“dense” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “dense”:

– The granules of platelets are classified as dense granules and alpha granules.

– In all species, the flowers grow in dense groups of small flowers.

– Science fiction and popular literature commonly use the term “neutronium” to refer to a very dense phase of matter composed mostly of neutrons.

– This thickening occurs by conductive cooling, which converts hot asthenosphere into lithospheric mantle, and causes the oceanic lithosphere to become increasingly dense with age.

– When they are old enough, they aggregate into dense shoals and migrate southwards, returning to the Agulhas banks in order to restart the cycle.

dense - some sentence examples
dense – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “dense”:

– After colliding, the moons probably broke up into many particles, which survived as narrow, optically dense rings only in zones of maximum stability.

– It avoids areas with dense long vegetation.

– It is thought that it would be a soft, dense metal that changes colour in air.

– It nests on the ground in or next to dense bushes.

– Gibbons live in dense tropical forests, for example, in Sumatra, Thailand, and Malaysia.

– The sea ice cycle is also an important source of dense “bottom water”.

– A more compact site of star formation is the opaque clouds of dense gas and dust known as Bok globules; so named after the astronomer Bart Bok.

- After colliding, the moons probably broke up into many particles, which survived as narrow, optically dense rings only in zones of maximum stability.

- It avoids areas with dense long vegetation.
- It is thought that it would be a soft, dense metal that changes colour in air.

– The summer fur is a little bit shorter, hairier and less dense than the winter fur.

– Thrift, have small flowers in dense clusters.

– Building a house for one family in a dense city would cost an enormous amount of money compared to building a house outside of a city.

– Kumquats are slow-growing, evergreen shrubs or small trees, from 2.5–4.5 m tall, with dense branches.

More in-sentence examples of “dense”:

– It is one of the most dense globulars.

– Velvet is a type of woven tufted fabric in which the cut threads are very evenly distributed, with a short dense pile, giving it a distinctly smooth feel.

– The leaves are evergreen and needle-like, 8–60mm long, arranged in an open spiral on long shoots, and in dense spiral clusters of 15–45 together on short shoots; they vary from bright grass-green to dark green to strongly glaucous pale blue-green, depending on the thickness of the white wax layer which protects the leaves from drying out.

– The radiation cross the interstellar dust in the surrounding dense core.

– Jakarta has been established for more than 490 years and now is the ninth most dense city in the world with 15,400 people per km².

– The Conglomerate gritstone rock under the plateau is covered by a thick layer of peat, cut by a dense network of streams which flow off it.

– The winter fur is soft and tall, with short, dense underfur and long, sparse guard hairs.

– At this stage, the matter in the Universe was mainly a hot, dense Plasma plasma of negative electrons, neutral neutrinos and positive nuclei.

– Since they live on the ground in fairly dense undergrowth, sound is used by the males to attract attention.

– Italy was privileged by Augustus and his heirs, with the construction, among other public structures, of a dense network of Roman roads.

– To imagine how dense a neutron star is, take all of the mass of our sun which has a diameter of diameter.

– The flowers are in dense inflorescences, almost Coneconical, up to 18cm long, with white flowers with blue stripes.

– Clouds of sand or dust are often so dense that they obscure the sun.

– The universe began as a very heathot, small, and dense superforce.

– Gases tend to take the shape of their container, and are less dense than both solids and liquids.

– It lives in the dense tropical forests of central Africa.

– Many species search for food by opening the bill after probing it into dense vegetation; this behavior is called ‘open-bill probing’.

– Gold is also a very dense metal, making gold coins hard to fake.

– Light curve observations of 2002 MS are difficult because of the dense field of background stars it is crossing.

– They may have a dense molten core of rocky elements, or the core may have completely dissolved and dispersed throughout the planet if the planet is hot enough.

– His oil paintings have been described as dense and oily like those of Paul Cézanne, and his style having similarities to the fantasy settings of Marc Chagall and “pictorial culture” of Egon Schiele.

– Because the atmosphere is so thick or dense the pressure is very high.

– It can be used to make dense fluids for drilling oil wells.

– Old males live alone but family groups of up to ten members live in thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands.

- It is one of the most dense globulars.

- Velvet is a type of woven tufted fabric in which the cut threads are very evenly distributed, with a short dense pile, giving it a distinctly smooth feel.
- The leaves are evergreen and needle-like, 8–60mm long, arranged in an open spiral on long shoots, and in dense spiral clusters of 15–45 together on short shoots; they vary from bright grass-green to dark green to strongly glaucous pale blue-green, depending on the thickness of the white wax layer which protects the leaves from drying out.

– The heads were sculpted out of a hard, dense rock called basalt.

– The remaining surface water, made dense by the extra salinity, sinks and produces dense water masses such as North Atlantic Deep Water.

– That is because, being less dense than gold, it occupies a larger volume and receives more buoyancy.

– This is very unusual – just about every other liquid gets more dense as it cools; water ice, however, is an important exception.

– The air is muggy as it filters through the dense canopy cover of the trees.

– The ‘veins’ are a dense network of xylem, which supply water for photosynthesis, and phloem, which remove the sugars produced by photosynthesis.

– Platform shoes are shoes that have extremely dense soles.

– The less dense warm air rises and condenses forming clouds.

– They are insectivorous, and nest in dense undergrowth.

– The upper layers are generally cooler, less dense and less salty than the deeper waters, as they are fed by large river systems, whereas the deep waters come from the warm, salty waters of the Mediterranean.

– Labradors have a short, dense coat, powerful jaws, a broad, steady back and friendly brown eyes.

– Lead is very heavy and dense and can be used as ballast in boats to stop them from turning over, or to protect people from ionizing radiation.

– Around the person dense regions of sand and sediment form and grip the person.

– It can be very thin, borne singly on long shoots, and in dense clusters of 20-30 on short shoots.

– This encourages a dense carpet of bluebells, whose leaves mature and die down by early summer.

– The flowers are produced in dense or open whorls on an erect spike, each flower 1-2 centimetercm long, with a typical peaflower shape with an upper ‘standard’, two lateral ‘wings’ and two lower petals fused as a ‘keel’.

– The coral snake population is most dense in the southeast United States, but coral snakes have been spotted as far north as Kentucky.

– Oceanic lithosphere is less dense than asthenosphere for a few tens of millions of years, but after this becomes increasingly denser than asthenosphere.

– The serval needs access to water, and dense grassland.

– The molecules in an ice crystal are arranged in a way that makes it less dense than liquid water.

– French Island provides the world’s most dense and disease free group of koalas.

– Since magnesium is less dense than aluminium, these alloys are prized for their relative lightness and strength.

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