“possibly” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “possibly”:

+ That is, that I can take care of the issues as I see them versus, waiting on a VIP or QD to be performed or either talk page message an admin, or track one down possibly on IRC in cases of severe or on going vandalism.

+ Total and extremely long-lived power outages and water losses are to be expected, possibly for up to several months.

+ The unusual orbit suggests that it may be a captured asteroid or Kuiper belt object, or possibly that it was perturbed during the capture of Neptune’s largest moon Triton.

+ The data link layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.

+ It is known as the location of skull 1470, discovered by Bernard Ngeneo in 1972, reconstructed by Meave Leakey, later reconstructed and named “Homo habilis” by Richard Leakey, as possibly the first of the genus “Homo”, and finally “Homo rudolfensis”.

+ In Scotland, adopted people have always been able to find their birth records with details of their biological mother, and possibly their father.

+ Elsewhere, they are taken mainly as bycatch of deep-water trawls and occasionally with deep-water longlines, deep-set gillnets, and possibly purse seines.

+ This would imply that feathers are original to the Dinosauria as a whole and possibly to the Archosauria as a whole, since there are similar structures in the Pterosauria.

possibly how to use?
possibly how to use?

Example sentences of “possibly”:

+ This destruction was possibly caused by the mysterious Sea Peoples or internal struggle.

+ One night, Jun gets attacked by Ogre and now is either missing or possibly dead.

+ In the US, and possibly other states, religion may not be taught in schools.

+ The Medals were awarded to two DELTA operatives who volunteered to attempt to save the pilot of one of the downed UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, despite facing hundreds, possibly thousands of rebels.

+ Having an interpreter makes it simpler to use, as there is no need for the computer to compile the code, possibly finding errors to fix, before the compiled version can be run.

+ Donald possibly married Sigurda Mac Causantín sometime between 880-900 giving him his 2 children, 1 of whom would go on to rule Alba later on.

+ Like many composers in this period, he started to learn about music by singing in a church choir, quite possibly in Saint-Ghislain and then in Mons.

+ However, in present-day western Nepal, they had the same status as the other Brahmins and Rajputs, possibly as a result of their political power in the Khasa Malla kingdom.

+ I think that this newbie account is possibly Benninguy.

+ A table of contents for the article is created by adding section headings and possibly subheadings too.

+ Admins, when you delete an article as “moved to Wiktionary” could you possibly update any links to these articles? Just browsing through some of the articles were deleted today, I see upwards of a dozen links in some cases that are now redlinked because they link to the deleted page.

+ This destruction was possibly caused by the mysterious Sea Peoples or internal struggle.

+ One night, Jun gets attacked by Ogre and now is either missing or possibly dead.
+ In the US, and possibly other states, religion may not be taught in schools.

More in-sentence examples of “possibly”:

+ Surface tension prevents water filling the air between the petals and possibly submerging the flower.

+ In the same year, Aurelian Dedicationdedicated the new Temple of the Sun in Rome to the god Sol Invictus, possibly on 25 December, the winter solstice.

+ Human migration deals with early humans spreading from Africa and Asia to Europe, and possibly with the larger migrations which happened in the Middle ages.

+ This combination, and possibly the name as well, is thought to have been popularized in the mid-1890s in the United States.

+ He died there at sixty-three, possibly of pneumonia.

+ The font size should reduce to 90% for most browsers, but may appear to show at 100% for Internet Explorer and possibly other browsers.

+ It is usually given its own subfamily, the Dromaeosaurinae; this group is thought to include “Utahraptor”, “Achillobator”, “Adasaurus”, and possibly “Deinonychus”.

+ Infection may possibly lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis, meningitis or brain abscess.

+ University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906 This quite possibly indicates that the raid against the Shasu was only fought on the way to Syria.

+ Stevenson found that childhood memories possibly related to reincarnation normally occurred between the ages of three and seven years.

+ Instead they are soaked, possibly skinned, then ground, a small quantity of onions, parsley, spices, and bicarbonate of soda are added.

+ They possibly murdered her because the pagans seemed to have caused enmity among this Christian town.

+ Neither of them could possibly have played on an organ in England at the time.

