“overthrew” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “overthrew”:

– In some of these countries the people overthrew the government, but each time they did that the Soviet Union and some of its other puppet states invaded and put the old government back in power.

– In the October revolution they overthrew the weak provisional government without that much killing.

– A citizen led revolt overthrew and killed the brutal new dictator General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam within 6 months of seizing power.

– He was arrested under human rights violation in 2001, but released in March 2004 after the 2004 Haitian coup d’état overthrew Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

– In every conquered territory he overthrew the Savoy government and appointed a representative of the Bourbon crown, ordering the badges and ornaments of the fallen king to be once again displayed.

– During the 1960s, the military leader Castelo Branco overthrew the government and created a dictatorship that was supported by the United States.

– They approve of the revolt which overthrew him.

overthrew example in sentences
overthrew example in sentences

Example sentences of “overthrew”:

– Revolutionaries overthrew and killed the emperor in 1974.

– He fought in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, which overthrew the monarchy under King Farouk.

– In early 1974, a coup d’état instigated by the Greek junta overthrew the legal government and took control.

– The National Convention were the people who overthrew Maximilien de Robespierre.

– There, the two of them became part of a group of young soldiers who later became the Free Officers group that overthrew the Muhammad Ali Dynasty in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952.

– After the Communist Party of the Soviet UnionCommunist Party took overthrew the Russian Empire’s emperor, the Tsar, and changed the country’s name to the Soviet Union, the city of Saint Petersburg also changed to Leningrad.

– Colonel Yahya Jammeh led a coup d’état which overthrew President Jawara and his government, all political parties and Parliament were dissolved.

– In Hesiod’s “Theogony”, Zeus married Metis, but soon after, Zeus was scared of her giving birth to a child because the Oracle of Delphi had said that she will give birth to Athena, and a son that would overthrow Zeus, just like Zeus overthrew Kronos, who overthrew his father Uranus.

– In 997, he overthrew his younger brother, Ismail, who had been nominated for the throne after his father’s death.

– In 960, a general of the Later Zhou dynasty named Zhao Kuangyin overthrew the emperor through a mutiny and established the Song dynasty.

- Revolutionaries overthrew and killed the emperor in 1974.

- He fought in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, which overthrew the monarchy under King Farouk.

More in-sentence examples of “overthrew”:

- On 19 February 1913, General Victoriano Huerta overthrew President Madero.

- Fidel Castro's guerrilla movement overthrew Batista.

– On 19 February 1913, General Victoriano Huerta overthrew President Madero.

– Fidel Castro’s guerrilla movement overthrew Batista.

– This kingdom was ruled by locals who overthrew the colonial regime.

– Following a military revolution in 1926 which overthrew a civilian government of squabbling politicians and a country close to failure, Dr.

– The Khilji dynastyKhalji dynasty was established, when Jalal ud din Firuz Khalji overthrew the last of the Slave dynasty rulers, Muiz ud din Qaiqabad, the great grandson of Balban.

– Ivan then overthrew the ruling Tatars and Golden Horde, now divided into several Khanates and hordes.

– The Empire was created because Darth Sidious overthrew the Galactic Republic by starting the Clone Wars.

– Allende was replaced by those who overthrew him as president.

– They attacked Guan Yu with their allied forces and overthrew him in 219.

– He overthrew the Persian King Darius III and conquered the entire Persian Empire.

– This bloodless coup d’état overthrew the Directory, replacing it with the French Consulate.

– In 1368, a rebellion led by Zhu Yuanzhang broke out in southern China, and eventually overthrew the Yuan Dynasty.

– On September 1, 1969, a group of Libyan army officers overthrew the king and established a republic.

– In 1453 Mehmed II overthrew the Byzantine Empire and claimed the title of Kaisar; his successors continued this claim.

– Jiang started the Northern Expedition in 1926 and overthrew the Beiyang government in 1928.

– It was a model MarxismMarxist revolution where the proletariat peasants and workers overthrew the bourgeoisie capitalist nobles.

– However, farmers had more land when serfdom was abolished, which led to a coup d’état against the Alexandru Ioan Cuza staged by peasants who overthrew the regime.

– They overthrew the Xianbei.

– In November 1917, a communist group called the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the new government.

– The Soviet Union overthrew feudalism.

– It was announced after Vladimir Lenin overthrew Alexander Kerensky as Russian leader.

– At last, the priests overthrew the Pharaohs.

– He overthrew his father and took the throne of heaven for himself.

– It overthrew the Umayyad EmpireUmayyad caliphs from all but Al-Andalus.

– He was Chairman of the nine-member Insurrection Committee that overthrew the government of Togolese List of Presidents of TogoPresident Sylvanus Olympio on 13 January 1963.

– This expatriate segment of society became increasingly empowered after a military coup overthrew the government of Salazar’s successor Marcello Caetano in 1974.

– In 1991, the Haitian army overthrew Haiti’s legally elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and created a new military government.

– After the March Revolution that overthrew the TsarCzar, communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin made a deal with Germany.

– In November 2001 Raziq joined anti-Taliban forces, under Fayda Mohammad and Gul Agha Sherzai, which overthrew the Taliban in Kandahar.

– He led the revolution that overthrew Juan José Flores, along with José Joaquín de Olmedo and Diego Noboa.

– At the urging of Gaia, Kronos castrated his father, Ouranos, with a sickle and overthrew him, ruling the cosmos as king during the so-called Golden Age.

– He came to power after he and his Guerrilla warfareguerrilla soldiers overthrew the dictatorship of General Fulgencio Batista.

– With help from the his clan, he overthrew Hippias the tyrant.

– The Germans captured Napoleon in Metz, but French Republicans overthrew the Second French Empire and continued the war for a few months.

– These people are described in later literature as ‘evil rulers’ who overthrew the established Tamil kings and got a strangle hold of the country.

– His army overthrew the military of Ramón Castro Jijón on 29 March 1966.

– However, for many years, the Tutsi minority groupminority had more power and ran the Rwandan overthrew the Tutsi government and took power.

– Hyder Ali overthrew the government and established his authority over the Mysore state.

– Meanwhile, revolutionaries of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party overthrew the king of Iraq and, with the help of the Soviet Union, built up their army.

– The barons eventually overthrew one of his later successors.

– In 1959, guerrilla fighters led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara overthrew Cuba’s dictator, Fulgencio Batista, in what became the Cuban Revolution.

– Oliver Cromwell, the revolutionary leader who overthrew the British monarchy and led a short-lived republican government in the 17th century, was a descendant of Thomas Cromwell’s sister, Catherine Cromwell.

– However, after a military coup overthrew the Portuguese government in 1974, the new government made a promise to give back all the lands it took overseas.

– In 1799, he overthrew the government and took control of France for himself.

– They overthrew the Rourans and created the Göktürk Qağanate.

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