How to use the word “heat”

How to use in-sentence of “heat”:

– The plant also has machines which remove heat from the reactor to operate a steam turbine and generator to make electricity.

– Natural gas is burned to produce electricity, to cook and to heat buildings.

– The male elephant in heat is dangerous and hard to control.

– Mountain gazelles prefer to sleep on the tops of hills/mountains to avoid the heat in the day.

– Wind and water can create sediment from rocks, and movement of one tectonic plate against another creates enormous heat and pressure which affects rocks greatly.

– Conventional power plants emit the heat created as a byproduct of electricity generation into the environment through cooling towers, as flue gas, or by other means.

How to use the word heat
How to use the word heat

Example sentences of “heat”:

Heat is usually measured with a calorimeter, where the energy in a material is allowed to flow into nearby water, which has a known specific heat capacity.

– Half of it is covered in heat protection tiles.

– A plant producing electricity, heat and cold is sometimes called regeneration or more generally: polygene ration plant.

– But the heat wave broke when the dying Hurricane Allen stopped the weather pattern.

– These effects are gravity and the heat in the air.

– The first law of thermodynamics says that the increase in internal energy is equal to the heat added minus the work done on the surroundings.

– They colonize pipes constricting flow, therefore reducing the intake in heat exchangers, condensers, fire fighting equipment, and air conditioning and cooling systems.

- Heat is usually measured with a calorimeter, where the energy in a material is allowed to flow into nearby water, which has a known specific heat capacity.

- Half of it is covered in heat protection tiles.

– Early packaged foods for the microwave often could not be cooked in a regular oven, because the heat would make the package catch fire or fall apart.

– Martian Martians emerged from the object and attacked using a heat ray during the next interruption, which was followed by a rapid series of news reports describing a devastating alien invasion taking place across the United States and the world.

– He became an in physics at the University of Palermo in 1880, when he was there he studied the transfer of heat and electricity in bismuth.

– Hence, based on this simple model it turns out that there is a direct proportionality between the heat flow and the temperature variations of the sample.

– Wool also absorbs moisture and insulates against heat and cold.

More in-sentence examples of “heat”:

– Calculation of the amount of heat or energy added to a material is a relatively easy process as long as the initial and the final temperatures of the material are recorded, the mass of the material is reported and the specific heat is known.

– Icicles are formed on days when the outdoor air temperature is sub freezing and heat from sunlight melts snow or ice on anything sloped.

– It is the radiation and heat from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic waves.

– When the heat makes them glow, they are known as meteors.

– A such wide range of temperature fluctuations in most parts of the state can lead to either cold or heat waves, both resulting in substantial loss of lifes and economy.

– When a substance changes at constant pressure, enthalpy tells how much heat and work was added or removed from the substance.

– In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer.

– In 2003, he debuted on an episode of WWE HeatSunday Night Heat in a match against Lance Storm who forced him to submit to the sharpshooter.

– It takes heat away and dissipates it, for example into the air around it.

Heat exhaustion is more serious than heat cramps.

– The most efficient, the combined cycle gas turbine burns natural-gas to heat air to nearly 1530 degrees Celsius, a large temperature difference of 1500 degrees Celsius, and so the efficiency can be very large when the steam-cooling cycle is added.

– The heat pump is set up so that the refrigerant gains heat from one place that will be cooled, and moves it to another place that will be warmed.

– Many sources of heat can be used to boil water for generators.

– It will produce energy in the form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied.

– The purpose of heat treating plain-carbon steel is to change the mechanical properties of steel, usually ductility, hardness, yield strength, and impact resistance.

– Some MOSFETs must be on a circuit board, which has a larger area to heat more air.

– The experiments included freezing and placing subjects under heat lamps.

– In 1953, the Miller–Urey experiment made inorganic compounds into organic compounds, such as amino acids, using heat and energy.

– These wells do not allow for physical contact between the water and the heat source.

– The material is made liquid by the heat inside the Earth’s mantle.

– If the cooling side is the outside of the building, and the warming side is the inside of the building, this is how a heat pump can heat a building during the winter.

– By using a lot of neutrons the nucleus of the atom would split, producing a lot of heat energy.

– The ozone layer also absorbs a lot of heat from the sun’s rays.

– Common metals need to be powdered, though, or they will conduct the heat away too fast to start a fire.

– The extreme heat can make you sweat which will irritate the dry spots.

– Under the outer container of the bain-marie is a heat source.

– An exact match between the heat and electricity needs rarely exists.

– In addition to that, when the protein solution is treated under constant heat rate and constant pressure, DSC can determine apparent heat capacities of the proteins.

– Nevada Solar One also uses a technology that collects extra heat by putting it into phase-changing molten salts.

– Different pigment patterns provide camouflage throughout the seasons, and alter heat retention as temperatures change.

– He used them for work on problems of heat flow.

– Unless some work is done, heat moves only from hot things to cold things.

– This causes the core of the star to heat up the plasma.

– Usually, engineers try to make resistors heat up as little as possible to not waste power, but in a heater, this “waste” is a good thing.

– They are covered in soil to protect from the heat and predators.

Heat conduction is the movement of heat from one object to another one that has different temperature when they are touching each other.

– He was poor, and lived alone in a large house in Torquay that he could not afford to heat properly.

– The heat is moved to the air outside.

– Some heat pumps use heat energy, supplied by a flame or an electric heater.

– Once the tea became cold, there is no more heat that can be spread.

– Due to inefficiencies such as friction, heat loss, and other factors, thermal efficiencies are typically much less than 100%.

– Metallic bonds causes many of the traits of metals, such as Strength of materialsstrength, luster, conduction of heat and electricity.

– This is in contrast to heat energy, which is carried into or out of the system in the form of transfers in the “microscopic” thermal motions of particles.

– This energy is called the latent heat of vaporisation.

– Again, this is because the silver is really good at drawing heat from the air and giving it to the ice cube.

- Calculation of the amount of heat or energy added to a material is a relatively easy process as long as the initial and the final temperatures of the material are recorded, the mass of the material is reported and the specific heat is known.

- Icicles are formed on days when the outdoor air temperature is sub freezing and heat from sunlight melts snow or ice on anything sloped.

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