with much younger rocks and sediment.

– A circular hole was cut into the backdrop and covered with a transparent material.

– The surface is covered with ink.

– Most of the area of these hilly hamlets and villages is covered with trees.

– It is covered with his sayings and calligraphy.

– He later told about his ride to friends: “…the prairie was covered with verbena and other wild flowers.

– They include office, condominium and apartment buildings and hotels that are of concrete or steel frame construction, multi-story concrete parking garages, and residences that are made of either lots of brick or concrete/cement block and have roofs with slopes of no less than 35degrees from a horizontal angle and no overhangs of any kind, and if the windows are either made of hurricane-resistant safety glass or covered with shutters.

– This has four pillars covered with beautiful scenes of offerings to the gods.

– These would have been covered with a large stone mound about 36.6 m long and 17 m wide.

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