Some sentences in use of “push”

How to use in-sentence of “push”:

+ They did not see any muscles to push the venom out the way snakes have.

+ As of January 8, Democrats planned to push for an impeachment resolution on January 11.

+ Could an admin please place Josip Broz Tito under a semi protection? IPs have returned to push their POV into the article, giving undue weight against the subject.

+ In 2002, Bush began to push for a regime change to take place in Iraq.

+ Their presence may also excite domestic animals and push them to escape.

+ Automotive Locksmith can help out with getting new keys made for the car they can also make duplicates and push to start proximity fob keys as well.

+ To push its goals, the Khmer Rouge emptied the cities and forced Cambodians to relocate to labor camps in the countryside, where mass executions, forced labor, physical abuse, malnutrition, and disease happened.

+ It works by a slider moving up to push together two rows of teeth or moving down to separate the rows.

Some sentences in use of push
Some sentences in use of push

Example sentences of “push”:

+ Things that have the same charge push each other away.

+ This is because when the gate is positively charged, the positive electrons will push other positive electrons in the transistor letting the negative electrons flow through.

+ Things that have the same charge push each other away.

+ This is because when the gate is positively charged, the positive electrons will push other positive electrons in the transistor letting the negative electrons flow through.

+ He was famous for his roles to bring down Al Capone and push Prohibition in the United StatesProhibition laws in Chicago, Illinois.

+ During the 1990s there was a push for English common names to be replaced with indigenous names.

+ Washington’s men had to push away blocks of ice from the boat’s path while paddling hard to fight the strong current.

+ Some species swallow the shell whole, and dissolve the contents inside their stomach, then push out the shell afterwards.Nichols, David 1962.

+ They can only push from the side, and they have to use their shoulders, the top part of their arms, their hips, or the top part of their legs—so tripping, shoving, punching, or pushing the other team’s players from behind is not allowed.

+ The hyphae of ectomycorrhizal fungi do not penetrate individual cells within the root, while the hyphae of endomycorrhizal fungi penetrate the cell wall and invaginate push into, but do not penetrate.

+ With humidity in the night, the awns of the spikelet become erect and draw together, and in the process push the grain into the soil.

+ The flagellum is a tail used like a propeller to push single-celled prokaryotes.

More in-sentence examples of “push”:

+ It is sold with different battery sizes – for $58,750 it can go It has a lower Drag drag coefficient than a Toyota Prius, so it uses less energy to push the air out of the way as it moves.

+ Hot gas can also be made to push a turbine around rather like the way the wind turns a windmill.
+ Political commentators said that Kavanaugh's nomination would push the Supreme Court to the right for many years.

+ It is sold with different battery sizes – for $58,750 it can go It has a lower Drag drag coefficient than a Toyota Prius, so it uses less energy to push the air out of the way as it moves.

+ Hot gas can also be made to push a turbine around rather like the way the wind turns a windmill.

+ Political commentators said that Kavanaugh’s nomination would push the Supreme Court to the right for many years.

+ The law that describes how strongly charges pull and push on each other is called Coulomb’s Law.

+ It is difficult to impart as much spin to the push pass as one can typically impart to a forehand or backhand, resulting in a less stable throw.

+ They are made mostly of water droplets, but when they push up through cold higher levels they may also have ice crystals.

+ On the 14th, the Union army began to push Duke’s cavalry back toward Abingdon, Virginia.

+ When the polar vortex is weak, high-pressure zones of the mid-latitudes may push poleward, moving the polar vortex, jet stream, and polar front equatorward.

+ It changes the flow of air through the engine so that it ends up trying to push the plane backwards instead of forwards.

+ Two of these were Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition.

+ Nomi tells a lie and tells Molly that she did not push Cristal down the stairs.

+ The promotion of their articles will, not only, give them inspiration into creating/expanding more articles, it can lower bad tension being built from them and can also make them feel better of themselves because they had accomplish a mile stone and could help push them into achieving even larger goals.

