“mop” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mop”:

– The mop will just make everyone’s life easier, admins probably have some less work to do and Osiris doesn’t need to wait for us and can do the stuff himself.

– I’d just like to get my mop back so I can help out a bit more directly than I currently can.

– I can keep doing what I do with or without the mop – so there’s no big deal regardless of how this goes – and, again, I won’t be actively seeking or thinking about adminship if this request fails, as it really doesn’t mean all that much to me – it’s a few extra buttons at the end of the day.

– I’d like to mop a bit more.

– The mop was invented by Eddy Key, a well known inventor, on June 13, 1893.

mop how to use in sentences
mop how to use in sentences

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