“on account” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “on account”:

– Furthermore, in her analysis of Oedipus, she claims that the speaking subject cannot exist on his/her own, but that he/she “stands on the fragile threshold as if stranded on account of an impossible demarcation”.

– Founded in 1885, the newspaper has been published daily since 1894, except for a hiatus from May 1943 to November 1945 on account of World War II.

– When the Nineteenth Amendment became law, it guaranteed the right to vote could not be denied on account of sex.

– The two main species are both called ‘trembling aspens’ or ‘quaking aspens’ on account of their leaves.

– The Missouri Synod believes that justification justification comes from God “by divine grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone.” It teaches that faith in Jesus is the only way to eternal salvation.

on account in sentences?
on account in sentences?

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