Some example sentences of “assuming”

How to use in-sentence of “assuming”:

– He served again as an Indian Commissioner, and was elected Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut in 1786, assuming the Governorship on the death of Samuel Huntington in 1796, and was reelected to the position, dying in office at the age of seventy-one in Farmington, Connecticut.

– Jesus – AJona, can you actually “read” comments surrounding PGA before just blindly assuming things? Never have we said that articles should only be nominated if they are near-good and have a high chance at promotion, nor have we said that you should be bringing them to this page to ask if they’re good enough for nomination which, as Auntof correctly points out, is not the way it works.

– By using the two conflicting terms, people usually have to argue with my facts first rather than assuming a gender and disregarding what I have to say.

– In November 1958, General Ibrahim Abboud led a military coup d’état, assuming the role of head of state as Chairman of the Supreme Council.

– Matter has invariant mass assuming it is not traveling at a relativistic speed with respect to an observer.

– There are 700+ transclusions at the moment; assuming an average of 8 socks per sockmaster, there will be around 80+ category creations.

Some example sentences of assuming
Some example sentences of assuming

Example sentences of “assuming”:

– I’m not seeing the things that Twinkle usually gives me, so I’m assuming it’s not working for some reason.

– The PageRank algorithm instead analyses human-generated links, assuming that web pages linked from many important pages are themselves likely to be important.

– In the event that the source of the material is not provided after a reasonable period of time, the tagging editor would generally be right in assuming that it could be edited or completely removed from the article to comply with.

– Therefore I am assuming good faith, and have unblocked him.

– It created a template with just the word ‘category’ in it, so I am assuming this was meant as disruption.

– My natural inclination is toward assuming good faith; however, as a newer user, it is possible that I may be missing signs of long-term abuse.

– He participated in the transformation of Spanish and Latin American banking in the last thirty years, assuming important responsibilities in entities such as Banco de Vizcaya, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, Argentaria or Banco Santander.

- I'm not seeing the things that Twinkle usually gives me, so I'm assuming it's not working for some reason.

- The PageRank algorithm instead analyses human-generated links, assuming that web pages linked from many important pages are themselves likely to be important.
- In the event that the source of the material is not provided after a reasonable period of time, the tagging editor would generally be right in assuming that it could be edited or completely removed from the article to comply with.

– Judging on behaviour elsewhere can be seen as one user is not assuming good faith in the new user, as well as insulting the new user saying “they are incapable of becoming a better editor”.

– On November 8, 2016, the Republican Party Republican Party leader Donald Trump defeated former First Lady Hillary Clinton for presidency in an unusual election and whose plans have been described by political analysts as populist, protectionist and nationalist, assuming office on January 20, 2017.

– Even assuming a conservative speed of 1 m/s, an “Ophthalmosaurus” would be able to dive to 600 meters and return to the surface within 20 minutes.

– The cosmological principle says that the entire universe is approximately equal; any two regions in the universe will look very similar, even if those two regions are very far apart, assuming those regions have sizes larger than 250 to 300 million light-years.

– Saying that the other side in a conflict is not assuming good faith can be a form of not assuming good faith.

More in-sentence examples of “assuming”:

– The existence of other means of assuming the office lends support to this argument.

– He tried to develop an expression for black-body radiation expressed in terms of wavelength by assuming that radiation consisted of small quanta and then to see what happened if the quanta were made infinitely small.

– I do not want to move into issuing warnings, because I am assuming good faith – it is obvious that they want to write – but with both Auntof6 and myself having tried to speak to them about it and having no response, I do not know what else to do.

– The method of proving something works by first assuming something about it.

– In the event that researched origins for the text are not produced after a relatively small passage of time, the tagging editor would generally be right in assuming that it could be edited or otherwise removed from the article to comply with.

– I’m not sure what to make of it, although I am assuming good faith for many of the other changes.

– If we make say 5-6 subcategories, we would end up with about 10 entries per category, assuming that they evenly span those categories.

– S/2007 S2 is theorized to have a mean radius of 1.9 miles, assuming an albedo of 0.04.

– I think that we can call the debate a success however as legal concerns were raised and were addresses by way of official WMF opinion and this will make success more likely in any future proposal assuming other objections can be addressed.

– So, the next time someone posts on a noticeboard saying “Editor Example is causing problems—here’s the diffs to demonstrate this” or “Disruptive editor Example is asking for an unblock” think twice before just saying “Assume good faith.” The person making the complaint is probably already assuming good faith, and they’re talking about a lack of competence, not a lack of good faith.

– The order of the regents should be chronological, with the one assuming the office earlier coming first; if a regent held the office throughout the subject’s term, that regent ought to have precedence.

– This decreases the acceleration of the disc, assuming that the force of projection is constant.

– The equinox is the time when the day and the night are the same number of hours, assuming the sun were a point of light at its center.

– This template can draw data from Wikidata, assuming it is defined there.

– I’m assuming that what’s too complex in infoboxes is the number and detail of parameters.

– Maximum sizes of structures must be around 1.2 billion light-years based on the meaning above, and no structure must be larger than that, assuming that matter is spreaded equally from the Big Bang.