+ His most high profile winners include the Cheltenham Gold Cup, Champion Hurdle, Queen Mother Champion Chase, King George VI Chase and the 2010 Grand National, riding the horse “Don’t Push It”.

+ Buddha-Bar London aims to push culinary boundaries and the menu blends Far Eastern cuisine with Western tastes and influences.

+ Other male sex glands push out at the same time.

+ Argon is often used when welding steel and similar work, to push away the air around the weld, so the oxygen in the air can’t join with the metal being welded.

+ Valve later added a race mode to Payload maps, where both teams push a cart along a track to the other team’s base.

+ A fish uses its fins to push water backwards.

+ While waiting, the faeces will push on the circular muscle of the anus, which causes a pressure.

+ They had to push back touring etc., and had started on a tour already and had big plans.

+ While there was not a lot of info, I could easily argue there was no real one sided POV push that often defines advert articles.

+ An incorrect key will push the pins or wafers too little or too far.

+ Next, they use the pairs of feet in the back part of their body to hold on, and push the front part forward.

+ They usually have the hinge on the top, with no latch, so the animal can push their way in and out.

+ People can push trolleys.

+ For example, attractive forces between materials of the same type may push together moving parts and block a motor.

+ An extra locomotive has to help push heavy freight trains up the hill.

+ The Allies continued to push on in the battle.

+ But, the push made by the Germans into Russia caused their defeat at the Battle of Augustov.

+ There is also a “hack” at the end of the sheet which players push against when sliding a stone.

+ The record broke down the walls separating the genres of heavy metal and hardcore, allowing the band to push itself into the forefront of the metal core scene.

+ Traditionally it was worn only by men, but in modern times the push for equality between the sexes in the practice of Judaism has led some women to wear yarmulkes.

+ Montgomery’s preoccupation with the push to the Ruhr had also distracted him from the essential task of clearing the Scheldt during the capture of Antwerp; and so, after Arnhem, Montgomery’s group was instructed to concentrate on Battle of the Scheldtdoing this so that the port of Antwerp could be opened.

+ As a garbage truck approaches, Woody explains to Big Baby that Lotso has lied to him and that his owner still loved him, whereupon Big Baby, Ken and the other Sunnyside toys turn on Lotso and push him into the dumpster.

+ However, the Allies did not push on.

+ If you hold only one corner and push, it will only go in a straight line when you push through the centre of mass.

+ He crosses the street with his headphones on and is almost hit by a car, but the Chipmunks swing Theodore and push Miles out of the way, saving his life.

+ The unit of resistance, is defined so that “1 Ohm” as the resistance between two points in a conductor where the application of 1 volt will push 1 ampere, or 6.241×10^18 electrons, through.

+ A scrum is when the two teams push together.

+ His belief in the duo led him to push them relentlessly to do appearances and advertising promotions, including some of the first specialized music videos and one of the first modern “sponsored tours” for Beech-Nut’s Care Free Gum, Panasonic, and Pontiac.

+ However the Israelis could not push them back.

+ Scientists push back primate origins from 65 million to 85 million years ago.

+ They want to push the United States to using 100% renewable, zero-emission energy sources.

+ Bohr and his colleagues only argued that we could not know anything without making measurements, and when measurements were made we can push things in the direction of more definite position or more definite momentum, but that we can’t get the absolute definiteness or certainty that we would like.

+ When he was replaced by Vladimir Putin in 2000, the new president began to push for the melody of the old Soviet anthem to be brought back.

+ In the Middle East, a variety of factors — including population growth, soil degradation, drought, cast bronze weapon and iron production technologies — could have combined to push the relative price of weaponry to a level unsustainable for traditional warrior aristocracies.

+ Roemer called a special session of the legislature to push an ambitious tax and fiscal reform program for state and local governments.

+ This allows atmospheric pressure to push the liquid up the tube.

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