“in effect” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “in effect”:

+ Eventually, Nur Jahan signed the laws, her name appeared on the coins, and she was in effect the empress.

+ Morsi issued a declaration that in effect gave him unlimited powers.

+ This designation remained in effect until 1991.

+ The next week, Vince McMahon repurchased Raw from Donald Trump and announced that a “Guest host” initiative originally introduced by Trump in response to the position of General Manager being vacant would go in effect on June 29.

+ On 30 July 2019, the Parliament of India declared the practice of Triple Talaq illegal and unconstitutional, and made it a punishable act from 1 August 2019 which is deemed to be in effect from 19 September 2019.

in effect use in-sentences
in effect use in-sentences

Example sentences of “in effect”:

+ In September 2015, Boehner said he would step down as Speaker and that his resignation would be in effect on October 30.

+ After completing his term of apprenticeship in 1489, Dürer followed the common German custom of taking a “wanderjahre” — in effect a gap year.

+ Bannon resigned on August 4, 2017, but his resignation became in effect on August 18, 2017.

+ Entertainment would be in effect until 2022, as originally decided.

+ Warp technology, as the name implies, ‘warps space’ in effect bringing a destination closer by bending space rather than the traditional ‘thruster’ means of propelling a space craft at high speeds.

+ During the short time when the French Constitution of 1791 was in effect “.

+ Cotton Mather countered Susannah’s defense by stating in effect that the Devil’s servants were capable of putting on a show of perfect innocence and Godliness.

+ The constitution technically remained in effect during the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945.

+ Hurricane or tropical storm notices were in effect for areas between northeastern South Carolina and Nova Scotia in southeast Canada.

+ This is not a test, this is a race” O’Donnell said of the rules package will be in effect for the 18th round of the 2015 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.

+ In September 2015, Boehner said he would step down as Speaker and that his resignation would be in effect on October 30.

+ After completing his term of apprenticeship in 1489, Dürer followed the common German custom of taking a "wanderjahre" — in effect a gap year.

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