Use the word “doubt”

How to use in-sentence of “doubt”:

– There is no doubt that the ratites are not a monophyletic group, because they are not descended from a single ancestor.

– Note: There is some doubt about his year of birth.

– Her poetry, in some degree, reveals all the romantic traits : “Love of nature, love of beauty, imagination, love of past and a wearied sadness.” No doubt she has enriched the Oriya literature by her pen.

– Also, the work of Monetarismmonetarists like Milton Friedman cast doubt on neo-Keynesian theories.

– Have just picked up all kinds of little things in List of countries by continents, no doubt by our usual IP visitors.

– Yes, a good article no doubt at all.

– Parth’s aunt Poyni doubt that Teni is hiding something and to be not related to Shorvori, given her ways and Gujarati dialect.

Use the word doubt
Use the word doubt

Example sentences of “doubt”:

- True, his competency is not enough to support notability, though looking at his ratings he is no doubt that.

- Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin were acquitted with benefit of the doubt on May 3, 2010 by The Trial Court.

– True, his competency is not enough to support notability, though looking at his ratings he is no doubt that.

– Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin were acquitted with benefit of the doubt on May 3, 2010 by The Trial Court.

– The series, about a young girl who taps into her superhero powers and innocent optimism to save Paris from the evil Hawk Moth, will no doubt inspire today’s youth to try to save the day, each and every day in their own way”.

– Revelations about the book’s origin have caused much doubt as to its authenticity and factual accounts, and the publishers have listed it as a work of fiction since at least the mid-late 1980s.

– There is no doubt that in returning to the aid of his friend after he himself had reached safety Davies gave his life in this rescue attempt.

– It is recommended that SHA-512 be used, as recent cryptographic research has cast doubt on the long-term security of SHA-1.

– Boris sings of his terrible feelings of doubt and agony.

– This was because the king had a doubt that the queen had an affair with another man.

– In Super League 2004 it had seemed that Melling’s career was in doubt following a serious knee injury suffered playing for Wigan against Leeds at Headingley.

– Descriptions of his work leave no doubt that he had discovered for himself what we now call ‘hypnotism’.

– Different seeds have different habits, no doubt adapted to their habitat.

– For several decades, critiques cast serious doubt on group selection as a major mechanism of evolution.

– If the jury, or judge in a bench trial, has no doubt as to the defendant’s guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proved the defendant is guilty.

– Simplicity is also important — “transportation” is less ambiguous, but I really doubt it’s used all that much outside North America.

– So: I doubt that this label meets the general noatability criteria.

– I have no doubt that Gobby will be a positive addition to the admin team here.

– There is even been some doubt that the forearm material, which includes the quill knobs, belongs with the rest of the skeleton.

More in-sentence examples of “doubt”:

– One philosophical question is this: “Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?”.

– A final point: I doubt such a proposal would work, for one reason being that it is probably out of the scope of Wikimedia – but I’m not too sure on that.

– People started to doubt the truthfulness of the girls said to be afflicted and tormented by those arrested and tried for witchcraft.

– The halftime show featured Shania Twain, No Doubt and Sting.

– Images of the insides of “Stegoceras fossilised skull showed two layers of dense bone that encase a spongy sinus held apart by tiny struts, has led some scientists to doubt this interpretation.

– There has been doubt and arguments about exactly what Cook saw.

– It’s not displaying correctly on Bush Hill Park railway station and I doubt it will on every other page it is placed on.

– There’s no doubt that IP vandals will use VPN software to vandalize simple.

– I doubt very much that it we will be committed to keeping it updated at all.

– I also doubt this situation is comparable to that of the song “It’s raining men”, of 1982.

– I doubt whether there were ‘grounds’ for these edits to be made, but, again, cannot be bothered to check.

– When a person is optimistic, it doesn’t mean that they never doubt themselves.

– Even if he is a bright academic, I doubt he is notable in an academic sense.

– John Richardson wrote that “Had we been possessed of such a contrivance in our first expedition, I have little doubt of our having brought the whole party in safely”.

– Hand axes were no doubt a multi-purpose tool.

– Evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction in most adversarial legal systems.

– Today, some linguists doubt that some of these groupings are valid.

– It is without a doubt that upon learning of this loss, Victor Hugo dedicated his poem to Michel, “Viro Major”.

– If there is doubt that a recipient would take it in good humor, “you should not use it”.

– However, I doubt that marking articles as suitable for a particular grade would ever develop into common practice.

– But this was only two days later, so I did not think the same benefit of doubt was warranted.

– David Pritchard credits the drop rule to the practice of 16th century mercenaries who switched loyalties when captured—no doubt as an alternative to execution”.

– I know they aren’t on this wiki, but no doubt that attitude will transfer here as well.

– I do not know much on the subject, even if it is real, but I doubt it.

– However, the Commodity status of living things is always subject to doubt – it was hard to validate the health or existence of sheep or goats.

– Sanamahism, the Meitei religion, is no doubt the oldest religion in the world.

– I believe it’s time for Operator873 to be trusted with this tool, and there is no doubt that he could use it effectively to combat the spambots, promotional accounts, sockpuppets, etc.

– So, are we looking at a personality comparable to Billy Graham? – I doubt it, and propose deleting, after the week’s discussion.

– Under the strong influence of the philosophical system of Leibniz and Wolff, Kant began to doubt the basic answers of past philosophers.

– I highly doubt this can be improved upon in a week’s time.

– I am left without doubt that the maturity and competence will be added to the crat working group, as a net benefit.

– I think there is reasonable doubt here.

– There’s no doubt that we need more contributors, especially from that region.

– It got No Doubt nominations for Best New Artist and Best Rock Album at the 1997 Grammy Awards.

– While the movie hints that Anna was in fact Anastasia, it is now proved beyond a doubt that Anderson was an impostor.

– So if they’ve not got round to doing that, I doubt they’re too worried about the congestion charge.” London’s Japanese embassy responded that their government had already apologised for previous war crimes.

– Bradley would go on to play with another Bay Area band called Dizzybam,which was a funk/rock/rap band from Oakland,CA.Bradley would be re-introduced to No Doubt by Dizzybam bassist and co-founder Kerry James.James and Tony Kanal.Bradley preformed the show, and was later asked to go on the road with No Doubt to play a leg of the inaugural ‘Warped Tour.

– The most likely immediate source for the melody was a song popular in the Kaiserliche MarineGerman Imperial Navy during World War I, which Wessel would no doubt have heard being sung by Navy veterans in the Berlin of the 1920s.

– There are 20-odd references, but given the claimed aged of the person, I doubt he is notable.

– The explanation is not entirely accurate, so no doubt there are other factors also at work.

– In the 1950s, as they came to doubt that the children had died, they put up a billboard at the site along State Route 16 with pictures of the five.

– This means that they doubt or they do not believe in the existence of a god.

– Don’t doubt me in taking care of it.

– I doubt we’ll find enough articles for female musicians of that period implement the split.

– In the late 19th century, Longfellow was without a doubt the most popular American poet.

- One philosophical question is this: "Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?".

- A final point: I doubt such a proposal would work, for one reason being that it is probably out of the scope of Wikimedia - but I'm not too sure on that.

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