– Trump announced his plans to run for a second term by filing with the FEC within a few hours of assuming the presidency.

– According to the discovery team, this is best explained by assuming they were absorbed by solid material in the form of an equatorial disk having denser rings or arcs, with particles perhaps many decimeters to about a meter in diameter.

– This can lead to people assuming non-human things will act or think like humans.

– Check the rest of the page before assuming that “flavour”, “colour”, “metre”, or “defence” is a mistake.

– Notably, even after assuming the formal regalia, Hatshepsut still described herself as a beautiful woman, often as the most beautiful of women, and although she assumed almost all of her father’s titles, she declined to take the title “The Strong Bull” –by being her son sitting on her throne–an unnecessary title for her, since Hatshepsut became allied with the goddesses, herself, which no male pharaoh could.

– This can cause harm to our ideas of assuming good faith.

– Mansouri, who took the position of Chairman, President and CEO in 1999, serving until 2001.Kenneth Denman succeeded Mansouri as President and CEO in 2001, later assuming the position of Chairman in 2003.

– The chance of someone who just guesses getting all correct, assuming she guesses that four had the tea put in first and four the milk, would be only 1 in 70.

– The idea goes back to when director Andrew Stanton was a child, when he loved going to the dentist to see the fish tank, assuming that the fish were from the ocean and wanted to go home.Finding Nemo, 2004 DVD, commentary In 1992 shortly after his son was born, he and his family took a trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

– The composition and mass of Metis are not known, but assuming that its mean density is like that of Amalthea, its mass can be estimated as ~7×10 kg.

- The existence of other means of assuming the office lends support to this argument.

- He tried to develop an expression for black-body radiation expressed in terms of wavelength by assuming that radiation consisted of small quanta and then to see what happened if the quanta were made infinitely small.
- I do not want to move into issuing warnings, because I am assuming good faith - it is obvious that they want to write - but with both Auntof6 and myself having tried to speak to them about it and having no response, I do not know what else to do.

– The escape velocity at the surface of the Earth is 11.2 kilometers per second, assuming there is no drag.

– It could very well be cross-wiki promotion, looking at the similar-looking articles in Chinese and Japanese, but I am assuming good faith at the moment.

– Neso is about 60 km in diameter, and assuming the mean density of 1.5 g/cm.

– In common law countries anti-suit injunctions are court orders used to prevent a court or tribunal from assuming jurisdiction or taking over an ongoing lawsuit.

– Explicitly opting-in has the advantage of possibly receiving useful changes or targeted posts that might otherwise be skipped by the bot assuming a default “opt-out” behavior.

– Am I right in assuming that a reasonable % of viewership is from non-English countries? Since English is a popular language in Spain and the like, but not quite popular enough that people would speak an advanced level of English.

– On 27 December 2018, he arrived in India on his first foreign trip after assuming the office.

– Durga is most often seen as a warrior woman riding a lion or a tiger with eight or ten hands carrying weapons and assuming mudras, or symbolic hand gestures.

– The Universe’s expansion, assuming a constant dark energy density, multiplies the wavelength of the cosmic microwave background by 10, exceeding the scale of the cosmic light horizon and erasing any sign that the Big Bang happened.

– His first band was ‘The Creatures’, which he joined in 1964 assuming stage name Kirka.

– Albiorix orbits Saturn at a distance of about 16,000,000 km and its diameter is estimated at 32 kilometers, assuming an albedo of 0.04.

– Whilst I am assuming good faith throughout this nomination and giving my reasons as above it does also slightly come across to me as someone who is “gaming the system”, knowing that if he makes an edit a year he will not be desysopped – perhaps also hat collecting? Nonetheless, that is besides the point.

– While I’m assuming that some of you have already knew before, I just wanted to let everyone know in case they haven’t yet.

– Much of Southeast Asia has a long history of assuming people with darker skin have dark skin because they work outdoors farming and are poor.

– He is the current United States Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, assuming office on October 6, 2017.

– In terms of bent bond theory, this preference is explained by assuming favorable orbital overlap between the filled cyclopropane bent bonds and the empty p-orbital.

– Its bulk density and mass are not known but assuming that it mean density is like that of Amalthea kg.

– I had been assuming it was something with how my computer is set up, or my preferences here.

– Prior to his assuming the directorship of the CIA, Petraeus was a four-star general serving over 37 years in the United States Army.

– It is also possible to put a sign to an angle of rotation in three dimensions, assuming the axis of rotation has been oriented.

– After the battle, Jackson, assuming he still had his powers as governor, called together a rump legislature at Neosho, Missouri.

– Beyond this point, it is almost certain that the Universe will not have any baryonic matter and will be an almost pure vacuum until the heat death of the universe, assuming it does not happen before this.

– A tautology is represented in symbolic logic as, meaning “Either “a” or not “a”.” Assuming that there are no unmentioned possibilities, this covers every possible case.

– The Kuiper Belt Electronic newsletter, March 2007 Assuming an albedo similar to that of the primary, the magnitude suggests a diameter of about 220km.

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