How to use the word “mono”

How to use in-sentence of “mono”:

– The software does not allow the playback or information of DVD-VideoDVDs or CDs, nor does it allow the installation of speaker located under the keyboard is included for mono sound.

– The phone retains the 3.5mm headphone jack, but lacks stereo speakers, instead opting for a mono speaker located on the bottom of the device.

– It is the county seat of Mono County.

– The department of Kouffo was part of Mono until 1999.

– The city is in the center of the country, north of Lomé, and sits between the Mo River and the Mono River.

– The town has a secondary school, three high schools, several primary schools, a Mono Technique School and many vocational schools.

How to use the word mono
How to use the word mono

Example sentences of “mono”:

- He was the first to use the term Mono no aware, which is now an important concept in Japanese culture.

- When stereo became more popular than mono in recording, Spector did not follow the trend.

– He was the first to use the term Mono no aware, which is now an important concept in Japanese culture.

– When stereo became more popular than mono in recording, Spector did not follow the trend.

– By 21 March, the final mono mix was completed and a month later, the stereo mix was done.

– The Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve is a nature reserve near Yosemite National Park within “Mono County”, California.

– In the 20th century, the city of Los Angeles began to take water from the streams feeding Mono Lake.

– Japanese cultural scholar Motoori Norinaga first used the term Mono no aware in his review of the book.

– In the mono version, the length is 2:35, whereas in the stereo version, the length is 2:41 because there are more animal noises.

– The PlayStation VR is not included in the pack if you buy a PS4 for yourself If you buy a PlayStation 4, it comes with a Mono Headset.

– Unfortunately, though he knew about mono and dizygotic twins, he did not appreciate the real genetic difference.

– Geomicrobiologist Felisa Wolfe-Simon collected lake-bottom sediments in the shallow waters of Mono Lake in California.

– In 2010, Bedoya wrote a book called “Vida y muerte del Mono Jojoy” about Víctor Julio Suárez Rojas, or “Mono Jojoy”, a FARC leader who was killed.

– Software that use the MIT License include Expat Expat, Mono development platform class libraries, Twisted, Lua 5.0 onwards and the X Window System, which the license was written for.

– The stereo version of the song runs at a slower speed than the mono mix, and consequently is a semitone lower in pitch.

– Surround sound is supported up to the 96 kHz sample rate; higher sample rates can only be in mono or stereo.

– This reserve was founded in 1981 by the California State Legislature, to protect the formations of the natural limestone “Tufa” at Mono Lake.

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