+ Zulkifli Abdhir is thought to have possibly been killed in a recent PNP operation leading to militant clashes with the Philippine National Police.

+ The Gulf Stream could have been interrupted by the introduction of a large amount of fresh water to the North Atlantic, possibly caused by a period of warming before the little ice age.

+ He learns she is possibly dying in a small hospital.

+ Freestyle is possibly derived from the English Lancashire style.

+ The input, or possibly both.

+ He was possibly the son of Donald I, making him the nephew of Scotland’s first king Kenneth MacAlpin.

+ Another problem that inflation possibly solves is the problem of magnetic monopoles.

+ Its architecture is Anglian in nature, possibly due to forced Anglian labour being used to build it.

+ This is possibly due to its mucus that does not trigger the nematocysts.

+ It is found in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and possibly Zambia.

+ The reading levels are reasonable, but maybe a little higher than ideal, possibly because of some of the sources used.

+ It is found in Pakistan and possibly Afghanistan.

+ It is often used to represent fright, mystery, or the macabre, possibly due being written in a minor key.

+ Surface tension prevents water filling the air between the petals and possibly submerging the flower.

+ In the same year, Aurelian Dedicationdedicated the new Temple of the Sun in Rome to the god Sol Invictus, possibly on 25 December, the winter solstice.

+ Dark spots may disappear when they move too close to the equator or possibly through some other unknown way.

+ They eat flowers, fruit, and seeds and possibly insects.

+ The cruel person of the Impaler was a suitable character for Stoker’s purposes possibly combined with Oscar Wilde, a poet whom dated Stoker’s wife and was outed as homosexual near the making of Stoker’s famous novel.

+ At first, Debby was forecast to strike Florida, possibly as a category 4 hurricane.

+ Two big issues: Encyclopedic notability, and a possible conflict of interest; possibly the article was created by the person described.

+ They had to change the title in stores to “Salt Sweat Sugar” because they were scared “Bleed American” would be taken the wrong way, possibly in an offensive way due to the September 11 attacks.

+ Baleen is believed to have evolved around thirty million years ago, possibly from a hard, gummy upper jaw, like the one a Dall’s porpoise has.

+ There are three or possibly four adult saltwater crocodiles living in Vanuatu’s mangroves and no current breeding population.

+ Islington Council is currently considering redeveloping the site of the current station, and Highbury Corner generally, including possibly covering over the North London Line tracks and building an office block above the site..

+ This makes them shake until they begin to decay and change into completely different types of atoms by releasing certain types of radioactive particles, such as alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays, and possibly by fissioning into smaller nuclei.

+ Continuous attacks prompted Turkey to accuse Cyprus, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, and the Soviet Union of provoking or possibly funding the ASALA, though nothing of this sort was ever found to be true.

+ Many historians consider him to be bisexual and perhaps possibly celibate in his later life.

+ She has since said she was about to leave the world of acting, possibly to become a teacher, but then the role in “Evita” was offered to her.

+ In 2003, however, a group of Russian and American historians said that Stalin had been poisoned with powerful rat poison warfarin, possibly by the men who took over the government after Stalin died.

+ My current thought is to leave the separate articles alone, although possibly changing their names to the more formal ” Zone of Occupation.” But I wanted some separate advice on this.

+ Felicissimus, a “rationalis” in Rome started a rebellion in the city, possibly in this first winter.

+ Speedily closed as not promoted: By-and-large AJona, additionally doesn’t meet criteria numbers 4, 5 and 6, and possibly 2.

+ Aslak Brekke is possibly the most well known of those who have been recorded.

+ Gypsum has been used as a building material for a long time, possibly since the neolithic.

+ Because wind is uncontrollable, so is the amount of power that wind turbines will produce, making them a possibly unreliable source of energy.

+ Important leaders would have been buried with their belongings, and possibly also with members of their households or wives.

+ So, except possibly for the winner, these articles likely have the same fate.

+ The origin of Iniki is unclear, but it possibly began as a tropical wave that moved off the African coast on August18.

+ In first-season episodes “Life on the Fast Lane” and “Some Enchanted Evening Some Enchanted Evening”, Marge is said to be 36 years old, but her age was later changed to 38, possibly because she and Homer attended their twentieth anniversary high-school reunion in one episode.

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